The artifact hash prefix 8f54 is ambiguous and might mean any of the following:
8f540d02713f00dfb40b18a4f720659cbd06ac92 -
- File client/1.0/neutral/pkgr.settings.mistachkin.eagle.harpy.asc — part of check-in [eb184f409f] at 2017-02-08 03:42:46 on branch trunk — Pickup upstream changes (refactoring) for the procedures stolen from the 'getEagle.tcl' script file. (user: mistachkin, size: 871) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
8f5426cc8791febfad92ee70bc0c844ff9288677 -
- File eagle/1.0/data1.0/data.eagle.harpy — part of check-in [e201990856] at 2016-08-23 04:45:04 on branch trunk — Update all Harpy script certificates to use the official 'Class 0' root key pair. (user: mistachkin, size: 4051) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
- File eagle/1.0/neutral/data1.0/data.eagle.harpy — part of check-in [3f6a616e8a] at 2016-10-27 23:21:40 on branch trunk — Add initial support for platform-specific packages. (user: mistachkin, size: 4051) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
- File packages/eagle/1.0/neutral/data1.0/data.eagle.harpy — part of check-in [4a0a76829e] at 2017-07-21 21:55:54 on branch trunk — Move all the package files into the 'packages' sub-directory. (user: mistachkin, size: 4051) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]