D 2016-11-08T23:52:59.498
L Package\sDownloads\sServer
U mistachkin
W 2062
This repository contains package downloads for both native Tcl and Eagle.
Normally, it should only be used with the following tools:
- The Package Client Setup Tool ("[/artifact?ci=trunk&filename=client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_setup.eagle|pkgr_setup.eagle]")
- The Package Client Installer Tool ("[/artifact?ci=trunk&filename=client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_install.eagle|pkgr_install.eagle]")
- The Package Repository Client ("[/artifact?ci=trunk&filename=client/1.0/neutral/pkgr.eagle|pkgr.eagle]")
- The Package Downloader Client ("[/artifact?ci=trunk&filename=client/1.0/neutral/pkgd.eagle|pkgd.eagle]")
Prior to doing anything useful with this repository, you will typically need to:
- Install an implementation of the OpenPGP standard (e.g. GPG)
- Add the Package Signing Key (dated "2003-06-09", with fingerprint "[https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC3C7513883EEDD3AED1FE425502C96AF495DC2D9|C3C7 5138 83EE DD3A ED1F E425 502C 96AF 495D C2D9]") to your local OpenPGP key ring.
- Download the Package Client Toolset, extract it to a local directory, and add that directory to the auto-path of a local Tcl installation.
WARNING: Cloning and/or "mirroring" this repository is not allowed without special permission from Joe Mistachkin.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Eyrie Solutions reserves the right to terminate and/or limit access for any and all users, at any time, for any reason, or for no reason whatsoever.
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