Artifact [36c6415c73]
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Artifact 36c6415c732efcd2ff1e262f7717d5a6d7edde23:

# pkgr.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Package Repository Client
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::PackageRepository {
  # NOTE: If there is an "Eagle1.0" sub-directory present right beneath where
  #       this script was evaluated from, add it to the auto-path; otherwise,
  #       we assume that we are running from inside the source tree.  In that
  #       case, modify the auto-path to include the "Eagle1.0" sub-directory
  #       within "externals".  Only native Tcl needs to be able to locate the
  #       packages from the sub-directory being added to the auto-path here
  #       because they were already shipped in the Eagle core script library
  #       (as of Beta 37).  The expression used for Eagle detection here was
  #       stolen from the Eagle core script library [isEagle] procedure.  If
  #       the necessary Eagle sub-packages are somehow already loaded, skip
  #       modifying the auto-path.
  variable pkgr_path; # DEFAULT: <unset>

  if {![info exists pkgr_path]} then {
    if {![info exists ::tcl_platform(engine)] || \
        [string compare -nocase eagle $::tcl_platform(engine)] != 0} then {
      # NOTE: Always save the fully qualified directory name containing this
      #       script file.
      set pkgr_path [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]

      # NOTE: Check for the necessary Eagle sub-packages that contain shared
      #       script code that we need.  If they are all already present, do
      #       nothing.
      if {[catch {
        package present Eagle.Platform
        package present Eagle.Auxiliary
        package present Eagle.File
      }]} then {
        # NOTE: Check for the "Eagle1.0" sub-directory right underneath our
        #       directory.  Fallback to going up three directory levels and
        #       looking in the "externals" sub-directory as that will be the
        #       location within source checkouts.
        if {[file isdirectory [file join $pkgr_path Eagle1.0]]} then {
          lappend ::auto_path [file join $pkgr_path Eagle1.0]
        } else {
          lappend ::auto_path [file join [file dirname [file dirname \
              [file dirname $pkgr_path]]] externals Eagle lib Eagle1.0]

  variable pkgr_harpy_path; # DEFAULT: <unset>

  if {![info exists pkgr_harpy_path]} then {
    set pkgr_harpy_path [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]

    if {![file isfile [file join $pkgr_harpy_path sign.eagle]]} then {
      set pkgr_harpy_path [file join [file dirname [file dirname \
          [file dirname $pkgr_harpy_path]]] externals Harpy Tools]

  # NOTE: This package requires several packages from the Eagle core script
  #       library, even when it is being used by native Tcl.  If necessary,
  #       prior to evaluating this file in native Tcl, its auto-path should
  #       be modified to include an "Eagle1.0" directory (i.e. a directory
  #       containing the Eagle core script library files "auxiliary.eagle",
  #       "file1.eagle", and "platform.eagle").
  package require Eagle.Platform
  package require Eagle.Auxiliary
  package require Eagle.File

  # NOTE: This block is intended to be evaluated successfully by native Tcl
  #       only.  It serves two purposes:
  #       1. Import the Eagle core script library procedures that are used
  #          by this package into the global namespace.
  #       2. Unset the "pkgr_path" (namespace) variable that was created by
  #          the auto-path adjustment script fragment (above).
  if {[info exists pkgr_path]} then {
    catch {
      ::Eagle::exportAndImportPackageCommands ::Eagle \
          [list addToPath appendArgs getDictionaryValue \
          isEagle isWindows readFile writeFile] false false

    # NOTE: Manually load package containing some common procedures that
    #       are needed by this package.
    source [file join $pkgr_path common.tcl]

    # NOTE: Unset the "pkgr_path" variable as it will no longer be needed
    #       after this point.
    unset -nocomplain pkgr_path

    # NOTE: Attempt to import the procedures exposed by the common tools
    #       package.
    namespace import ::Eagle::Tools::Common::getFileViaHttp
  # NOTE: This procedure is used to provide a TIP #194 compatible [apply]
  #       command to the native Tcl 8.4 interpreter.  Eagle and native Tcl
  #       8.5 (or higher) have this command built-in.  The lambdaExpr
  #       argument must be a list with two or three elements.  The first
  #       element is the list of arguments to the procedure.  The second
  #       element is the body of the procedure.  The third element is the
  #       target namespace for the procedure.  If the third element is not
  #       specified, the global namespace is used.  Any remaining arguments
  #       are passed to the procedure verbatim.
  if {[llength [info commands ::apply]] == 0} then {
    proc ::apply { lambdaExpr args } {
      set length [llength $lambdaExpr]

      if {$length < 2 || $length > 3} {
        error [appendArgs \
            "can't interpret \"" $lambdaExpr "\" as a lambda expression"]

      foreach {procArgs procBody procNamespace} $lambdaExpr {break}

      set procNameSuffix [::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix 2]
      set procName [appendArgs :: $procNamespace ::lambda_ $procNameSuffix]
      set procPreBody {rename [lindex [info level 0] 0] "";}

      proc $procName $procArgs [appendArgs $procPreBody $procBody]

      return [uplevel 1 [list $procName] $args]
  # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all URN configuration
  #       parameters used by the package repository client.  If the force
  #       argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and
  #       set back to their default values.
  proc setupRepositoryServerVars { force } {
    # NOTE: The URN, relative to the base URI, where the package repository
    #       server may be contacted to lookup packages.
    variable lookupUrn; # DEFAULT: pkgr_lookup

    if {$force || ![info exists lookupUrn]} then {
      set lookupUrn pkgr_lookup

    # NOTE: The URN, relative to the base URI, where the package repository
    #       server may be contacted to submit packages.
    variable submitUrn; # DEFAULT: pkgr_submit

    if {$force || ![info exists submitUrn]} then {
      set submitUrn pkgr_submit
  # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all URI configuration
  #       parameters used by the package repository client.  If the force
  #       argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and
  #       set back to their default values.
  proc setupRepositoryUriVars { force } {
    # NOTE: The base URI used to build the URIs for the package file server.
    variable baseUri; # DEFAULT:

    if {$force || ![info exists baseUri]} then {
      set baseUri

    # NOTE: The URI where the package repository server may be contacted to
    #       lookup packages.
    variable lookupUri; # DEFAULT: ${baseUri}/${lookupUrn}

    if {$force || ![info exists lookupUri]} then {
      set lookupUri {${baseUri}/${lookupUrn}}

    # NOTE: The URI where the package repository server may be contacted to
    #       submit packages.
    variable submitUri; # DEFAULT: ${baseUri}/${submitUrn}

    if {$force || ![info exists submitUri]} then {
      set submitUri {${baseUri}/${submitUrn}}
  # NOTE: This procedure returns a string argument value, which may contain
  #       spaces, for use with the [exec] command.  The value argument is
  #       the string value to format as an [exec] argument.
  # <internal>
  proc formatExecArgument { value } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [appendArgs \" $value \"]
    } else {
      return $value
  # NOTE: This procedure returns a formatted, possibly version-specific,
  #       package name, for use in logging.  The package argument is the
  #       name of the package.  The version argument is the version of the
  #       package.
  proc formatPackageName { package version } {
    return [string trim [appendArgs $package " " $version]]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns a formatted script result.  If the string
  #       result is empty, only the return code is used.  The code argument
  #       must be an integer Tcl return code (e.g. from [catch]) and the
  #       result argument is the script result or error message.
  proc formatResult { code result } {
    switch -exact -- $code {
      0 {set codeString ok}
      1 {set codeString error}
      2 {set codeString return}
      3 {set codeString break}
      4 {set codeString continue}
      default {set codeString [appendArgs unknown( $code )]}

    if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
      return [appendArgs \
          "code " $codeString ", result " [list $result]]
    } else {
      return $codeString
  # NOTE: This procedure emits a message to the package repository client
  #       log.  The string argument is the content of the message to emit.
  proc pkgLog { string } {
    catch {
      tclLog [appendArgs [pid] " : " [clock seconds] " : pkgr : " $string]
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to determine if a string is a valid list
  #       and returns non-zero when that is true.  The value argument is
  #       the string to check.
  proc stringIsList { value } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [string is list $value]
    } else {
      global tcl_version

      if {[info exists tcl_version] && $tcl_version >= 8.5} then {
        return [string is list $value]
      } elseif {[catch {llength $value}] == 0} then {
        return true
      } else {
        return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified string value
  #       looks like a Harpy (script) certificate.  The value argument is
  #       the string to check.  The value 14 used within this procedure is
  #       the length of the literal string "</Certificate>".
  # <public>
  proc isHarpyCertificate { value } {
    set value [string trim $value]
    set length [string length $value]

