Artifact [64d1062216]
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Artifact 64d106221699f89f30f7d672ae56338daec13bb9:

# pkgd.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Package Downloader Client
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::PackageDownloader {
  # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
  #       parameters used by the package downloader client.  There are no
  #       arguments.
  proc setupDownloadVars { script } {
    # NOTE: What is the fully qualified path to the directory containing the
    #       package downloader client?
    variable clientDirectory

    if {![info exists clientDirectory]} then {
      set clientDirectory [file dirname $script]

    # NOTE: This is the HTTP(S) login cookie to use when downloading files
    #       from the package file server.
    variable loginCookie; # DEFAULT: NONE

    if {![info exists loginCookie]} then {
      set loginCookie [list]

    # NOTE: Prevent progress messages from being displayed while downloading
    #       from the repository, etc?  By default, this is enabled.
    variable quiet; # DEFAULT: true

    if {![info exists quiet]} then {
      set quiet true

    # NOTE: The base URI used to build the URIs for the package file server.
    variable baseUri; # DEFAULT:

    if {![info exists baseUri]} then {
      set baseUri

    # NOTE: The URI where a login request may be sent.  This should return a
    #       payload containing the necessary HTTP(S) cookie information.
    variable loginUri; # DEFAULT: ${baseUri}/pkgd_login?...

    if {![info exists loginUri]} then {
      set loginUri [appendArgs \
          {${baseUri}/pkgd_login?} {[uriEscape name $userName]} & \
          {[uriEscape password $password]}]

    # NOTE: The URI where a single package file may be found.  This file will
    #       belong to a specific version of one package.
    variable downloadUri; # DEFAULT: ${baseUri}/pkgd_file?...

    if {![info exists downloadUri]} then {
      set downloadUri [appendArgs \
          {${baseUri}/pkgd_file?download&ci=trunk&} \
          {[uriEscape filename $fileName]}]

    # NOTE: The URI where the logout request should be sent.  This should
    #       return a payload indicating that the logout was successful.
    variable logoutUri; # DEFAULT: ${baseUri}/pkgd_logout?...

    if {![info exists logoutUri]} then {
      set logoutUri [appendArgs \
          {${baseUri}/pkgd_logout?} {[uriEscape authToken $authToken]}]

    # NOTE: The user name for the public account on the package file server.
    #       If this is an empty string, there is no public account.
    variable publicUserName; # DEFAULT: public

    if {![info exists publicUserName]} then {
      set publicUserName public

    # NOTE: The password associated with the public account on the package
    #       file server.  If this is an empty string, the public account is
    #       disabled.  This is not considered to be a secret; however, it
    #       should not be shared with any person or organization that does
    #       not have access to the package downloader client.
    variable publicPassword; # DEFAULT: X+NlF2obS5tQFKIsf/q345/naqVSGD67Cg

    if {![info exists publicPassword]} then {
      set publicPassword X+NlF2obS5tQFKIsf/q345/naqVSGD67Cg

    # NOTE: The root directory where any persistent packages will be saved.
    variable persistentRootDirectory; # DEFAULT: [getPersistentRootDirectory]

    if {![info exists persistentRootDirectory]} then {
      set persistentRootDirectory [getPersistentRootDirectory]

    # NOTE: The root directory where any temporary packages will be written.
    variable temporaryRootDirectory; # DEFAULT: [getFileTempDirectory PKGD_TEMP]

    if {![info exists temporaryRootDirectory]} then {
      set temporaryRootDirectory \
          [::PackageRepository::getFileTempDirectory PKGD_TEMP]

    # NOTE: Is this package being run by the package installer tool?  If so,
    #       all downloaded packages should be automatically persisted to the
    #       library path.
    variable viaInstall; # DEFAULT: false

    if {![info exists viaInstall]} then {
      set viaInstall false
  # NOTE: This procedure escapes a single name/value pair for use in a URI
  #       query string.  The name argument is the name of the parameter.
  #       The value argument is the value of the parameter.
  proc uriEscape { name value } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [appendArgs \
          [uri escape uri $name] = [uri escape uri $value]]
    } else {
      package require http 2.0

      return [http::formatQuery $name $value]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the root directory where any packages that
  #       are downloaded should be saved to permanent storage for subsequent
  #       use.  There are no arguments.
  proc getPersistentRootDirectory {} {
    # NOTE: Return a directory parallel to the one containing the library
    #       directory.
    return [file join [file dirname [info library]] pkgd]
  # NOTE: This procedure, which is only used with native Tcl, generates a
  #       package index file (i.e. "pkgIndex.tcl") suitable for use with
  #       native Tcl 8.4 (or higher).  It will recursively [source] other
  #       native Tcl package index files that are within the configured
  #       persistent root directory, thereby causing all packages located
  #       within it to become available.  Since Eagle (by default) already
  #       performs a recursive search for its package index files, this
  #       procedure is not necessary for Eagle packages.
  proc maybeCreateMasterTclPackageIndex {} {
    variable persistentRootDirectory

