Public API Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::getFileViaHttp" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "uri"
Required argument "redirectLimit"
Required argument "channel"
Required argument "quiet"
Optional argument list "args"
This procedure was stolen from the "common.tcl" script. It is
designed to process a single HTTP request, including any HTTP
3XX redirects (up to the specified limit), and return the raw
HTTP response data. It may raise any number of script errors.
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::setupCommonVariables" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "force"
This procedure was stolen from the "common.tcl" script. This
procedure sets up the default values for all HTTP configuration
parameters used by this package. If the force argument is
non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and set back
to their default values.
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageOut" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "channel"
Required argument "string"
This procedure was stolen from the "common.tcl" script. It is
designed to emit a message to the console. The channel argument
is the channel where the message should be written. The string
argument is the content of the message to emit. If the channel
argument is an empty string, nothing is written.
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageLog" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "string"
This procedure was stolen from the "common.tcl" script. It is
designed to emit a message to the HTTP client log. The string
argument is the content of the message to emit. If the string
argument is an empty string, nothing is written.
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageProgress" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "channel"
Required argument "type"
Required argument "milliseconds"
This procedure was stolen from the "common.tcl" script. It is
designed to emit a progress indicator while an HTTP request is
being processed. The channel argument is the Tcl channel where
the progress indicator should be emitted. The type argument is
the single-character progress indicator. The milliseconds
argument is the number of milliseconds to wait until the next
periodic progress indicator should be emitted. This procedure
reschedules its own execution.
Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::useServerId" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Optional argument "serverId" with default value ""
This procedure modifies the URN variables used by the package
downloader client so that one or more alternative (private?)
backend file servers may be used. The serverId argument must
consist only of alphanumeric characters and it must begin with
a letter.
Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::useVersionId" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Optional argument "versionId" with default value ""
This procedure modifies the version variables used by the package
downloader client so that a specific version will be used. The
versionId argument must consist only of hexadecimal characters.
Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::resetCookieAndLoginSimple" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure resets the currently configured login cookie, if
any, and then attempts to login using the configured package
repository server API key -OR- using the public access account.
Upon success, it will set the login cookie to the one from the
raw response data. Upon failure, a script error will be raised.
There are no arguments.
Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::resetCookieAndLogin" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "userName"
Required argument "password"
This procedure resets the currently configured login cookie, if
any, and then attempts to login using the specified user name and
password. Upon success, it will set the login cookie to the one
from the raw response data. Upon failure, a script error will be
raised. The userName argument must be the name of a package file
server user with at least Fossil Check-Out (o) permissions on the
package file server. The password argument must be the plaintext
password that is associated with the specified user name.
Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::logoutAndResetCookie" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure attempts to logout using the currently configured
login cookie, if any, and then resets the login cookie. There
are no arguments. This procedure may raise a script error.
Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::checkForHigherVersion" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "platform"
Required argument "packageName"
Required argument "usePgp"
This procedure checks if there is a higher version available of the
specified package on the package file server. The language argument
must be one of the literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client". The
version argument must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or
"8.6" when the language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when
the language is either "eagle" or "client". The platform argument
must be an empty string -OR- one of the literal strings "msil" or
"neutral", or one of the values returned by the [getPlatform]
procedure. An empty string means that the associated package does
not require a specific platform. The packageName argument is a
directory name relative to the language and version-specific
directory on the package file server and may be an empty string.
The usePgp argument should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature
file needs to be downloaded and verified for the downloaded file.
Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadFiles" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "platform"
Required argument "fileNames"
Required argument "options"
This procedure attempts to download a list of files, optionally
persistening them for subsequent uses by the target language.
The language argument must be one of the literal strings "eagle",
"tcl", or "client". The version argument must be one of the
literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the language is "tcl"
-OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is either "eagle"
or "client". The platform argument must be an empty string -OR-
one of the literal strings "msil" or "neutral", or one of the values
returned by the [getPlatform] procedure.. An empty string means
that the associated package does not require a specific platform.
The fileNames argument must be a well-formed list of file names to
download, each one relative to the language and version-specific
directory on the package file server. The options argument must
be a dictionary of name/value pairs. The -persistent option should
be non-zero if the downloaded files should be saved to permanent
storage for subsequent use. The -usePgp option should be non-zero
when an OpenPGP signature file needs to be downloaded and verified
for each downloaded file. The -useAutoPath option should be
non-zero to modify the auto-path to include the temporary or
persistent directories containing the downloaded files. The
-allowUpdate option should be non-zero to allow existing package
files to be overwritten.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadAndSaveOpenPgpKeyFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "fileName"
This procedure attempts to download the Package Signing Keys from
the remote server and save it to a local file. This procedure may
raise script errors. The fileName argument is the name of the file
where the downloaded data should be written. This procedure is only
intended to be used from the "pkgr_setup.eagle" tool script and may
go away in later versions of this package.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyPackageName" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "packageName"
This procedure verifies that the specified value is indeed a valid
package name. The packageName argument is the value to verify.
