Check-in [786ddec706]
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Comment:In the package downloader client, replace all uses of 'pkgr' with 'pkgd'.
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: 786ddec7069f2809caa54df95cfdef47ac64e46e
User & Date: mistachkin on 2016-08-19 02:27:21
Other Links: manifest | tags
Finish adding support for the package downloader client settings file. check-in: 5c33a78a68 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
In the package downloader client, replace all uses of 'pkgr' with 'pkgd'. check-in: 786ddec706 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
All package scripts must now use Unix-style line-endings. Make the downloader use a unique temporary directory name per run. Normalize file names used by the downloader. Enhance the downloader so it verifies PGP signatures if requested, adds to the auto-path only if requested, and returns the final list of directories. check-in: 0f6fc67b10 user: mistachkin tags: trunk

Modified client/pkgd.eagle from [0c6ca1e162] to [bed106bd42].    [diff]

Modified client/pkgd.eagle.harpy from [3ca43ce2f2] to [7e894a0ca9].    [diff]

Added client/pkgd.settings.eagle version [c07e6e9f90].

Added client/pkgd.settings.eagle.harpy version [5f7ad31abc].