    if {$length == 0 || ([string first [string trim {
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    }] $value] == 0 && [string first [string trim {
      <Certificate xmlns=""
    }] $value] != -1 && [string first [string trim {
    }] $value] == ($length - 14))} then {
      return true
    } else {
      return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified string value
  #       looks like an OpenPGP signature.  The value argument is the string
  #       to check.  The value 27 used within this procedure is the length
  #       of the literal string "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----".
  # <public>
  proc isOpenPgpSignature { value } {
    set value [string trim $value]
    set length [string length $value]

    if {$length == 0 || ([string first [string trim {
      -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
    }] $value] == 0 && [string first [string trim {
      -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    }] $value] == ($length - 27))} then {
      return true
    } else {
      return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the fully qualified name of the directory
  #       where temporary files should be written.  The envVarName argument
  #       is an optional extra environment variable to check (first).
  # <public>
  proc getFileTempDirectory { {envVarName ""} } {
    global env

    if {[string length $envVarName] > 0 && \
        [info exists env($envVarName)]} then {
      return $env($envVarName)
    } elseif {[info exists env(TEMP)]} then {
      return $env(TEMP)
    } elseif {[info exists env(TMP)]} then {
      return $env(TMP)
    } else {
      if {[string length $envVarName] > 0} then {
        set defEnvVarName $envVarName
      } elseif {[isWindows]} then {
        set defEnvVarName TEMP
      } else {
        set defEnvVarName TMP

      error [appendArgs \
          "please set the \"" $defEnvVarName \
          "\" environment variable to the path of a temporary directory"]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns a unique temporary file name.  A script
  #       error is raised if this task cannot be accomplished.  There are
  #       no arguments.
  proc getFileTempName {} {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [file tempname]
    } else {
      set directory [getFileTempDirectory PKGR_TEMP]
      set counter [expr {[pid] ^ int(rand() * 0xFFFF)}]

      while {1} {
        set fileNameOnly [format tcl%04X.tmp $counter]
        set fileName [file join $directory $fileNameOnly]

        if {![file exists $fileName]} then {
          return $fileName

        incr counter
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to check for an OpenPGP installation being
  #       installed at the default location.  There are no arguments.  If the
  #       OpenPGP installation is detected and is not yet present in the PATH,
  #       an attempt will be made to add it.  Non-zero will be returned if the
  #       OpenPGP installation directory was successfully detected and added
  #       to the PATH -OR- detecting and adding it was not necessary because
  #       it already appeared to be available for use.
  # <internal>
  proc probeForOpenPgpInstallation {} {
    global env
    variable openPgpFileNamesOnly
    variable openPgpInstalledDirectories

    if {[catch {openPgpMustBeInstalled}] == 0} then {
      return true

    if {![info exists openPgpFileNamesOnly]} then {
      return false

    if {![info exists openPgpInstalledDirectories]} then {
      return false

    if {[isWindows]} then {
      if {[info exists env(ProgramFiles(x86))]} then {
        set programFiles $env(ProgramFiles\(x86\))
      } elseif {[info exists env(ProgramFiles)]} then {
        set programFiles $env(ProgramFiles)
      } else {
        return false

    foreach directory $openPgpInstalledDirectories {
      if {[isWindows]} then {
        set subDirectory [file join $programFiles $directory]
      } else {
        set subDirectory $directory

      if {[file isdirectory $subDirectory]} then {
        foreach fileNameOnly $openPgpFileNamesOnly {
          set fileName [file join $subDirectory $fileNameOnly]

          if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
            pkgLog [appendArgs \
                "the OpenPGP directory is being initialized to \"" \
                $subDirectory "\" based on OpenPGP file name \"" \
                $fileNameOnly \"]

            return [addToPath $subDirectory]

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that a configured implementation
  #       of OpenPGP is installed locally.  There are no arguments.  Script
  #       errors are raised if any problems are found.  The return value is
  #       undefined.
  # <public>
  proc openPgpMustBeInstalled {} {
    variable openPgpFileNameOnly
    variable openPgpFileNamesOnly
    variable openPgpInstalledCommand
    variable openPgpInstalledPattern

    set message {
      Cannot use OpenPGP: it does not appear to be installed.

      GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) may be downloaded from ""
      and then installed.  Signed binaries for Windows may be available from

      Alternatively, it may be possible to install GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) via
      the package management subsystem included with your operating system.

    set found false

    foreach fileNameOnly $openPgpFileNamesOnly {
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        if {[catch {
          eval exec -success Success [subst $openPgpInstalledCommand]
        } result] == 0} then {
          set found true; break
      } else {
        if {[catch {
          eval exec [subst $openPgpInstalledCommand]
        } result] == 0} then {
          set found true; break

    if {$found} then {
      # NOTE: Was this procedure already run -AND- did it actually find a
      #       viable OpenPGP file name?
      if {[info exists openPgpFileNameOnly]} then {
        # NOTE: If the OpenPGP file name that we found before (?) does not
        #       match what we already have, issue a log message.
        if {$fileNameOnly ne $openPgpFileNameOnly} then {
          pkgLog [appendArgs \
              "the OpenPGP file name is being changed from \"" \
              $openPgpFileNameOnly "\" to \"" $fileNameOnly \"]

          set openPgpFileNameOnly $fileNameOnly
      } else {
        # NOTE: Configure the OpenPGP file name to the one that was just
        #       found.
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "the OpenPGP file name is being initialized to \"" \
            $fileNameOnly \"]

        set openPgpFileNameOnly $fileNameOnly
    } else {
      # NOTE: If no viable OpenPGP file name was found, raise the error
      #       message.
      error $message

    if {![info exists result] || \
        ![regexp -- $openPgpInstalledPattern $result]} then {
      error "cannot use OpenPGP: unknown or unsupported version"

    return ""
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify the OpenPGP signature contained
  #       in the specified (named) file.  Non-zero is only returned if the
  #       OpenPGP signature is verified successfully.  A script error should
  #       not be raised by this procedure.  The fileName argument must be
  #       the fully qualified path and file name of the OpenPGP signature
  #       file to verify.
  # <public>
  proc verifyOpenPgpSignature { fileName } {
    variable openPgpFileNameOnly
    variable openPgpVerifyCommand

    if {![info exists openPgpFileNameOnly]} then {
      return false

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set fileName [formatExecArgument $fileName]

      if {[catch {
        eval exec -success Success [subst $openPgpVerifyCommand]
      }] == 0} then {
        return true
    } else {
      if {[catch {
        eval exec [subst $openPgpVerifyCommand] 2>@1
      }] == 0} then {
        return true

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the name of the file containing the OpenPGP
  #       passphrase.  This procedure is only used when creating an OpenPGP
  #       signature.  There are no arguments.
  proc getOpenPgpPassphraseFile {} {
    global env

    if {[info exists env(GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE)]} then {
      set fileName [file normalize $env(GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE)]

      if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
        return $fileName
      } else {
        error "cannot sign with OpenPGP: passphrase file does not exist"
    } else {
      error "cannot sign with OpenPGP: passphrase file is not configured"
  # NOTE: This procedure returns a list of the same size as the list argument
  #       value.  Each element will have one pair of surrounding double quote
  #       characters removed -IF- they are the first and last non-whitespace
  #       character of that element.  A script error should not be raised by
  #       this procedure.
  proc dequoteList { list } {
    set result [list]

    foreach element $list {
      set trimElement [string trim $element]
      set trimLength [string length $trimElement]

      if {$trimLength >= 2 && \
          [string index $trimElement 0] eq "\"" && \
          [string index $trimElement end] eq "\""} then {
        lappend result [string range $trimElement 1 end-1]
      } else {
        lappend result $element; # verbatim

    return $result
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to create a Harpy (script) certificate for
  #       the specified (named) file.  Non-zero is only returned if the Harpy
  #       (script) certificate is created successfully.  A script error should
  #       not be raised by this procedure.  The fileName argument must be the
  #       fully qualified path and file name of the file to be signed.  This
  #       procedure assumes that the Harpy package for Eagle is installed and
  #       ready for use (i.e. it can find a valid license certificate).
  # <internal>
  proc createHarpyCertificate { fileName } {
    global env
    variable harpySignCommand
    variable pkgr_harpy_path

    set toolFileName \
        [file nativename [file join $pkgr_harpy_path sign.eagle]]

    set scriptFileName [file nativename $fileName]

    if {[info exists env(PKGR_VENDOR)]} then {
      set vendor $env(PKGR_VENDOR); # NOTE: Configured default.
    } else {
      set vendor "Mistachkin Systems"; # NOTE: System default.