This procedure may raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyPackagePatchLevel" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "patchLevel"
This procedure verifies that the specified value is indeed a valid
patch level. The patchLevel argument is the value to verify. This
procedure may raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyLanguageAndVersion" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "varName"
This procedure verifies the combination of language and version
specified by the caller. The language argument must be one of the
literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client". The version argument
must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", "8.6", or "8.7"
when the language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the
language is "eagle". When the language is "client", the version
match the major and minor portions of "1.0" and any remaining
portions must be numeric. The varName argument is the name of a
scalar variable in the context of the immediate caller that will
receive a boolean value indicating if the specified language is
actually a reference to the package downloader client itself.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPlatform" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure returns the name of the current platform. There are
no arguments. An empty string will be returned if the name of the
current platform cannot be determined for any reason.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyVersionId" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "versionId"
This procedure verifies that the specified value is indeed a valid
version identifier. The versionId argument is the value to verify.
This procedure may raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyPlatform" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "platform"
Required argument "varName"
This procedure verifies the platform specified by the caller. The
platform argument must be an empty string -OR- one of the literal
strings "msil" or "neutral", or one of the values returned by the
[getPlatform] procedure. An empty string means that the associated
entity does not require a specific platform. The varName argument
is the name of a variable in the context of the immediate caller
that will receive a modified platform name, if applicable. Upon
failure, a script error will be raised. The return value is
Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::maybeResetCookieAndLoginSimple" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure attempts to login using the configured package
repository server API key -OR- using the public access account,
if not already logged in. Upon success, it will set the login
cookie to the one from the raw response data. Upon failure, a
script error will be raised. There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::pkgLog" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "string"
This procedure emits a message to the package downloader client
log. The string argument is the content of the message to emit.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::setupDownloadServerVars" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all URN configuration
parameters used by the package downloader client. If the force
argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and
set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::setupDownloadVersionVars" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all version
configuration parameters used by the package downloader client.
If the force argument is non-zero, any existing values will be
overwritten and set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::setupDownloadUriVars" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all URI configuration
parameters used by the package downloader client. If the force
argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and
set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::setupDownloadVars" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "script"
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used by the package downloader client. The script
argument is the fully qualified path and file name for the script
being evaluated.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::uriEscape" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "name"
Required argument "value"
This procedure escapes a single name/value pair for use in a URI
query string. The name argument is the name of the parameter.
The value argument is the value of the parameter.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPersistentRootDirectory" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure returns the root directory where any packages that
are downloaded should be saved to permanent storage for subsequent
use. There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyPersistentRootDirectory" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure checks the configured persistent root directory for
downloaded packages. If any checks fail, a script error is raised.
There are no arguments. The return value is undefined.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPackageIndexFileName" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
This procedure returns the name of the package index file for the
language specified by the language argument. An empty string will
be returned if the language is unsupported or unrecognized.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::maybeCreateRootTclPackageIndex" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure, which is only used for native Tcl, generates a
"root" package index file (i.e. "pkgIndex.tcl") suitable for
use with native Tcl 8.4 (or higher). It will recursively scan
for all other native Tcl package index files that are within the
configured persistent root directory and [source] them, thereby
causing all packages located within them to become available.
Since Eagle (by default) already performs recursive searches for
its package index files, this procedure is not needed for Eagle.
The return value is undefined.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::isOpenPgpSignatureFileName" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "fileName"
Required argument "nameOnly"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified file seems to be
an OpenPGP signature file. The fileName argument is the name of
the file to check, which may or may not exist. The nameOnly
argument should be non-zero to ignore the contents of the file.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getAutoPath" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
This procedure returns the auto-path for the language specified by
the language argument. An empty list is returned if the auto-path
does not exist in the target language. This procedure may raise
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::addToAutoPath" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "directory"
This procedure adds a directory to the auto-path of the specified
language (i.e. native Tcl or Eagle). The directory will not be
added if it is already present. The language argument must be the
literal string "eagle" or the literal string "tcl". The directory
argument is the fully qualified path for the directory to add to
the auto-path.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::maybeAddToAutoPath" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "directory"
This procedure adds a directory to the auto-path of the specified
language (i.e. native Tcl or Eagle). The directory will not be
added if it is already present. The language argument must be the
literal string "eagle" or the literal string "tcl". The directory
argument is the fully qualified path for the directory to add to
the auto-path. The directory will not be added if it falls under
a directory already in the auto-path.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::isMonoInstalled" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that an instance of Mono and its
associated runtimes are installed locally. There are no arguments.
