Check-in [bf5a5e46de]
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Comment:In the package uploader client, make sure the language argument is in title case for the repository server metadata and in lower case for the file server directory.
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Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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SHA1: bf5a5e46decb3d8e22f6a8b6e762ea783b0d23b8
User & Date: mistachkin on 2016-12-23 00:33:58
Other Links: manifest | tags
Corrections to error handling for the 'submitEventHandler' procedure. check-in: c29841080c user: mistachkin tags: trunk
In the package uploader client, make sure the language argument is in title case for the repository server metadata and in lower case for the file server directory. check-in: bf5a5e46de user: mistachkin tags: trunk
When storing the directory portion of 'info script', normalize it first. Fixes to the checkout directory handling for staging files in the package uploader client. check-in: 25cb98f2fe user: mistachkin tags: trunk

Modified client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle from [965d609d81] to [bf297ce503].    [diff]

Modified client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.asc from [f3ce902234] to [b4eba8e05c].    [diff]

Modified client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy from [3beb1aadec] to [8dff3168f0].    [diff]

Modified client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy.asc from [8ae3346a0c] to [cc9f6e75cb].    [diff]