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set runtimeCommandLine [getRuntimeCommandLine [getShellExecutableName]]
      set toolFileName [formatExecArgument $toolFileName]
      set scriptFileName [formatExecArgument $scriptFileName]
      set vendor [formatExecArgument $vendor]

      if {[set code [catch {
        eval exec -success Success [subst $harpySignCommand]
      } error]] == 0} then {
        return true
      } else {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "Harpy certificate was not created (from Eagle): " \
            [formatResult $code $error]]
    } else {
      # HACK: Make sure that Eagle is loaded into this process so that we
      #       can figure out the shell for it and then [exec] out to that
      #       shell.

      set runtimeCommandLine [dequoteList [eagle {
        apply [list [list] {
          set directory [file dirname [lindex [info assembly] end]]

          foreach fileNameOnly [list EagleShell.dll EagleShell.exe] {
            set fileName [file join $directory $fileNameOnly]

            if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
              return [getRuntimeCommandLine $fileName]

      if {[set code [catch {
        eval exec [subst $harpySignCommand] 2>@1
      } error]] == 0} then {
        return true
      } else {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "Harpy certificate was not created (from Tcl): " \
            [formatResult $code $error]]

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to create an OpenPGP signature for the
  #       specified (named) file.  Non-zero is only returned if the OpenPGP
  #       signature is created successfully.  A script error should not be
  #       raised by this procedure.  The fileName argument must be the fully
  #       qualified path and file name of the file to be signed.
  # <public>
  proc createOpenPgpSignature { fileName } {
    global env
    variable openPgpFileNameOnly
    variable openPgpSignCommand

    if {![info exists openPgpFileNameOnly]} then {
      return false

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set fileName [formatExecArgument $fileName]

      if {[catch {
        eval exec -success Success [subst $openPgpSignCommand]
      }] == 0} then {
        return true
    } else {
      if {[catch {
        eval exec [subst $openPgpSignCommand] 2>@1
      }] == 0} then {
        return true

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to import the OpenPGP keys contained in
  #       the specified (named) file.  Non-zero is only returned if the
  #       OpenPGP keys are imported successfully.  A script error should
  #       not be raised by this procedure.  The fileName argument must be
  #       the fully qualified path and file name of the OpenPGP key file
  #       to import.  This procedure is only intended to be used from the
  #       "pkgr_setup.eagle" tool script and may go away in later versions
  #       of this package.
  # <internal>
  proc importOpenPgpKeyFile { fileName varName } {
    variable openPgpFileNameOnly
    variable openPgpImportCommand
    variable openPgpImportPattern

    if {![info exists openPgpFileNameOnly]} then {
      return false

    if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
      upvar 1 $varName result

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set fileName [formatExecArgument $fileName]

      if {[catch {
        eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
            [subst $openPgpImportCommand]
      } result] == 0} then {
        set result [appendArgs $output $error]
      } else {
        return false
    } else {
      if {[catch {
        eval exec [subst $openPgpImportCommand] 2>@1
      } result]} then {
        return false

    if {![info exists result] || \
        ![regexp -line -- $openPgpImportPattern $result]} then {
      return false

    return true
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the prefix for fully qualified variable
  #       names that MAY be present in the global namespace.  There are
  #       no arguments.
  proc getLookupVarNamePrefix {} {
    return ::pkgr_; # TODO: Make non-global?
  # NOTE: This procedure returns a name suffix (directory, variable, etc)
  #       that is unique to the running process at the current point in
  #       time.  It is used (internally) to avoid name collisions with any
  #       preexisting variables or commands that may be present in the
  #       global namespace.  The paranoia argument represents the relative
  #       level of paranoia required by the caller; the higher this level,
  #       the more uniqueness is required.
  # <public>
  proc getUniqueSuffix { {paranoia 1} } {
    set result [string trim [pid] -]

    if {$paranoia > 0} then {
      append result _ [string trim [clock seconds] -]

    if {$paranoia > 1} then {
      append result _ [string trim \
          [clock clicks -milliseconds] -]; # TODO: Bad?

    return $result
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the list of API keys to use when looking
  #       up packages via the package repository server.  An empty list
  #       is returned if no API keys are currently configured.  The prefix
  #       argument is an extra variable name prefix to check prior to any
  #       that are already configured.  The prefixOnly argument should be
  #       non-zero to exclude any API keys other than those based on the
  #       prefix specified by the caller.
  # <internal>
  proc getApiKeys { {prefix ""} {prefixOnly false} } {
    global env
    variable autoApiKeys

    # NOTE: If the caller specified a variable name prefix, try to use it
    #       first.
    set prefixes [list]

    if {[string length $prefix] > 0} then {
      lappend prefixes $prefix

    # NOTE: Next, fallback to the variable name prefix for this package,
    #       unless the caller has forbidden us to do so.
    if {!$prefixOnly} then {
      lappend prefixes [getLookupVarNamePrefix]

    # NOTE: Try each variable name prefix, in order, until a set of API
    #       keys is found.
    foreach prefix $prefixes {
      # NOTE: If an empty prefix is seen, force it to use the "api_keys"
      #       variable from the global namespace.
      if {[string length $prefix] == 0} then {
        set prefix ::; # TODO: Make non-global?

      # NOTE: Check for the variable, in whatever namespace it resides,
      #       and return its value verbatim if it exists.
      set varName [appendArgs $prefix api_keys]

      if {[info exists $varName]} then {
        return [set $varName]

      # NOTE: Fallback to using an environment variable with the same
      #       base name and returns its value verbatim if it exists.
      set varName [string map [list : ""] $varName]

      if {[info exists env($varName)]} then {
        return $env($varName)

    # NOTE: If there is a default list of API keys, just return it,
    #       unless the caller has forbidden us to do so.
    if {!$prefixOnly && \
        [info exists autoApiKeys] && [llength $autoApiKeys] > 0} then {
      return $autoApiKeys

    # NOTE: Otherwise, return the system default, which is "anonymous"
    #       packages only (i.e. those without any owners).
    return [list]
  # NOTE: This procedure verifies the language specified by the caller.  The
  #       language argument must be an empty string -OR- the literal string
  #       "Eagle" or "Tcl".  This procedure may raise script errors.
  # <internal>
  proc verifyMetadataLanguage { language } {
    if {[lsearch -exact [list "" Tcl Eagle] $language] == -1} then {
      error "unsupported metadata language"
  # NOTE: This procedure verifies that the specified value is indeed a valid
  #       server identifier.  The serverId argument is the value to verify.
  #       This procedure may raise script errors.
  # <internal>
  proc verifyServerId { serverId } {
    if {[string length $serverId] > 0 && \
        ![regexp -nocase -- {^[A-Z][0-9A-Z]*$} $serverId]} then {
      error "server Id must be alphanumeric and start with a letter"
  # NOTE: This procedure modifies the URN variables used by the package
  #       repository client so that one or more alternative (private?)
  #       backend repository servers may be used.  The serverId argument
  #       must consist only of alphanumeric characters and it must begin
  #       with a letter.
  # <public>
  proc useServerId { {serverId ""} } {
    variable lookupUrn
    variable submitUrn

    verifyServerId $serverId

    if {[string length $serverId] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the URN variables to values that should cause the
      #       specified server Id to be used (assume the server Id
      #       itself is valid and active).
      set lookupUrn [appendArgs pkgr_lookup_ $serverId]
      set submitUrn [appendArgs pkgr_submit_ $serverId]
    } else {
      # NOTE: Forcibly reset URN variables to their default values.
      setupRepositoryServerVars true
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the base URI for the package repository
  #       server endpoint that is used to lookup packages.  There are no
  #       arguments.
  proc getLookupBaseUri {} {
    global env
    variable baseUri
    variable lookupUri
    variable lookupUrn

    set varName [appendArgs [getLookupVarNamePrefix] lookup_base_uri]

    if {[info exists $varName]} then {
      return [set $varName]

    set varName [string map [list : ""] $varName]

    if {[info exists env($varName)]} then {
      return $env($varName)

    return [subst $lookupUri]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the base URI for the package repository
  #       server endpoint that is used to submit packages.  There are no
  #       arguments.
  # <internal>
  proc getSubmitBaseUri {} {
    global env
    variable baseUri
    variable submitUri
    variable submitUrn

    set varName [appendArgs [getLookupVarNamePrefix] submit_base_uri]

    if {[info exists $varName]} then {
      return [set $varName]

    set varName [string map [list : ""] $varName]

    if {[info exists env($varName)]} then {
      return $env($varName)

    return [subst $submitUri]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the full URI to use when looking up a
  #       specific package via the package repository server.  The apiKeys
  #       argument is the list of API keys to use -OR- an empty list if a
  #       public package is being looked up.  The package argument is the
  #       name of the package being looked up, it cannot be an empty
  #       string.  The version argument is the specific version being
  #       looked up -OR- an empty string for any available version.  There
  #       are no HTTP requests issued by this procedure; it simply returns
  #       the URI to use.
  proc getLookupUri { apiKeys package version } {
    # NOTE: Fetch the base URI for the package repository server.  If it
    #       is not available for some reason, just return an empty string
    #       to the caller (i.e. as we cannot do anything productive).
    set baseUri [getLookupBaseUri]

    if {[string length $baseUri] == 0} then {
      return ""

    # NOTE: Build the HTTP request URI using the specified query parameter
    #       values, escaping them as necessary.  Also, include the standard
    #       query parameters with constant values for this request type.
    set anonymousApiKey ""