The return value is non-zero if Mono appears to be installed and
available for use; otherwise, the return value is zero.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::isDotNetCoreInstalled" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that an instance of .NET Core
and its associated runtimes are installed locally. There are no
arguments. The return value is non-zero if Mono appears to be
installed and available for use; otherwise, the return value is
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::canUseMsilPlatform" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that some runtime is available to
run CLR applications locally (e.g. the .NET Framework or Mono JIT).
There are no arguments. The return value is non-zero if it appears
that CLR applications should be runnable locally; otherwise, the
return value is zero.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPackageFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "uri"
Optional argument "allowHtml" with default value "false"
This procedure issues a request to an HTTP(S) server. It returns
the raw response data verbatim. It may raise a script error. It
will always use the currently configured HTTP(S) login cookie, if
any; therefore, it should really only be used for requests to the
package file server. The uri argument is the fully qualified URI
to request. The allowHtml argument should be non-zero if raw HTML
should be allowed in the response data.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getDownloadVarNamePrefix" (from "pkgd.eagle")
This procedure returns the prefix for fully qualified variable
names that MAY be present in the global namespace. There are
no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getUniqueTempDirectory" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Optional argument "prefix" with default value ""
This procedure returns a unique temporary directory where one or
more files may be saved. The prefix argument is a prefix for the
directory name and it may be an empty string. There is no attempt
to actually create the resulting directory.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::createInterp" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "varName"
This procedure creates a new interpreter, which may be "safe", and
places a reference to it in a variable in the context of the caller
identified by the varName argument. The created interpreter has a
fully functioning [package] command ensemble; all other commands do
nothing and return nothing. This procedure may raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getIfNeededVersions" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "interp"
Required argument "fileName"
This procedure evaluates a script file and attempts to determine the
list of new [package ifneeded] scripts added by it. When successful
it returns a list-of-lists. Each element of the outer list contains
a package name and the list of its versions in descending order; in
the event of failure, empty lists may be returned for the outer list
or for a list of versions. The interp argument is the interp to use
when evaluating the file specified by the fileName argument. This
procedure may raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::extractVersionsFromFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "fileName"
This procedure attempts to extract a package version information
from the specified file. The fileName argument is the local file
name to read. This procedure may raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::guessPackageNameFromFileNames" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "fileNames"
This procedure attempts to guess a package name based on a list of
its files. It relies upon the fact that all packages must include
a package index file. The language argument must be one of the
literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client". The fileNames argument
must be the list of file names to be downloaded. The package name,
if one can be detected, is returned; otherwise, an empty string will
be returned.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadAllPlatforms" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "packageName"
Required argument "fileNames"
Required argument "usePgp"
This procedure downloads a manitest from the package file server,
writing its contents to the specified local file name. It can also
verify the OpenPGP signature. The language argument must be one of
the literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client". The version
argument must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6"
when the language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the
language is either "eagle" or "client". The packageName argument
is a directory name relative to the language and version-specific
directory on the package file server and may be an empty string.
The fileNames argument is the list of file names to be downloaded.
The usePgp argument should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature
needs to be verified for the downloaded file.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadOneUriToFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "localFileName"
Required argument "uri"
Required argument "usePgp"
Required argument "forcePgp"
This procedure downloads a single URI from the package file server
and writes the result to a local file. The localFileName argument
is the file name where the downloaded file should be written. The
The uri argument is the URI to download. The usePgp argument should
be non-zero when the OpenPGP signature file needs to be verified for
the downloaded file. The return value is undefined.
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadOneFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "platform"
Required argument "fileName"
Required argument "localFileName"
Required argument "usePgp"
This procedure downloads a single file from the package file server,
writing its contents to the specified local file name. It can also
verify the OpenPGP signatures. When an OpenPGP signature file is
downloaded, this procedure assumes the corresponding data file was
already downloaded (i.e. since OpenPGP needs both to perform the
signature checks). The language argument must be one of the
literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client". The version argument
must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the
language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language
is either "eagle" or "client". The platform argument must be an
empty string -OR- one of the literal strings "msil" or "neutral", or
one of the values returned by the [getPlatform] procedure. An empty
string means that the associated package does not require a specific
platform. The fileName argument is a file name relative to the
language and version-specific directory on the package file server.