    if {![info exists persistentRootDirectory]} then {
      error "persistent root directory not set"

    if {[string length $persistentRootDirectory] == 0} then {
      error "persistent root directory is invalid"

    if {![file isdirectory $persistentRootDirectory]} then {
      error "persistent root directory does not exist"

    set fileName [file join $persistentRootDirectory pkgIndex.tcl]

    if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
      return false

    writeFile $fileName [string trim [string map [list \r\n \n] {
# pkgIndex.tcl --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Generated Recursive Package Index File -- PLEASE DO NOT EDIT
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return}
if {[string length [package provide Eagle]] > 0} then {return}

set pkgd(savedDir) $dir; set pkgd(dirs) [list $pkgd(savedDir)]

for {set pkgd(i) 0} {$pkgd(i) < [llength $pkgd(dirs)]} {incr pkgd(i)} {
  set pkgd(dir) [lindex $pkgd(dirs) $pkgd(i)]

  if {$pkgd(i) > 0} then {
    set pkgd(file) [file join $pkgd(dir) pkgIndex.tcl]

    if {[file exists $pkgd(file)]} then {
      set dir $pkgd(dir); source $pkgd(file)

  eval lappend pkgd(dirs) \
      [glob -nocomplain -types {d} [file join $pkgd(dir) *]]

set dir $pkgd(savedDir); unset -nocomplain pkgd
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified file seems to be
  #       an OpenPGP signature file.  The fileName argument is the name of
  #       the file to check, which may or may not exist.  The nameOnly
  #       argument should be non-zero to ignore the contents of the file.
  proc isPgpSignatureFileName { fileName nameOnly } {
    if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then {
      return false

    set extension [file extension $fileName]

    if {$extension eq ".asc"} then {
      if {!$nameOnly && [file exists $fileName]} then {
        return [::PackageRepository::isPgpSignature [readFile $fileName]]
      } else {
        return true
    } else {
      return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified file seems to be
  #       a Harpy script certificate file.  The fileName argument is the name
  #       of the file to check, which may or may not exist.  The nameOnly
  #       argument should be non-zero to ignore the contents of the file.
  # <notUsed>
  proc isHarpyCertificateFileName { fileName nameOnly } {
    if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then {
      return false

    set extension [file extension $fileName]

    if {$extension eq ".harpy"} then {
      if {!$nameOnly && [file exists $fileName]} then {
        return [::PackageRepository::isHarpyCertificate [readFile $fileName]]
      } else {
        return true
    } else {
      return false
  # NOTE: This procedure adds a directory to the auto-path of the specified
  #       language (i.e. native Tcl or Eagle).  The directory will not be
  #       added if it is already present.  The language argument must be the
  #       literal string "eagle" or the literal string "tcl".  The directory
  #       argument is the fully qualified path for the directory to add to
  #       the auto-path.
  proc addToAutoPath { language directory } {
    # NOTE: Add the specified directory to the auto-path if not already
    #       present.
    if {[string length $language] == 0 || $language eq "eagle"} then {
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        if {![info exists ::auto_path] || \
            [lsearch -exact $::auto_path $directory] == -1} then {
          lappend ::auto_path $directory
      } else {

        eagle [string map [list %directory% $directory] {
          if {![info exists ::auto_path] || \
              [lsearch -exact $::auto_path {%directory%}] == -1} then {
            lappend ::auto_path {%directory%}
    } elseif {$language eq "tcl"} then {
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        tcl eval [tcl master] [string map [list %directory% $directory] {
          if {![info exists ::auto_path] || \
              [lsearch -exact $::auto_path {%directory%}] == -1} then {
            lappend ::auto_path {%directory%}
      } else {
        if {![info exists ::auto_path] || \
            [lsearch -exact $::auto_path $directory] == -1} then {
          lappend ::auto_path $directory
    } else {
      error "unsupported language, no idea how to modify auto-path"
  # NOTE: This procedure verifies the combination of language and version
  #       specified by the caller.  The language argument must be one of the
  #       literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client".  The version argument
  #       must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the
  #       language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language
  #       is either "eagle" or "client".  The varName argument is the name
  #       of a scalar variable in the context of the immediate caller that
  #       will receive a boolean value indicating if the specified language
  #       is actually a reference to the package downloader client itself.
  proc verifyLanguageAndVersion { language version varName } {
    if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
      upvar 1 $varName isClient