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {[llength $apiKeys] > 0} then {
        return [appendArgs \
            $baseUri ?raw=1&method=lookup&apiKeys= [uri escape data \
            [join $apiKeys ,]] &package= [uri escape data $package] \
            &version= [uri escape data $version]]
      } else {
        return [appendArgs \
            $baseUri ?raw=1&method=lookup&apiKey= [uri escape data \
            $anonymousApiKey] &package= [uri escape data $package] \
            &version= [uri escape data $version]]
    } else {
      package require http 2.0

      if {[llength $apiKeys] > 0} then {
        return [appendArgs \
            $baseUri ? [::http::formatQuery raw 1 method lookup \
            apiKeys [join $apiKeys ,] package $package version \
      } else {
        return [appendArgs \
            $baseUri ? [::http::formatQuery raw 1 method lookup \
            apiKey $anonymousApiKey package $package version \
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the version of the package that should be
  #       used to lookup the associated [package ifneeded] script -OR- an
  #       empty string if no such version exists.  The package argument is
  #       the name of the package, it cannot be an empty string.  The
  #       version argument is the specific version being looked up -OR- an
  #       empty string for any available version.
  proc getIfNeededVersion { package version } {
    if {[string length $version] > 0} then {
      return $version

    return [lindex [package versions $package] 0]
  # NOTE: This procedure accepts a package requirement (spec) and returns
  #       a simple package version, if possible.  An empty string will be
  #       returned, if appropriate (i.e. any version should be allowed).
  #       The requirement argument must be a package specification that
  #       conforms to TIP #268.
  proc packageRequirementToVersion { requirement } {
    set result $requirement

    if {[set index [string first - $result]] != -1} then {
      incr index -1; set result [string range $result 0 $index]

    if {[set index [string first a $result]] != -1 || \
        [set index [string first b $result]] != -1} then {
      incr index -1; set result [string range $result 0 $index]

    if {$result eq "0"} then {
      set result ""
    } elseif {[regexp -- {^\d+$} $result]} then {
      append result .0

    return $result
  # NOTE: This procedure issues an HTTP request that should return metadata
  #       that can be used to load and/or provide the specified package.
  #       The apiKeys argument is the list of API keys to use -OR- an empty
  #       list if a public package is being looked up.  The package argument
  #       is the name of the package, it cannot be an empty string.  The
  #       version argument is the specific version being looked up -OR- an
  #       empty string for any available version.  This procedure may raise
  #       script errors.  All line-endings are normalized to Unix-style;
  #       therefore, all script signatures must assume this.
  proc getLookupData { apiKeys package version } {
    variable verboseUriDownload

    set uri [getLookupUri $apiKeys $package $version]

    if {[string length $uri] == 0} then {
      return ""

    if {$verboseUriDownload} then {
      pkgLog [appendArgs \
          "attempting to download URI \"" $uri \"...]

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set data [uri download -timeouttype network -inline $uri]
    } else {
      set data [getFileViaHttp \
          $uri 20 stdout [expr {!$verboseUriDownload}] -binary true]

    if {$verboseUriDownload} then {
      pkgLog [appendArgs \
          "raw response data is: " $data]

    set data [string map [list &lt\; < &gt\; > &quot\; \" &amp\; &] $data]
    set data [string map [list \r\n \n \r \n] $data]
    set data [string trim $data]

    return $data
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to extract the lookup code from the raw
  #       HTTP response data.  The data argument is the raw HTTP response
  #       data.  An empty string is returned if no lookup code is available.
  # <internal>
  proc getResponseCodeFromRawData { data } {
    if {![stringIsList $data] || [llength $data] < 1} then {
      return ""

    return [lindex $data 0]
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to extract the lookup result from the raw
  #       HTTP response data.  The data argument is the raw HTTP response
  #       data.  An empty string is returned if no lookup result is available.
  # <internal>
  proc getResponseResultFromRawData { data } {
    if {![stringIsList $data] || [llength $data] < 2} then {
      return ""

    return [lindex $data 1]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified lookup response
  #       code indicates success.  The code argument is the extracted HTTP
  #       lookup response code.
  # <internal>
  proc isResponseCodeOk { code } {
    # NOTE: The code must be the literal string "OK" for the package lookup
    #       request to be considered successful.
    return [expr {$code eq "OK"}]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified string value is a
  #       valid package name.  The emptyOk argument can be non-zero if the
  #       caller wishes to permit an empty string.  This procedure is shared
  #       with the server.
  proc isValidPackageName { name {emptyOk false} } {
    if {$emptyOk && [string length $name] == 0} then {
      return true

    return [regexp -- {^[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z\.]*$} $name]
  # NOTE: This procedure was stolen from the "common.tcl" script used by the
  #       package repository server.  It has been modified to support both
  #       native Tcl and Eagle.  It should be noted here that TIP #268 syntax
  #       is not supported by Eagle.  For native Tcl, the requirement argument
  #       must be a package version or requirement conforming to the TIP #268
  #       syntax.  For Eagle, the requirement argument must be a simple dotted
  #       package version, with up to four components, without any 'a' or 'b'.
  #       The emptyOk argument should be non-zero if an empty string should be
  #       considered to be valid by the caller.  The rangeOk argument should
  #       be non-zero if the version range syntax is allowed; this argument is
  #       ignored for Eagle because it requires TIP #268 support.
  proc isValidPackageRequirement { requirement rangeOk {emptyOk false} } {
    if {$emptyOk && [string length $requirement] == 0} then {
      return true

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # NOTE: Eagle does not support TIP #268.  Use the built-in sub-command
      #       that checks a version number.
      return [string is version -strict $requirement]
    } else {
      # HACK: If a version range is not allowed, make sure that the dash
      #       character is not present.
      if {!$rangeOk && [string first - $requirement] != -1} then {
        return false

      # HACK: There is no direct way to check if a package requirement
      #       that uses the TIP #268 syntax is valid; however, we can
      #       purposely "misuse" the [package present] command for this
      #       purpose.  We know the "Tcl" package is always present;
      #       therefore, if an error is raised here, then the package
      #       requirement is probably invalid.  Unfortunately, the error
      #       message text has to be checked as well; otherwise, there
      #       is no way to verify version numbers that happen to be less
      #       than the running patch level of Tcl.
      if {[catch {package present Tcl $requirement} error] == 0} then {
        return true
      } else {
        # TODO: Maybe this will require updates in the future?
        set pattern(1) "expected version number but got *"
        set pattern(2) "expected versionMin-versionMax but got *"

        if {![string match $pattern(1) $error] && \
            ![string match $pattern(2) $error]} then {
          return true
        } else {
          return false
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to extract the package lookup metadata from
  #       the lookup result.  The result argument is the lookup result.  The
  #       varName argument is the name of an array variable, in the call frame
  #       of the immediate caller, that should receive the extracted package
  #       lookup metadata.  The caller argument must be an empty string -OR-
  #       the literal string "handler".
  proc extractAndVerifyLookupMetadata { result varName caller } {
    variable strictUnknownLanguage

    # NOTE: Grab the returned package name.  It cannot be an empty string
    #       and it must conform to the general conventions for a package
    #       name.
    set name [getDictionaryValue $result Name]

    if {[string length $name] == 0} then {
      error "missing name"

    if {![isValidPackageName $name false]} then {
      error "bad name"

    # NOTE: Grab the returned patch level.  It cannot be an empty string
    #       and it must conform to the TIP #268 requirements for a single
    #       package version.
    set patchLevel [getDictionaryValue $result PatchLevel]

    if {[string length $patchLevel] == 0} then {
      error "missing patch level"

    if {![isValidPackageRequirement $patchLevel false]} then {
      error "bad patch level"

    # NOTE: Grab the language for the package script.  It must be an empty
    #       string, "Tcl", or "Eagle".  If it is an empty string, then the
    #       current language will be assumed (but not by this procedure).
    set language [getDictionaryValue $result Language]

    verifyMetadataLanguage $language

    # NOTE: Grab the package script.  If it is an empty string, then the
    #       package cannot be loaded and there is nothing to do.  In that
    #       case, just raise an error.
    set script [getDictionaryValue $result Script]

    if {[string length $script] == 0} then {
      error "missing script"

    # NOTE: Grab the package script certificate.  If it is an empty string
    #       then the package script is unsigned, which is not allowed by
    #       this client.  In that case, just raise an error.
    set certificate [getDictionaryValue $result Certificate]

    if {[string length $certificate] == 0} then {
      error "missing certificate"

    # NOTE: Are we being called from the [package unknown] handler
    #       in "strict" mode?
    if {$strictUnknownLanguage && $caller eq "handler"} then {
      # NOTE: If so, the package script must be targeted at the this
      #       language; otherwise, there exists the possibility that
      #       the package may not be provided to this language.
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        if {$language ne "Eagle"} then {
          error "repository package is not for Eagle"
      } else {
        if {$language ne "Tcl"} then {
          error "repository package is not for Tcl"