The localFileName argument is the file name where the downloaded
file should be written. The usePgp argument should be non-zero when
the OpenPGP signature file needs to be verified for the downloaded
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::isHarpyCertificate" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "value"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified string value
looks like a Harpy (script) certificate. The value argument is
the string to check. The value 14 used within this procedure is
the length of the literal string "</Certificate>".
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::isOpenPgpSignature" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "value"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified string value
looks like an OpenPGP signature. The value argument is the string
to check. The value 27 used within this procedure is the length
of the literal string "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----".
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getFileTempDirectory" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Optional argument "envVarName" with default value ""
This procedure returns the fully qualified name of the directory
where temporary files should be written. The envVarName argument
is an optional extra environment variable to check (first).
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::openPgpMustBeInstalled" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that a configured implementation
of OpenPGP is installed locally. There are no arguments. Script
errors are raised if any problems are found. The return value is
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::verifyOpenPgpSignature" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "fileName"
This procedure attempts to verify the OpenPGP signature contained
in the specified (named) file. Non-zero is only returned if the
OpenPGP signature is verified successfully. A script error should
not be raised by this procedure. The fileName argument must be
the fully qualified path and file name of the OpenPGP signature
file to verify.
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::createOpenPgpSignature" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "fileName"
This procedure attempts to create an OpenPGP signature for the
specified (named) file. Non-zero is only returned if the OpenPGP
signature is created successfully. A script error should not be
raised by this procedure. The fileName argument must be the fully
qualified path and file name of the file to be signed.
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Optional argument "paranoia" with default value "1"
This procedure returns a name suffix (directory, variable, etc)
that is unique to the running process at the current point in
time. It is used (internally) to avoid name collisions with any
preexisting variables or commands that may be present in the
global namespace. The paranoia argument represents the relative
level of paranoia required by the caller; the higher this level,
the more uniqueness is required.
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::useServerId" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Optional argument "serverId" with default value ""
This procedure modifies the URN variables used by the package
repository client so that one or more alternative (private?)
backend repository servers may be used. The serverId argument
must consist only of alphanumeric characters and it must begin
with a letter.
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::maybeReadSettingsFiles" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "script"
This procedure evaluates the package repository client settings
script file, if it exists. Any script errors raised are not
masked. The script argument must be the fully qualified path
and file name for the primary package repository client script
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getPackageFromRepository" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "caller"
This procedure is the primary entry point to the package repository
client. It attempts to lookup the specified package using the
currently configured package repository server. The package
argument is the name of the package being sought, it cannot be an
empty string. The version argument must be a specific version -OR-
a package specification that conforms to TIP #268. The caller
argument must be an empty string -OR- the literal string "handler".
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "value"
This procedure returns a string argument value, which may contain
spaces, for use with the [exec] command. The value argument is
the string value to format as an [exec] argument.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::probeForOpenPgpInstallation" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure attempts to check for an OpenPGP installation being
installed at the default location. There are no arguments. If the
OpenPGP installation is detected and is not yet present in the PATH,
an attempt will be made to add it. Non-zero will be returned if the
OpenPGP installation directory was successfully detected and added
to the PATH -OR- detecting and adding it was not necessary because
it already appeared to be available for use.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::createHarpyCertificate" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "fileName"
This procedure attempts to create a Harpy (script) certificate for
the specified (named) file. Non-zero is only returned if the Harpy
(script) certificate is created successfully. A script error should
not be raised by this procedure. The fileName argument must be the
fully qualified path and file name of the file to be signed. This
procedure assumes that the Harpy package for Eagle is installed and
ready for use (i.e. it can find a valid license certificate).
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::importOpenPgpKeyFile" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "fileName"
Required argument "varName"
This procedure attempts to import the OpenPGP keys contained in
the specified (named) file. Non-zero is only returned if the
OpenPGP keys are imported successfully. A script error should
not be raised by this procedure. The fileName argument must be
the fully qualified path and file name of the OpenPGP key file
to import. This procedure is only intended to be used from the
"pkgr_setup.eagle" tool script and may go away in later versions
of this package.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getApiKeys" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Optional argument "prefix" with default value ""
Optional argument "prefixOnly" with default value "false"
This procedure returns the list of API keys to use when looking
up packages via the package repository server. An empty list
is returned if no API keys are currently configured. The prefix
argument is an extra variable name prefix to check prior to any
that are already configured. The prefixOnly argument should be
non-zero to exclude any API keys other than those based on the
prefix specified by the caller.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::verifyMetadataLanguage" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "language"
This procedure verifies the language specified by the caller. The
language argument must be an empty string -OR- the literal string
"Eagle" or "Tcl". This procedure may raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::verifyServerId" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "serverId"
This procedure verifies that the specified value is indeed a valid
server identifier. The serverId argument is the value to verify.
