The artifact hash prefix c0be is ambiguous and might mean any of the following:
c0be15c7c6c71415a4385d2cfa41cdd0c3efa3c2 -
- File client/pkgr.eagle — part of check-in [7960da64e8] at 2016-08-17 23:15:32 on branch trunk — Slight fix to 'after' cleanup handling. (user: mistachkin, size: 50048) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
c0befa6a3b7b2e46b9e4bd8e3dee6da5c3c8f379 -
- File client/1.0/pkgr.eagle.harpy.asc — part of check-in [fbe498f5f3] at 2016-09-17 00:02:11 on branch trunk — Make sure that the TLS protocol is always enabled when downloading via HTTPS. (user: mistachkin, size: 871) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]