    # NOTE: If the caller wants the package lookup metadata, use their
    #       array variable name.
    if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
      upvar 1 $varName metadata

      set metadata(name) $name
      set metadata(patchLevel) $patchLevel
      set metadata(language) $language
      set metadata(script) $script
      set metadata(certificate) $certificate
  # NOTE: This procedure, which may only be used from an Eagle script, checks
  #       if a native Tcl library is loaded and ready.  If not, a script error
  #       is raised.  There are no arguments.
  proc tclMustBeReady {} {
    # NOTE: This procedure is useless when running in native Tcl; therefore,
    #       forbid its use there.
    if {![isEagle]} then {
      error "already running in Tcl language"

    # NOTE: This procedure is not allowed to actually load a native Tcl
    #       library; therefore, one must already be loaded.
    if {![tcl ready]} then {
      error "cannot use Tcl language, supporting library is not loaded"
  # NOTE: This procedure is designed for Eagle.  It attempts to load the
  #       "best" native Tcl library.  It may raise any number of script
  #       errors.  There are no arguments.
  # <internal>
  proc makeTclReady {} {
    # NOTE: This procedure is useless when running in native Tcl; therefore,
    #       forbid its use there.
    if {![isEagle]} then {
      error "already running in Tcl language"

    # NOTE: Load a native Tcl library.  It absolutely must be signed with a
    #       valid Authenticode signature.  Other than that, it should also
    #       be easily loadable.
    tcl load -maybetrustedonly -bridge -robustify

    # NOTE: Verify that the native Tcl library appears to have beed loaded
    #       into this interpreter.
  # NOTE: This procedure, which may only be used from a native Tcl script,
  #       checks if Garuda and Eagle are loaded and ready.  If not, a script
  #       error is raised.  There are no arguments.
  # <internal>
  proc eagleMustBeReady {} {
    # NOTE: This procedure is useless when running in Eagle; therefore,
    #       forbid its use there.
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      error "already running in Eagle language"

    # NOTE: This procedure is not allowed to actually load Garuda (and
    #       Eagle); therefore, they must already be loaded.
    if {[llength [info commands eagle]] == 0} then {
      error "cannot use Eagle language, supporting package is not loaded"
  # NOTE: This procedure is designed for native Tcl.  It attempts to load
  #       the Garuda package and gain access to Eagle.  It may raise any
  #       number of script errors.  There are no arguments.
  # <internal>
  proc makeEagleReady {} {
    # NOTE: This procedure is useless when running in Eagle; therefore,
    #       forbid its use there.
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      error "already running in Eagle language"

    # TODO: Assume the Garuda package is trusted?  How can we verify it
    #       at this point?
    package require Garuda

    # NOTE: Verify that the Garuda package appears to have been fully and
    #       successfully loaded into this interpreter.
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the current script is being
  #       evaluated in Eagle with signed-only script security enabled.
  #       There are no arguments.
  proc eagleHasSecurity {} {
    # NOTE: If possible, check if the current interpreter has security
    #       enabled.
    if {[isEagle] && [llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      if {[catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic Interpreter.GetActive HasSecurity
      } security] == 0 && $security} then {
        return true

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure uses the package lookup metadata.  If the package
  #       script is properly signed, an attempt will be made to evaluate it
  #       in the target language.  If the script was signed using OpenPGP,
  #       then a conforming implementation of the OpenPGP specification (e.g.
  #       gpg2) must be installed locally.  If the script was signed using
  #       Harpy then Garuda, Eagle, and Harpy must be installed locally.
  #       This procedure is designed to work for both native Tcl and Eagle
  #       packages.  Additionally, it is designed to work when evaluated
  #       using either native Tcl or Eagle; however, it is up to the package
  #       script itself to either add the package or provide the package to
  #       the language(s) supported by that package.  The varName argument
  #       is the name of an array variable in the call frame of the
  #       immediate caller, that contains the package lookup metadata.  This
  #       procedure may raise script errors.
  proc processLookupMetadata { varName } {
    # NOTE: If the metadata variable name appears to be invalid, fail.
    if {[string length $varName] == 0} then {
      error "bad metadata"

    # NOTE: This procedure requires that the metadata array variable is
    #       present in the call frame immediately above this one.
    upvar 1 $varName metadata

    # NOTE: If the entire package metadata array is missing, fail.
    if {![info exists metadata]} then {
      error "missing metadata"

    # NOTE: If the name for the package is mising, fail.
    if {![info exists metadata(name)]} then {
      error "missing name"

    # NOTE: If the patch level for the package is mising, fail.
    if {![info exists metadata(patchLevel)]} then {
      error "missing patch level"

    # NOTE: If the language for the package script is mising, fail.
    if {![info exists metadata(language)]} then {
      error "missing language"

    # NOTE: If the package script is mising, fail.
    if {![info exists metadata(script)]} then {
      error "missing script"

    # NOTE: If the package script certificate is mising, fail.
    if {![info exists metadata(certificate)]} then {
      error "missing certificate"

    # NOTE: Create common cleanup script block that deletes any temporary
    #       files created for the script verification process.
    set script(cleanup) {
      if {[string length $fileName(2)] > 0 && \
          [file exists $fileName(2)] && [file isfile $fileName(2)]} then {
        if {![info exists ::env(PKGR_KEEP_FILES)]} then {
          catch {file delete $fileName(2)}
        unset -nocomplain fileName(2)

      if {[string length $fileName(1)] > 0 && \
          [file exists $fileName(1)] && [file isfile $fileName(1)]} then {
        if {![info exists ::env(PKGR_KEEP_FILES)]} then {
          catch {file delete $fileName(1)}
        unset -nocomplain fileName(1)

    # NOTE: Figure out the "type" of script certificate we are now dealing
    #       with.
    if {[isHarpyCertificate $metadata(certificate)]} then {
      # NOTE: Attempt to create a completely unique array variable name to
      #       hold the package metadata in this scripting language as well
      #       as possibly in the other necessary scripting language(s).
      set newVarName(1) [appendArgs \
          [getLookupVarNamePrefix] metadata_ [getUniqueSuffix 2]]

      set newVarName(2) [appendArgs \
          [getLookupVarNamePrefix] cleanup_ [getUniqueSuffix 2]]

      set newProcName(1) [appendArgs \
          [getLookupVarNamePrefix] eagleHasSecurity_ [getUniqueSuffix 2]]

      set newProcName(2) [appendArgs \
          [getLookupVarNamePrefix] getFileTempName_ [getUniqueSuffix 2]]

      set newProcName(3) [appendArgs \
          [getLookupVarNamePrefix] tclMustBeReady_ [getUniqueSuffix 2]]

      # NOTE: Create the Eagle script block that will be used to securely
      #       evaluate a signed package script.  This must be evaluated in
      #       Eagle because it uses several plugins only available there.
      set script(outer) [string map [list \
          %metadata% $newVarName(1) %cleanup% $newVarName(2) \
          %eagleHasSecurity% $newProcName(1) %getFileTempName% \
          $newProcName(2) %tclMustBeReady% $newProcName(3)] {
        try {
          # NOTE: If there is no package script, there is nothing we
          #       can do here.
          if {[string length ${%metadata%(script)}] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Save the security state for the interpreter.  Then, attempt
            #       to enable it.  This will fail if one of the needed plugins
            #       cannot be loaded.
            set savedSecurity [{%eagleHasSecurity%}]
            if {!$savedSecurity} then {source enableSecurity}

            try {
              # NOTE: Figure out temporary file name for the downloaded script
              #       and its associated script certificate.
              set fileName(1) [{%getFileTempName%}]
              set fileName(2) [appendArgs $fileName(1) .harpy]

              try {
                # NOTE: Write downloaded script to a temporary file.
                writeFile $fileName(1) ${%metadata%(script)}

                # NOTE: Write downloaded script certificate to a temporary
                #       file.
                if {[string length ${%metadata%(certificate)}] > 0} then {
                  writeFile $fileName(2) ${%metadata%(certificate)}

                # NOTE: This seems stupid.  Why are we reading the downloaded
                #       script from the temporary file when we already had it
                #       in memory?  The reason is that we need to make sure
                #       that the Harpy policy engine has a chance to check the
                #       downloaded script against its associated certificate.
                #       This will raise a script error if the script signature
                #       is missing or invalid.
                set script(inner) [interp readorgetscriptfile -- \
                    "" $fileName(1)]

