# pkgr_upload.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Package Repository Client (Upload Tool)
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin. All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $
# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
# support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
# namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::PackageUploader {
# NOTE: This procedure is used to report errors that prevent this tool
# from running to completion (e.g. invalid command line arguments,
# etc). It may be used to report a specific error. It will always
# emit the command line usage information.
proc usage { {error ""} } {
if {[string length $error] > 0} then {puts stdout $error}
puts stdout "usage:\
[file tail [info nameofexecutable]]\
[file tail [info script]] \[apiKey\] \[name\] \[version\] \[language\]\
\[fileName1\] ... \[fileNameN\]"
exit 1
# NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
# parameters used by the package uploader client. The script
# argument is the fully qualified path and file name for the script
# being evaluated.
proc setupUploadVars { script } {
# NOTE: What is the fully qualified path to the directory containing the
# checkout for the package client?
variable checkoutDirectory
if {![info exists checkoutDirectory]} then {
set checkoutDirectory [file dirname $script]
# NOTE: The command to use when attempting to stage package files using
# Fossil.
variable fossilAddCommand; # DEFAULT fossil add {${fileName}}
if {![info exists fossilAddCommand]} then {
set fossilAddCommand {fossil add {${fileName}}}
# NOTE: The command to use when attempting to commit package files using
# Fossil.
variable fossilCommitCommand; # DEFAULT fossil commit ...
if {![info exists fossilCommitCommand]} then {
set fossilCommitCommand {fossil commit -m {${comment}}\
--branch {${branch}} --user anonymous --chdir \
{${checkoutDirectory}} --no-prompt}
# NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
# that Fossil committed a set of files.
variable fossilCommitPattern; # DEFAULT: {^New_Version: ([0-9a-f]{40})$}
if {![info exists fossilCommitPattern]} then {
set fossilCommitPattern {^New_Version: ([0-9a-f]{40})$}
# NOTE: This procedure returns a string value, formatted for use within a
# script block being processed by the [string map] command. The
# value argument is the string value to format. No return value is
# reserved to indicate an error. This procedure may not raise any
# script errors.
proc formatStringMapValue { value } {
if {[string length $value] == 0} then {
return \"\"
set list [list $value]
if {$value eq $list} then {
return $value
} else {
return $list
# NOTE: This procedure processes a list of qualified file names and tries
# to determine their common containing directory, if any. The
# fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
# process.
proc getContainingDirectory { fileNames } {
set result ""
set resultParts [list]
foreach fileName $fileNames {
set directory [file dirname $fileName]
set directoryParts [file split $directory]
if {[llength $resultParts] == 0 || \
[llength $directoryParts] < [llength $resultParts]} then {
set result $directory
set resultParts $directoryParts
} elseif {[llength $directoryParts] == [llength $resultParts] && \
$directory ne $result} then {
set result [file dirname $directory]
set resultParts [file split $result]
return $result
# NOTE: This procedure attempts to process a list of (fully?) qualified file
# names and return the corresponding list of relative file names. The
# fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
# process. This procedure may raise script errors.
proc getRelativeFileNames { fileNames } {
set directory [getContainingDirectory $fileNames]
set directoryParts [file split $directory]
set fileNameIndex [expr {[llength $directoryParts] - 1}]
if {$fileNameIndex < 0} then {
error [appendArgs \
"invalid containing directory \"" $directory \
"\": cannot go up one level"]
set relativeFileNames [list]
foreach fileName $fileNames {
set fileNameParts [lrange \
[file split $fileName] $fileNameIndex end]
if {$maximumLevels > 0 && \
[llength $fileNameParts] > $maximumLevels} then {
error [appendArgs \
"depth for file name \"" $fileName \
"\" exceeds maximum (" $maximumLevels )]
set relativeFileName [eval file join $fileNameParts]
if {[string length $relativeFileName] == 0 || \
[file pathtype $relativeFileName] ne "relative"} then {
error [appendArgs \
"bad file name \"" $relativeFileName "\", not relative"]
lappend relativeFileNames $relativeFileName
return $relativeFileNames
# NOTE: This procedure attempts to create a script chunk that appends the
# specified list of file names to a list variable. The fileNames
# argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to append to
# the list variable. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path
# depth allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise script
# errors.
proc getScriptChunkForFileNames { fileNames maximumLevels } {
set result ""
set relativeFileNames [getRelativeFileNames $fileNames]
foreach relativeFileName $relativeFileNames {
if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
append result \n
append result { lappend fileNames [file join }
append result [file split $relativeFileName]
append result \]