    set isClient false

    if {[string length $language] == 0 || $language eq "eagle"} then {
      if {$version ne "1.0"} then {
        error "unsupported Eagle version"
    } elseif {$language eq "tcl"} then {
      if {$version ne "8.4" && $version ne "8.5" && $version ne "8.6"} then {
        error "unsupported Tcl version"
    } elseif {$language eq "client"} then {
      if {$version ne "1.0"} then {
        error "unsupported client version"

      set isClient true
    } else {
      error "unsupported language"
  # NOTE: This procedure issues a request to an HTTP(S) server.  It returns
  #       the raw response data verbatim.  It may raise a script error.  It
  #       will always use the currently configured HTTP(S) login cookie, if
  #       any; therefore, it should really only be used for requests to the
  #       package file server.  The uri argument is the fully qualified URI
  #       to request.
  proc getPackageFile { uri } {
    variable loginCookie
    variable quiet

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {![object invoke Eagle._Tests.Default \
          TestHasScriptNewWebClientCallback ""]} then {
        set error null

        set code [object invoke Eagle._Tests.Default \
            TestSetScriptNewWebClientCallback "" true true error]

        if {$code ne "Ok"} then {
          error [getStringFromObjectHandle $error]

      if {[info exists loginCookie] && [llength $loginCookie] == 2} then {
        set script [object create String {
          if {[methodName ToString] eq "GetWebRequest"} then {
            webRequest Headers.Add Cookie [join $loginCookie =]

        return [uri download -inline -webclientdata $script -- $uri]
      } else {
        return [uri download -inline -- $uri]
    } else {
      set options [list -binary true]

      if {[info exists loginCookie] && [llength $loginCookie] == 2} then {
        lappend options -headers [list Cookie [join $loginCookie =]]

      return [eval ::PackageRepository::getFileViaHttp \
          [list $uri] [list 20] [list stdout] [list $quiet] $options]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the prefix for fully qualified variable
  #       names that MAY be present in the global namespace.  There are
  #       no arguments.
  proc getDownloadVarNamePrefix {} {
    return ::pkgd_; # TODO: Make non-global?
  # NOTE: This procedure resets the currently configured login cookie, if
  #       any, and then attempts to login using the configured package
  #       repository server API key -OR- using the public access account.
  #       Upon success, it will set the login cookie to the one from the
  #       raw response data.  Upon failure, a script error will be raised.
  #       There are no arguments.
  # <public>
  proc resetCookieAndLoginSimple {} {
    variable publicPassword
    variable publicUserName

    set apiKey [lindex [::PackageRepository::getApiKeys \
        [getDownloadVarNamePrefix] true] 0]

    if {[string length $apiKey] > 0} then {
      return [resetCookieAndLogin $apiKey $apiKey]

    if {[string length $publicUserName] > 0 && \
        [string length $publicPassword] > 0} then {
      return [resetCookieAndLogin $publicUserName $publicPassword]

    error "missing API keys and no public login credentials configured"
  # NOTE: This procedure resets the currently configured login cookie, if
  #       any, and then attempts to login using the specified user name and
  #       password.  Upon success, it will set the login cookie to the one
  #       from the raw response data.  Upon failure, a script error will be
  #       raised.  The userName argument must be the name of a package file
  #       server user with at least Fossil Check-Out (o) permissions on the
  #       package file server.  The password argument must be the plaintext
  #       password that is associated with the specified user name.
  # <public>
  proc resetCookieAndLogin { userName password } {
    variable baseUri
    variable loginCookie
    variable loginUri

    # NOTE: Build the full URI for the login request.
    set uri [subst $loginUri]

    # NOTE: Reset the old login cookie, if any.  Then, issue a new login
    #       request, capturing the raw response data.
    set loginCookie [list]; set data [getPackageFile $uri]

    # NOTE: Attempt to extract the necessary values from the raw response
    #       data.
    set pattern(1) {"authToken":"(.*?)"}; # TODO: *HACK* Keep updated.

    if {![regexp -- $pattern(1) $data dummy authToken]} then {
      error "login response missing \"authToken\""

    set pattern(2) {"loginCookieName":"(.*?)"}; # TODO: *HACK* Keep updated.

    if {![regexp -- $pattern(2) $data dummy loginCookieName]} then {
      error "login response missing \"loginCookieName\""

    # NOTE: Set the login cookie to the one freshly extracted from the raw
    #       response data.
    set loginCookie [list $loginCookieName $authToken]