                # NOTE: Determine the target language for the package script,
                #       which may or may not be the language that is currently
                #       evaluating this script (Eagle).  The default language,
                #       when one was not explicitly specified, is the current
                #       language (i.e. which is always Eagle for this script
                #       because the Harpy plugin is absolutely required in
                #       order to validate one of its script certificate).
                switch -exact -- ${%metadata%(language)} {
                  "" -
                  Eagle {
                    # NOTE: The target language is Eagle, which is evaluating
                    #       this script.  No special handling is needed here.
                    return [uplevel #0 $script(inner)]
                  Tcl {
                    # NOTE: The target language is Tcl; therefore, a bit of
                    #       special handling is needed here.
                    {%tclMustBeReady%}; return [tcl eval [tcl primary] [list \
                        uplevel #0 $script(inner)]]
                  default {
                    error "unsupported metadata language"
              } finally {
                # NOTE: Perform any necessary cleanup steps.
                eval ${%cleanup%}
            } finally {
              # NOTE: Restore the saved security state for the interpreter.
              if {!$savedSecurity} then {source disableSecurity}
              unset -nocomplain savedSecurity
        } finally {
          rename {%tclMustBeReady%} ""
          rename {%getFileTempName%} ""
          rename {%eagleHasSecurity%} ""

          unset -nocomplain {%cleanup%}
          unset -nocomplain {%metadata%}

      # NOTE: Copy the package metadata into the fresh array variable,
      #       if necessary, marshalling it from native Tcl to Eagle.
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        array set $newVarName(1) [array get metadata]
        set $newVarName(2) $script(cleanup)

        proc $newProcName(1) {} [info body [appendArgs \
            [namespace current] ::eagleHasSecurity]]

        proc $newProcName(2) {} [info body [appendArgs \
            [namespace current] ::getFileTempName]]

        proc $newProcName(3) {} [info body [appendArgs \
            [namespace current] ::tclMustBeReady]]

        return [eval $script(outer)]
      } else {

        eagle [list array set $newVarName(1) [array get metadata]]
        eagle [list set $newVarName(2) $script(cleanup)]

        eagle [list proc $newProcName(1) {} [info body [appendArgs \
            [namespace current] ::eagleHasSecurity]]]

        eagle [list proc $newProcName(2) {} [info body [appendArgs \
            [namespace current] ::getFileTempName]]]

        eagle [list proc $newProcName(3) {} [info body [appendArgs \
            [namespace current] ::tclMustBeReady]]]

        return [eagle $script(outer)]
    } elseif {[isOpenPgpSignature $metadata(certificate)]} then {
      # NOTE: If there is no package script, there is nothing we
      #       can do here.
      if {[string length $metadata(script)] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Figure out temporary file name for the downloaded script
        #       and its associated OpenPGP signature.
        set fileName(1) [getFileTempName]
        set fileName(2) [appendArgs $fileName(1) .asc]

        # NOTE: Write downloaded script to a temporary file.
        writeFile $fileName(1) $metadata(script)

        # NOTE: Write downloaded script OpenPGP signature a temporary file.
        if {[string length $metadata(certificate)] > 0} then {
          writeFile $fileName(2) $metadata(certificate)

        # NOTE: Attempt to verify the OpenPGP signature for the package
        #       script.

        if {[verifyOpenPgpSignature $fileName(2)]} then {
          # NOTE: Delete the temporary files that we created for the
          #       OpenPGP signature verification.
          eval $script(cleanup)
        } else {
          # NOTE: Delete the temporary files that we created for the
          #       OpenPGP signature verification.
          eval $script(cleanup)

          # NOTE: OpenPGP signature verification failed.  Raise an error
          #       and do not proceed with evaluating the package script.
          error "bad OpenPGP signature"

        # NOTE: The OpenPGP signature was verified; use the downloaded
        #       package script verbatim.
        set script(inner) $metadata(script)

        # NOTE: Determine the target language for the package script, which
        #       may or may not be the language that is currently evaluating
        #       this script (Eagle).  The default language, when one was not
        #       explicitly specified, is the current language.  In the future,
        #       this may be changed, e.g. to use the file extension of the
        #       client script.
        switch -exact -- $metadata(language) {
          "" {
            # NOTE: Assume the current language is the same as the target
            #       language -OR- that the script being evaluated does not
            #       care.
            return [uplevel #0 $script(inner)]
          Eagle {
            # NOTE: The target language is Eagle.  If the current language
            #       is also Eagle, simply evaluate the inner script block.
            #       If the current language is Tcl, then try to use Garuda
            #       in order to evaluate the inner script block in Eagle.
            if {[isEagle]} then {
              return [uplevel #0 $script(inner)]
            } else {

              return [eagle [list uplevel #0 $script(inner)]]
          Tcl {
            # NOTE: The target language is Tcl.  If the current language is
            #       also Tcl, simply evaluate the inner script block.  If
            #       the current language is Eagle, then try to use its [tcl]
            #       command in order to evaluate the inner script block in
            #       Tcl.
            if {[isEagle]} then {
              tclMustBeReady; return [tcl eval [tcl primary] [list \
                  uplevel #0 $script(inner)]]
            } else {
              return [uplevel #0 $script(inner)]
          default {
            error "unsupported metadata language"
    } else {
      error "unsupported certificate"
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified package appears to
  #       be present.  The package argument is the name of the package being
  #       sought, it cannot be an empty string.  The version argument must be
  #       a specific version -OR- a package specification that conforms to TIP
  #       #268.
  proc isPackagePresent { package version } {
    variable verboseUnknownResult

    set command [list package present $package]
    if {[string length $version] > 0} then {lappend command $version}

    if {[set code [catch $command result]] == 0} then {
      if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "package \"" [formatPackageName $package $version] \
            "\" was loaded: " [formatResult $code $result]]

      return true
    } else {
      if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "package \"" [formatPackageName $package $version] \
            "\" was not loaded: " [formatResult $code $result]]

      return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified package appears to
  #       be available.  The package argument is the name of the package being
  #       sought, it cannot be an empty string.  The version argument must be
  #       a specific version -OR- a package specification that conforms to TIP
  #       #268.
  proc isPackageAvailable { package version } {
    variable verboseUnknownResult

    set packageVersions [package versions $package]

    if {[llength $packageVersions] == 0} then {
      if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "package \"" [formatPackageName $package $version] \
            "\" is not available: no versions"]

      return false

    if {[string length $version] == 0} then {
      if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "package \"" [formatPackageName $package $version] \
            "\" is available: no version"]

      return true

    foreach packageVersion $packageVersions {
      if {[package vsatisfies $packageVersion $version]} then {
        if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
          pkgLog [appendArgs \
              "package \"" [formatPackageName $package $version] \
              "\" is available: version satisfied by \"" \
              [formatPackageName $package $packageVersion] \"]

        return true

    if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
      pkgLog [appendArgs \
          "package \"" [formatPackageName $package $version] \
          "\" is not available: version not satisfied"]

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified package can be
  #       downloaded, i.e. because it is not required for the downloading
  #       process itself to be functional, etc.  The package argument is
  #       the name of the package to check.
  proc canDownloadPackage { package } {
    variable verboseUnknownResult

    # NOTE: Since all the functionality needed by this package is built-in
    #       to Eagle, there are no download restrictions when it is being
    #       used.
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return true

    # NOTE: Since the "http" and "tls" packages are required from within
    #       the custom [package unknown] itself, in order to locate and
    #       download the requested package, we must return false here to
    #       prevent needless recursion.
    if {[lsearch -exact [list http tls] $package] != -1} then {
      # NOTE: Emit a diagnostic message as this is a relatively rare and
      #       fairly serious issue.
      if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "cannot download package \"" $package \
            "\", because it is needed in order to enable downloads"]

      return false

    # NOTE: Currently, all other packages, including Garuda, are legal to
    #       handle from the custom [package unknown] handler.
    return true
  # NOTE: This procedure performs initial setup of the package repository
  #       client, using the current configuration parameters.  There are
  #       no arguments.  It may load the Garuda package when evaluated in
  #       native Tcl.  It may load a native Tcl library when evaluated in
  #       Eagle.  It may install the [package unknown] hook.
  proc setupPackageUnknownHandler {} {
    variable autoApiKeys
    variable autoHook
    variable autoLoadTcl
    variable autoRequireGaruda

    # NOTE: Should we attempt to automatically load the Garuda package for
    #       native Tcl?
    if {$autoRequireGaruda && ![isEagle] && [isWindows]} then {

    # NOTE: Should we attempt to automatically load a native Tcl library
    #       for Eagle?
    if {$autoLoadTcl && [isEagle]} then {

