dotnet.tcl at [02c7f87bc2]
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File packages/tcl/8.4/win32-x86/Garuda1.0/dotnet.tcl artifact d395115d4c part of check-in 02c7f87bc2

# dotnet.tcl -- Eagle Package for Tcl (Garuda)
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Package Loading Helper File (Secondary)
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

# NOTE: This script file uses features that are only present in Tcl 8.4 or
#       higher (e.g. the "eq" operator for [expr], etc).
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} then {
  error "need Tcl 8.4 or higher"

# NOTE: This script file uses features that are not available or not needed
#       in Eagle (e.g. the "http" and "tls" packages, etc).
if {[catch {package present Eagle}] == 0} then {
  error "need native Tcl"


namespace eval ::Garuda {
  #**************************** SHARED PROCEDURES *****************************

  # NOTE: Also defined in and used by "helper.tcl".
  proc fileNormalize { path {force false} } {
    variable noNormalize

    if {$force || !$noNormalize} then {
      return [file normalize $path]

    return $path
  #********************* PACKAGE VARIABLE SETUP PROCEDURE *********************

  proc setupDotnetVariables { directory } {

    # NOTE: For this package, the CLR is not started (by default).  Later,
    #       the [garuda clrstart] sub-command can be used to start the CLR.
    variable startClr; # DEFAULT: false

    if {![info exists startClr]} then {
      set startClr false

    # NOTE: For this package, the bridge is not built (by default).  Later,
    #       the [garuda startup] sub-command can be used to build the bridge.
    variable startBridge; # DEFAULT: false

    if {![info exists startBridge]} then {
      set startBridge false
  #***************************** PACKAGE STARTUP ******************************

  # NOTE: Next, save the package path for later use.
  variable packagePath

  if {![info exists packagePath]} then {
    set packagePath [fileNormalize [file dirname [info script]] true]

  # NOTE: Next, setup the script variables associated with this package.
  setupDotnetVariables $packagePath

  # NOTE: Now that the startup parameters have been overridden, call into
  #       the normal package loading script.
  uplevel 1 [list source [file join $packagePath helper.tcl]]