    # NOTE: Always return an empty string (i.e. and not any response data).
    return ""
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to logout using the currently configured
  #       login cookie, if any, and then resets the login cookie.  There
  #       are no arguments.  This procedure may raise a script error.
  # <public>
  proc logoutAndResetCookie {} {
    variable baseUri
    variable loginCookie
    variable logoutUri

    # NOTE: Attempt to verify that we are currently logged in.
    if {![info exists loginCookie] || [llength $loginCookie] != 2} then {
      error "missing or invalid login cookie"

    # NOTE: Build the full URI for the logout request.
    set authToken [lindex $loginCookie 1]
    set uri [subst $logoutUri]

    # NOTE: Reset the old login cookie, if any.  Then, issue a new login
    #       request, capturing the raw response data.
    set data [getPackageFile $uri]

    # NOTE: Attempt to extract the necessary values from the raw response
    #       data.
    set pattern(1) {"name":"nobody"}; # TODO: *HACK* Keep updated.

    if {![regexp -- $pattern(1) $data dummy]} then {
      error "logout response missing \"name\""

    # NOTE: Reset the login cookie.
    set loginCookie [list]

    # NOTE: Always return an empty string (i.e. and not any response data).
    return ""
  # NOTE: This procedure checks if there is a higher version available of the
  #       specified package on the package file server.  The language argument
  #       must be one of the literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client".  The
  #       version argument must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or
  #       "8.6" when the language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when
  #       the language is either "eagle" or "client".  The packageName argument
  #       is a directory name relative to the language and version-specific
  #       directory on the package file server and may be an empty string.  The
  #       usePgp argument should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature file
  #       needs to be downloaded and verified for the downloaded file.
  # <public>
  proc checkForHigherVersion { language version packageName usePgp } {
    variable clientDirectory
    variable temporaryRootDirectory

    verifyLanguageAndVersion $language $version isClient

    set temporaryDirectory [file join \
        $temporaryRootDirectory [appendArgs \
        pkgd_ver_ [::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix]]]

    if {$isClient} then {
      set persistentDirectory $clientDirectory
    } else {
      set persistentDirectory $persistentRootDirectory

    set fileName [file join $packageName VERSION]
    set downloadFileName [file join $temporaryDirectory $fileName]

    file mkdir [file dirname $downloadFileName]
    downloadOneFile $language $version $fileName $downloadFileName $usePgp

    if {$usePgp} then {
      downloadOneFile $language $version [appendArgs $fileName .asc] \
          [appendArgs $downloadFileName .asc] $usePgp

    set localFileName [file join $persistentDirectory $fileName]

    set compare [package vcompare \
        [string trim [readFile $downloadFileName]] \
        [string trim [readFile $localFileName]]]

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      file delete -recursive -- $temporaryDirectory
    } else {
      file delete -force -- $temporaryDirectory

    return [expr {$compare > 0}]
  # NOTE: This procedure downloads a single file from the package file server,
  #       writing its contents to the specified local file name.  It can also
  #       verify the OpenPGP signatures.  When an OpenPGP signature file is
  #       downloaded, this procedure assumes the corresponding data file was
  #       already downloaded (i.e. since OpenPGP needs both to perform the
  #       signature checks).  The language argument must be one of the
  #       literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client".  The version argument
  #       must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the
  #       language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language
  #       is either "eagle" or "client".  The fileName argument is a file
  #       name relative to the language and version-specific directory on the
  #       package file server.  The localFileName argument is the file name
  #       where the downloaded file should be written.  The usePgp argument
  #       should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature file needs to be
  #       downloaded and verified for the downloaded file.
  proc downloadOneFile { language version fileName localFileName usePgp } {
    variable baseUri
    variable downloadUri

    # NOTE: First, build the full relative file name to download from
    #       the remote package repository.
    set fileName [file join $language $version $fileName]
    set uri [subst $downloadUri]

    # NOTE: Then, in one step, download the file from the package file
    #       server and write it to the specified local file.
    writeFile $localFileName [getPackageFile $uri]