    # NOTE: Should we attempt to hook the [package unknown] handler.  This
    #       is done for both native Tcl and Eagle.
    if {$autoHook && ![isPackageUnknownHandlerHooked]} then {
      # NOTE: Install our [package unknown] handler and save the original
      #       one for our use as well.
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the [package unknown] handler
  #       has already been hooked by the package repository client.  There
  #       are no arguments.
  proc isPackageUnknownHandlerHooked {} {
    return [info exists [appendArgs \
        [getLookupVarNamePrefix] saved_package_unknown]]
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to hook the [package unknown] handler.  It
  #       will raise a script error if this has already been done.  The old
  #       [package unknown] handler is saved and will be used by the new one
  #       as part of the overall package loading process.  There are no
  #       arguments.
  proc hookPackageUnknownHandler {} {
    set varName [appendArgs [getLookupVarNamePrefix] saved_package_unknown]

    if {[info exists $varName]} then {
      error "package unknown handler already hooked"

    set $varName [package unknown]
    package unknown [appendArgs [namespace current] ::packageUnknownHandler]
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to unhook the [package unknown] handler.
  #       It will raise a script error if the [package unknown] handler is
  #       not hooked.  The old [package unknown] handler is restored and
  #       the saved [package unknown] handler is cleared.  There are no
  #       arguments.
  proc unhookPackageUnknownHandler {} {
    set varName [appendArgs [getLookupVarNamePrefix] saved_package_unknown]

    if {![info exists $varName]} then {
      error "package unknown handler is not hooked"

    package unknown [set $varName]
    unset $varName
  # NOTE: The procedure runs the saved [package unknown] handler.  Any script
  #       errors are raised to the caller.  The package and version arguments
  #       are passed in from the current [package unknown] handler verbatim.
  proc runSavedPackageUnknownHandler { package version } {
    # NOTE: See if there is a saved [package unknown] handler.  If so, then
    #       attempt to use it.
    set varName [appendArgs [getLookupVarNamePrefix] saved_package_unknown]
    set oldHandler [expr {[info exists $varName] ? [set $varName] : ""}]

    if {[string length $oldHandler] > 0} then {
      lappend oldHandler $package $version; uplevel #0 $oldHandler
  # NOTE: This procedure is the [package unknown] handler entry point called
  #       by native Tcl and Eagle.  The package argument is the name of the
  #       package being sought, it cannot be an empty string.  The version
  #       argument must be a specific version -OR- a package specification
  #       that conforms to TIP #268.  This version argument must be optional
  #       here, because Eagle does not add a version argument when one is
  #       not explicitly supplied to the [package require] sub-command.
  proc packageUnknownHandler { package {version ""} } {
    variable verboseUnknownResult

    # NOTE: First, run the saved [package unknown] handler.
    set code(1) [catch {
      runSavedPackageUnknownHandler $package $version
    } result(1)]

    if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
      pkgLog [appendArgs \
          "initial saved handler results for package \"" \
          [formatPackageName $package $version] "\" are " \
          [formatResult $code(1) $result(1)]]

    # NOTE: Did the saved [package unknown] handler succeed?
    if {$code(1) == 0} then {
      # NOTE: Is the package now available -OR- somehow already present?
      if {[isPackagePresent $package $version] || \
          [isPackageAvailable $package $version]} then {
        # NOTE: Skip using the package repository.

    # NOTE: Next, run our special [package unknown] handler.
    if {[canDownloadPackage $package]} then {
      set code(2) [catch {
        getPackageFromRepository $package $version handler
      } result(2)]

      if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "repository handler results for package \"" \
            [formatPackageName $package $version] "\" are " \
            [formatResult $code(2) $result(2)]]

    # NOTE: Next, run the saved [package unknown] handler.
    set code(3) [catch {
      runSavedPackageUnknownHandler $package $version
    } result(3)]

    if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
      pkgLog [appendArgs \
          "subsequent saved handler results for package \"" \
          [formatPackageName $package $version] "\" are " \
          [formatResult $code(3) $result(3)]]

    # NOTE: Maybe check for the package and then optionally log results.
    if {$verboseUnknownResult} then {
      set ifNeededVersion [getIfNeededVersion \
          $package [packageRequirementToVersion $version]]

      if {[string length $ifNeededVersion] > 0} then {
        set command [list package ifneeded $package $ifNeededVersion]

        if {[set code(4) [catch $command result(4)]] == 0 && \
            [string length $result(4)] > 0} then {
          pkgLog [appendArgs \
              "package script for \"" [formatPackageName $package \
              $ifNeededVersion] "\" was added: " [formatResult \
              $code(4) $result(4)]]
        } else {
          pkgLog [appendArgs \
              "package script for \"" [formatPackageName $package \
              $ifNeededVersion] "\" was not added: " [formatResult \
              $code(4) $result(4)]]
      } else {
        pkgLog [appendArgs \
            "package script for \"" [formatPackageName $package \
            $ifNeededVersion] "\" was not added"]

      # NOTE: Check (and log) if the package is now present.  The return
      #       value here is ignored.
      isPackagePresent $package $version
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the list of possible prefixes that should be
  #       considered for settings files.  The scriptName parameter is the name
  #       of the script being evaluated, if any.  The envVarName parameter is
  #       the name of an environment variable associated with the script being
  #       evaluated, if any.  The all parameter should be non-zero to include
  #       all available prefixes, even if they are inapplicable to the current
  #       configuration.  This procedure may raise script errors.
  proc getSettingsPrefixes { scriptName envVarName all } {
    global env

    set result [list]

    if {[info exists tcl_platform(user)]} then {
      lappend result $tcl_platform(user)

    if {[catch {info hostname} hostName] == 0 && \
        [string length $hostName] > 0} then {
      lappend result $hostName

    if {[string length $scriptName] > 0} then {
      lappend result $scriptName

    if {$all || ([string length $envVarName] > 0 && \
        [info exists [appendArgs env(DEBUG_ $envVarName )]])} then {
      lappend result debug

    lappend result ""; return $result
  # NOTE: This procedure evaluates package repository client settings script
  #       files, if they exists.  Any script errors raised are not masked.
  #       The script argument must be the fully qualified path and file name
  #       for a package client toolset script file.
  # <public>
  proc maybeReadSettingsFiles { script } {
    global env
    global tcl_platform

    if {[string length $script] == 0 || ![file exists $script]} then {
      return -1

    set scriptPath [file normalize [file dirname $script]]
    set scriptTail [file tail $script]
    set scriptRootName [file rootname $scriptTail]
    set scriptExtension [file extension $scriptTail]
    set scriptUpperName [string toupper $scriptRootName]
    set scriptLowerName [string tolower $scriptRootName]

    if {[info exists [appendArgs \
        env(NO_SETTINGS_ $scriptUpperName )]]} then {
      return -2

    set count 0
    set allFileNamesOnly [list]

    set allPrefixes [getSettingsPrefixes \
        $scriptLowerName $scriptUpperName true]

    foreach prefix $allPrefixes {
      if {[string length $prefix] > 0} then {
        set prefix [appendArgs . $prefix]

      set fileNameOnly [appendArgs \
          $scriptRootName .settings $prefix \

      lappend allFileNamesOnly $fileNameOnly

    set scriptPrefixes [getSettingsPrefixes \
        $scriptLowerName $scriptUpperName false]

    foreach prefix $scriptPrefixes {
      if {[string length $prefix] > 0} then {
        set prefix [appendArgs . $prefix]

      set fileNameOnly [appendArgs \
          $scriptRootName .settings $prefix \

      set fileName [file join \
          $scriptPath $fileNameOnly]

      if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
        uplevel 1 [list source $fileName]; incr count

    if {$count == 0} then {
      set pattern [file join $scriptPath [appendArgs \
          $scriptRootName .settings.* $scriptExtension]]

      foreach fileName [lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $pattern]] {
        # BUGFIX: Do not consider any settings script file
        #         that may have already been evaluated via
        #         the above list(s) of script prefixes.
        set fileNameOnly [file tail $fileName]

        if {[lsearch -exact \
            $allFileNamesOnly $fileNameOnly] == -1} then {
          if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
            uplevel 1 [list source $fileName]; incr count

    return $count
  # NOTE: This procedure evaluates a package repository client API keys
  #       script file, if it has been configured -AND- actually exists.
  #       Any script errors raised are not masked.  The evaluated script
  #       file should (normally) modify the "::pkgr_api_keys" variable
  #       in order to add API keys for use with the package repository
  #       client.
  proc maybeReadApiKeysFile {} {
    global env

    if {[info exists env(PKGR_NO_API_KEYS_FILE)]} then {

    if {[info exists env(PKGR_API_KEYS_FILE)]} then {
      set fileName $env(PKGR_API_KEYS_FILE)

      if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
        uplevel 1 [list source $fileName]
  # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
  #       parameters used to interact with the OpenPGP implementation.
  #       If the force argument is non-zero, any existing values will be
  #       overwritten and set back to their default values.
  proc setupRepositoryOpenPgpVars { force } {
    # NOTE: This is the name of the sub-directory containing the OpenPGP
    #       implementation.  It is platform-specific.  On Windows, this
    #       sub-directory is relative to the "Program Files" directory.
    variable openPgpInstalledDirectories; # DEFAULT: [list ...]

