The artifact hash prefix 5a0d is ambiguous and might mean any of the following:
5a0dc727ea3835d322e28f92333e42e7203b5925 -
- File externals/Eagle/lib/Eagle1.0/platform.eagle.asc — part of check-in [14521f22b8] at 2016-09-06 05:11:49 on branch trunk — Add a simple (Windows-only) package client 'deployment' tool. Update the package repository client to modify its auto-path correctly in the 'as deployed' directory configuration. Also, remove a superfluous file. (user: mistachkin, size: 871) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
5a0dd193f2dbc8b828d8952c9dd0c8eee8701441 -
- File client/1.0/pkgr.eagle — part of check-in [ff701ef80a] at 2016-08-19 19:59:55 on branch pkgdSelfUpdate — Fix some comments. (user: mistachkin, size: 53976) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]