    # NOTE: Is use of OpenPGP for signature verification enabled?  Also,
    #       did we just download an OpenPGP signature file?
    if {$usePgp && [isPgpSignatureFileName $localFileName true]} then {
      # NOTE: Attempt to verify the OpenPGP signature.  If this fails,
      #       an error is raised.
      if {![::PackageRepository::verifyPgpSignature $localFileName]} then {
        error [appendArgs \
            "bad PGP signature \"" $localFileName \"]
  # NOTE: This procedure attempts to download a list of files, optionally
  #       persistening them for subsequent uses by the target language.
  #       The language argument must be one of the literal strings "eagle",
  #       "tcl", or "client".  The version argument must be one of the
  #       literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the language is "tcl"
  #       -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is either "eagle"
  #       or "client".  The fileNames argument must be a well-formed list
  #       of file names to download, each one relative to the language and
  #       version-specific directory on the package file server.  The
  #       persistent argument should be non-zero if the downloaded files
  #       should be saved to permanent storage for subsequent use.  The
  #       usePgp argument should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature file
  #       needs to be downloaded and verified for each downloaded file.  The
  #       useAutoPath argument should be non-zero to modify the auto-path
  #       to include the temporary or persistent directories containing
  #       the downloaded files.
  # <public>
  proc downloadFiles {
          language version fileNames persistent usePgp useAutoPath } {
    variable clientDirectory
    variable persistentRootDirectory
    variable temporaryRootDirectory
    variable viaInstall

    verifyLanguageAndVersion $language $version isClient

    set temporaryDirectory [file join \
        $temporaryRootDirectory [appendArgs \
        pkgd_lib_ [::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix]]]

    if {$isClient} then {
      set persistentDirectory $clientDirectory
    } else {
      set persistentDirectory $persistentRootDirectory

    set downloadedFileNames [list]

    foreach fileName $fileNames {
      if {[string length $fileName] == 0 || \
          [file pathtype $fileName] ne "relative"} then {
        error [appendArgs \
            "bad file name \"" $fileName "\", not relative"]

      set directoryParts [file split [file dirname $fileName]]

      if {[llength $directoryParts] == 0} then {
        error [appendArgs \
            "bad file name \"" $fileName "\", no directory parts"]

      set directory(temporary) [file normalize [eval \
          file join [list $temporaryDirectory] $directoryParts]]

      set directory(persistent) [file normalize [eval \
          file join [list $persistentDirectory] $directoryParts]]

      set fileNameOnly [file tail $fileName]

      set downloadFileName [file normalize [file join \
          $directory(temporary) $fileNameOnly]]

      if {[file exists $downloadFileName]} then {
        error [appendArgs \
            "temporary file name \"" $downloadFileName \
            "\" already exists"]

      file mkdir [file dirname $downloadFileName]
      downloadOneFile $language $version $fileName $downloadFileName $usePgp

      lappend downloadedFileNames [list \
          $fileNameOnly $directory(temporary) $directory(persistent)]

      if {$usePgp && ![isPgpSignatureFileName $downloadFileName true]} then {
        downloadOneFile $language $version [appendArgs $fileName .asc] \
            [appendArgs $downloadFileName .asc] $usePgp

        lappend downloadedFileNames [list \
            [appendArgs $fileNameOnly .asc] $directory(temporary) \

    set downloadDirectories [list]

    foreach downloadedFileName $downloadedFileNames {
      set directory(temporary) [lindex $downloadedFileName 1]

      if {$persistent || $viaInstall} then {
        set fileNameOnly [lindex $downloadedFileName 0]
        set directory(persistent) [lindex $downloadedFileName 2]

        file mkdir $directory(persistent)
        set command [list file copy]

        if {$isClient} then {
          lappend command -force

        lappend command --
        lappend command [file join $directory(temporary) $fileNameOnly]
        lappend command [file join $directory(persistent) $fileNameOnly]

        eval $command

        lappend downloadDirectories $directory(persistent)
      } else {
        lappend downloadDirectories $directory(temporary)

    set downloadDirectories [lsort -unique $downloadDirectories]

    if {$useAutoPath} then {
      foreach downloadDirectory $downloadDirectories {
        addToAutoPath $language $downloadDirectory

    if {$persistent || $viaInstall} then {
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        file delete -recursive -- $temporaryDirectory
      } else {
        file delete -force -- $temporaryDirectory

    return $downloadDirectories
  # NOTE: This package requires that support for namespaces, which is an
  #       optional feature of Eagle, must be enabled.
  if {[isEagle] && ![namespace enable]} then {
    error "namespaces must be enabled for this package"

  # NOTE: This package requires the package repository client package.
  package require Eagle.Package.Repository

  # NOTE: Attempt to read optional settings file now.  This may override
  #       one or more of the variable setup in the next step.
  ::PackageRepository::maybeReadSettingsFile [info script]

  # NOTE: Setup the variables, within this namespace, used by this script.
  setupDownloadVars [info script]

  # NOTE: Provide the package to the interpreter.
  package provide Eagle.Package.Downloader \
    [expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}]