# ex_winForms.tcl --
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin. All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $
package require Tk
package require Garuda
wm withdraw .
if {![info exists i]} then { set i 0 }; incr i
set toplevel [toplevel .example$i]
wm title $toplevel "Garuda Example (TkWindow #$i)"
wm geometry $toplevel 350x100
bind $toplevel <F2> {console show}
set script [string map [list %i% $i] {
# NOTE: This script can use any of the commands provided by
# Eagle (e.g. [object invoke] to invoke .NET Framework
# objects).
proc handleClickEvent { sender e } {
set title "About Garuda Example #%i%"
if {[tcl ready]} then {
msgBox [appendArgs "Tcl version is: " \
[tcl eval [tcl primary] info patchlevel] \n \
"Eagle version is: " [info engine patchlevel]] $title
} else {
msgBox "Tcl is not ready." $title
object load -import System.Windows.Forms
interp alias {} msgBox {} object invoke MessageBox Show
set form [object create -alias Form]
$form Width 350; $form Height 100
$form Text "Garuda Example (WinForm #%i%)"
$form Show
set button [object create -alias Button]
$button Left [expr {([$form ClientSize.Width] - [$button Width]) / 2}]
$button Top [expr {([$form ClientSize.Height] - [$button Height]) / 2}]
$button Text "Click Here"
$button add_Click handleClickEvent
$form Controls.Add $button
set button [button $toplevel.run -text "Click Here" \
-command [list eagle $script]]
pack $button -padx 20 -pady 20 -ipadx 10 -ipady 10