Artifact 85f862bbf094960651362c7aa1f85f9b0370613a:
- File client/1.0/pkgd.eagle.harpy — part of check-in [ff305e4211] at 2016-10-18 05:47:59 on branch trunk — Run the saved 'package unknown' handler first, check its results, and skip the repository handler if appropriate. Allow the package persistence root directory to be overridden and verified easily. Procedure naming cleanup for OpenPGP. Attempt to avoid adding redundant directories to the auto-path. Modify the master package index when the *target* language is Tcl, not the current language. Upon loading the package downloader package, add the package persistence root directory to the auto-path if it resides outside of all auto-path directories. (user: mistachkin, size: 4051) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
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