return $result
# NOTE: This procedure creates and returns a script block designed for use
# with the package repository server in order to download and provide
# a package consisting of a set of files. The language argument must
# be the literal string "eagle" or the literal string "tcl". The
# version argument must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5",
# or "8.6" when the language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0"
# when the language is "eagle". The platform argument must be an
# empty string -OR- one of the literal strings "neutral", "win32-arm",
# "win32-x86", "win64-arm64", "win64-ia64", or "win64-x64". The
# fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
# be downloaded when the associated package is being provided. The
# options argument is reserved for future use, it should be an empty
# list.
proc createRepositoryScript { language version platform fileNames options } {
::PackageDownloader::verifyLanguageAndVersion $language $version isClient
::PackageDownloader::verifyPlatform $platform platform
return [string trim [string map [list \r\n \n \
%language% [formatStringMapValue $language] \
%version% [formatStringMapValue $version] \
%platform% [formatStringMapValue $platform] \
%backslash% \\ %ns% ::PackageDownloader %fileNames% \
[getScriptChunkForFileNames \
$fileNames 2]] {
apply [list [list] {
package require Eagle.Package.Downloader
set fileNames [list]
set options [list %backslash%
-persistent false -usePgp true -useAutoPath true]
%ns%::downloadFiles %language% %version% %platform% $fileNames $options
# NOTE: This procedure attempts to stage the specified package files using
# Fossil. The fileNames argument is a list of (fully?) qualified
# local file names to stage.
proc stagePackageFiles { language version platform fileNames } {
variable checkoutDirectory
variable fossilAddCommand
set relativeFileNames [getRelativeFileNames $fileNames]
set savedPwd [pwd]; cd $checkoutDirectory
foreach fileName $fileNames relativeFileName $relativeFileNames {
file mkdir [file join \
$language $version $platform [file dirname $relativeFileName]]
file copy $fileName $relativeFileName
set fileName $relativeFileName
if {[isEagle]} then {
set fileName [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument $fileName]
if {[catch {
eval exec -success Success [subst $fossilAddCommand]
} error]} then {
cd $savedPwd
error [appendArgs \
"failed to stage file \"" $fileName "\": " $error]
} else {
if {[catch {
eval exec [subst $fossilAddCommand]
} error]} then {
cd $savedPwd
error [appendArgs \
"failed to stage file \"" $fileName "\": " $error]
cd $savedPwd
# NOTE: This procedure attempts to commit the staged package files to the
# remote package file repository using Fossil. The varName argument
# is the name of a scalar variable in the context of the immediate
# caller that will receive the resulting Fossil check-in identifier.
proc commitPackageFiles { varName } {
variable checkoutDirectory
variable fossilCommitCommand
variable fossilCommitPattern
set branch ""; # TODO: Figure out a good branch.
set comment ""; # TODO: Figure out a good comment.
if {[isEagle]} then {
if {[catch {
eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
[subst $fossilCommitCommand]
} result] == 0} then {
set result [appendArgs $output $error]
} else {
return false
} else {
if {[catch {
eval exec [subst $fossilCommitCommand]
} result]} then {
return false
if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
upvar 1 $varName checkin
if {![info exists result] || \
![regexp -line -- $fossilCommitPattern $result dummy checkin]} then {
return false
return true
# NOTE: Figure out the fully qualified path to the current script file.
# If necessary, add it to the auto-path for the interpreter. The
# necessary supporting packages (i.e. the Package Repository and
# other support packages) that are assumed to exist in the same
# directory as the current script file.
variable pkgr_path; # DEFAULT: <unset>
if {![info exists pkgr_path]} then {
set pkgr_path [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]
if {![info exists ::auto_path] || \
[lsearch -exact $::auto_path $pkgr_path] == -1} then {
lappend ::auto_path $pkgr_path
# NOTE: *TODO* Pre-create the namespace for the Package Repository Client
# package and then forcibly adjust various settings to the values
# necessary for this tool. In the future, this section may need to
# be tweaked to account for changes to the Package Repository Client
# package.
namespace eval ::PackageRepository {
variable verboseUriDownload true
# NOTE: This package requires both the package repository and downloader
# client packages.
package require Eagle.Package.Downloader
# NOTE: This package requires that support for namespaces, which is an
# optional feature of Eagle, must be enabled.
if {[isEagle] && ![namespace enable]} then {
error "namespaces must be enabled for this package"
# NOTE: Attempt to read optional settings file now. This may override
# one or more of the variable setup in the next step.
::PackageRepository::maybeReadSettingsFile [info script]
# NOTE: Setup the variables, within this namespace, used by this script.
setupUploadVars [info script]
# NOTE: Provide the package to the interpreter.
package provide Eagle.Package.Uploader \
[expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}]
# NOTE: Verify that the number of command line arguments meets the basic
# requirements of this tool.
if {[info exists ::argv] && [llength $::argv] >= 5} then {
# NOTE: All the necessary arguments were supplied on the command line,
# use batch mode.
} else {
# NOTE: One or more of the necessary arguments were not supplied on the
# command line, use interactive mode. This will create a graphical
# user interface, using Tk or WinForms. If any of the necessary
# arguments were supplied on the command line, they will be used to
# populate those fields on the graphical user interface.
if {[isEagle]} then {
} else {