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpInstalledDirectories]} then {
      if {[isWindows]} then {
        set openPgpInstalledDirectories [list \
            [file join gnupg bin] [file join GNU GnuPG]]
      } else {
        set openPgpInstalledDirectories [list \
            [file join / usr bin]]

    # NOTE: These are the candidate names of the executable file used to
    #       invoke the OpenPGP implementation, possibly without a file
    #       extension.
    variable openPgpFileNamesOnly; # DEFAULT: [list gpg2 gpg]

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpFileNamesOnly]} then {
      if {[isWindows]} then {
        set openPgpFileNamesOnly [list gpg2.exe gpg.exe]
      } else {
        set openPgpFileNamesOnly [list gpg2 gpg]

    # NOTE: This is the name of the executable file used to invoke the
    #       OpenPGP implementation, possibly without a file extension.
    variable openPgpFileNameOnly; # DEFAULT: <unset>

    # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to import an OpenPGP key
    #       file.  This must be configured according to the implementation
    #       of OpenPGP in use.
    variable openPgpImportCommand; # DEFAULT: gpg2 --import

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpImportCommand]} then {
      set openPgpImportCommand \
          {{${openPgpFileNameOnly}} --import {${fileName}}}

    # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
    #       that OpenPGP successfully imported one or more keys.  This must
    #       be configured according to the implementation of OpenPGP in use.
    variable openPgpImportPattern; # DEFAULT: ^gpg: Total number processed...

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpImportPattern]} then {
      set openPgpImportPattern {^gpg: Total number processed: [1-9]\d*$}

    # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to verify that OpenPGP is
    #       installed locally.  This must be configured according to the
    #       implementation of OpenPGP in use.
    variable openPgpInstalledCommand; # DEFAULT: gpg2 --version --homedir {}

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpInstalledCommand]} then {
      set openPgpInstalledCommand {{${fileNameOnly}} --version --homedir {}}

    # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
    #       that OpenPGP is installed locally.  This must be configured
    #       according to the implementation of OpenPGP in use.
    variable openPgpInstalledPattern; # DEFAULT: ^gpg \(GnuPG\) 2\.[0123]\.

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpInstalledPattern]} then {
      set openPgpInstalledPattern {^gpg \(GnuPG\) 2\.[0123]\.}

    # NOTE: The command to use when verifying OpenPGP signatures for the
    #       downloaded package scripts.  This must be configured according
    #       to the implementation of OpenPGP in use.
    variable openPgpVerifyCommand; # DEFAULT: gpg2 --verify {${fileName}}

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpVerifyCommand]} then {
      set openPgpVerifyCommand \
          {{${openPgpFileNameOnly}} --verify {${fileName}}}

    # NOTE: The command to use when creating OpenPGP signatures for the
    #       downloaded package scripts.  This must be configured according
    #       to the implementation of OpenPGP in use.
    variable openPgpSignCommand; # DEFAULT: gpg2 --detach-sign ...

    if {$force || ![info exists openPgpSignCommand]} then {
      set openPgpSignCommand ""

      append openPgpSignCommand \
          {{${openPgpFileNameOnly}} --detach-sign --armor}

      append openPgpSignCommand \
          { --passphrase-file [formatExecArgument [getOpenPgpPassphraseFile]]}

      append openPgpSignCommand { --batch --yes {${fileName}}}
  # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
  #       parameters used by the package repository client.  If the force
  #       argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten
  #       and set back to their default values.
  proc setupPackageUnknownVars { force } {
    # NOTE: What is the default set of API keys if none were set explicitly?
    #       This list is subject to change at any time -AND- may be empty or
    #       may contain non-working API keys, please do not rely on it.
    variable autoApiKeys; # DEFAULT: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    if {$force || ![info exists autoApiKeys]} then {
      set autoApiKeys [list 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000]

    # NOTE: Automatically install our [package unknown] handler when this
    #       package is loaded?
    variable autoHook; # DEFAULT: true

    if {$force || ![info exists autoHook]} then {
      set autoHook true

    # NOTE: Automatically [tcl load] when this package is loaded from the
    #       Eagle language?
    variable autoLoadTcl; # DEFAULT: <automatic>

    if {$force || ![info exists autoLoadTcl]} then {
      # TODO: Better automatic detection of native Tcl installs here?
      if {[isEagle] && [catch {
        tcl select -flags +TrustedOnly -robustify -architecture
      }] == 0} then {
        set autoLoadTcl true
      } else {
        set autoLoadTcl false

    # NOTE: Automatically [package require Garuda] when this package is
    #       loaded from the Tcl language?
    variable autoRequireGaruda; # DEFAULT: <automatic>

    if {$force || ![info exists autoRequireGaruda]} then {
      # TODO: Better automatic detection of Garuda here?
      if {![isEagle] && \
          [llength [package versions Garuda]] > 0} then {
        set autoRequireGaruda true
      } else {
        set autoRequireGaruda false

    # NOTE: The command to use when creating Harpy signatures for downloaded
    #       package scripts.
    variable harpySignCommand; # DEFAULT: {${shellFileName}} -file ...

    if {$force || ![info exists harpySignCommand]} then {
      set harpySignCommand ""

      append harpySignCommand {${runtimeCommandLine}}
      append harpySignCommand { -noArgumentsFileName -file {${toolFileName}}}
      append harpySignCommand { {${scriptFileName}} {${vendor}}}

    # NOTE: Verify that the package script matches the current language
    #       when called from the [package unknown] handler?
    variable strictUnknownLanguage; # DEFAULT: true

    if {$force || ![info exists strictUnknownLanguage]} then {
      set strictUnknownLanguage true

    # NOTE: Emit diagnostic messages when a [package unknown] handler
    #       is called?
    variable verboseUnknownResult; # DEFAULT: false

    if {$force || ![info exists verboseUnknownResult]} then {
      set verboseUnknownResult false

    # NOTE: Emit diagnostic messages when a URI is fetched?
    variable verboseUriDownload; # DEFAULT: false

    if {$force || ![info exists verboseUriDownload]} then {
      set verboseUriDownload false
  # NOTE: This procedure is the primary entry point to the package repository
  #       client.  It attempts to lookup the specified package using the
  #       currently configured package repository server.  The package
  #       argument is the name of the package being sought, it cannot be an
  #       empty string.  The version argument must be a specific version -OR-
  #       a package specification that conforms to TIP #268.  The caller
  #       argument must be an empty string -OR- the literal string "handler".
  # <public>
  proc getPackageFromRepository { package version caller } {
    # NOTE: Get the list of API keys and try each one, in order, until
    #       the package is found.
    set apiKeys [getApiKeys]

    # NOTE: Issue the non-anonymous lookup request to the remote
    #       package repository.
    set data [getLookupData $apiKeys $package $version]

    # NOTE: Attempt to grab the lookup code from the non-anonymous
    #       response data.
    set code [getResponseCodeFromRawData $data]

    # NOTE: If necessary, fallback with to an anonymous request.
    if {![isResponseCodeOk $code]} then {
      # NOTE: Issue the anonymous lookup request to the remote
      #       package repository.
      set data [getLookupData [list] $package $version]

      # NOTE: Attempt to grab the lookup code from the anonymous
      #       response data.
      set code [getResponseCodeFromRawData $data]

    # NOTE: Attempt to grab the lookup data from the response data.
    #       Upon failure, this should contain the error message.
    set result [getResponseResultFromRawData $data]

    # NOTE: Did the lookup operation fail?
    if {![isResponseCodeOk $code]} then {
      # NOTE: Is there an error message?
      if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Yes.  Use the returned error message verbatim.
        error $result
      } else {
        # NOTE: No.  Use the whole response data string as the error
        #       message.
        error $data

    # NOTE: Process the lookup data into the pieces of metadata that we
    #       need to load the requested package.
    extractAndVerifyLookupMetadata $result metadata $caller

    # NOTE: Attempt to load the requested package using the metadata
    #       extracted in the previous step.
    processLookupMetadata metadata
  # NOTE: This package requires that support for namespaces, which is an
  #       optional feature of Eagle, must be enabled.
  if {[isEagle] && ![namespace enable]} then {
    error "namespaces must be enabled for this package"

  # NOTE: Attempt to read optional settings file now.  This may override
  #       one or more of the variable setup in the next step.
  maybeReadSettingsFiles [info script]

  # NOTE: Attempt to read optional API keys file now.  This may add API
  #       keys for use by this script.

  # NOTE: Setup the server and URI variables, in this namespace, that are
  #       used by this script.
  setupRepositoryServerVars false
  setupRepositoryUriVars false

  # NOTE: Setup the OpenPGP implementation related variables, in this
  #       namespace, that are used by this script.
  setupRepositoryOpenPgpVars false

  # NOTE: Setup the variables, within this namespace, used by this script.
  setupPackageUnknownVars false

  # NOTE: Setup for our [package unknown] handler, which may involve a few
  #       different operations.

  # NOTE: Provide the package to the interpreter.
  package provide Eagle.Package.Repository 1.0.10