This procedure may raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getSubmitBaseUri" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure returns the base URI for the package repository
server endpoint that is used to submit packages. There are no
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getResponseCodeFromRawData" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "data"
This procedure attempts to extract the lookup code from the raw
HTTP response data. The data argument is the raw HTTP response
data. An empty string is returned if no lookup code is available.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getResponseResultFromRawData" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "data"
This procedure attempts to extract the lookup result from the raw
HTTP response data. The data argument is the raw HTTP response
data. An empty string is returned if no lookup result is available.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::isResponseCodeOk" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "code"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified lookup response
code indicates success. The code argument is the extracted HTTP
lookup response code.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::makeTclReady" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure is designed for Eagle. It attempts to load the
"best" native Tcl library. It may raise any number of script
errors. There are no arguments.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::eagleMustBeReady" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure, which may only be used from a native Tcl script,
checks if Garuda and Eagle are loaded and ready. If not, a script
error is raised. There are no arguments.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageRepository::makeEagleReady" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure is designed for native Tcl. It attempts to load
the Garuda package and gain access to Eagle. It may raise any
number of script errors. There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupRepositoryServerVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all URN configuration
parameters used by the package repository client. If the force
argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and
set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupRepositoryUriVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all URI configuration
parameters used by the package repository client. If the force
argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and
set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::formatPackageName" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
This procedure returns a formatted, possibly version-specific,
package name, for use in logging. The package argument is the
name of the package. The version argument is the version of the
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::formatResult" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "code"
Required argument "result"
This procedure returns a formatted script result. If the string
result is empty, only the return code is used. The code argument
must be an integer Tcl return code (e.g. from [catch]) and the
result argument is the script result or error message.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::pkgLog" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "string"
This procedure emits a message to the package repository client
log. The string argument is the content of the message to emit.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::stringIsList" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "value"
This procedure attempts to determine if a string is a valid list
and returns non-zero when that is true. The value argument is
the string to check.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::getFileTempName" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure returns a unique temporary file name. A script
error is raised if this task cannot be accomplished. There are
no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::getOpenPgpPassphraseFile" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure returns the name of the file containing the OpenPGP
passphrase. This procedure is only used when creating an OpenPGP
signature. There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::getLookupVarNamePrefix" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure returns the prefix for fully qualified variable
names that MAY be present in the global namespace. There are
no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::getLookupBaseUri" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure returns the base URI for the package repository
server endpoint that is used to lookup packages. There are no
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::getLookupUri" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "apiKeys"
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
This procedure returns the full URI to use when looking up a
specific package via the package repository server. The apiKeys
argument is the list of API keys to use -OR- an empty list if a
public package is being looked up. The package argument is the
name of the package being looked up, it cannot be an empty
string. The version argument is the specific version being
looked up -OR- an empty string for any available version. There
are no HTTP requests issued by this procedure; it simply returns
the URI to use.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::getIfNeededVersion" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
This procedure returns the version of the package that should be
used to lookup the associated [package ifneeded] script -OR- an
empty string if no such version exists. The package argument is
the name of the package, it cannot be an empty string. The
version argument is the specific version being looked up -OR- an
empty string for any available version.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::packageRequirementToVersion" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "requirement"
This procedure accepts a package requirement (spec) and returns
a simple package version, if possible. An empty string will be
returned, if appropriate (i.e. any version should be allowed).
The requirement argument must be a package specification that
conforms to TIP #268.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::getLookupData" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "apiKeys"
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
This procedure issues an HTTP request that should return metadata
that can be used to load and/or provide the specified package.
The apiKeys argument is the list of API keys to use -OR- an empty
list if a public package is being looked up. The package argument
is the name of the package, it cannot be an empty string. The
version argument is the specific version being looked up -OR- an
empty string for any available version. This procedure may raise
script errors. All line-endings are normalized to Unix-style;
therefore, all script signatures must assume this.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::isValidPackageName" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "name"
Optional argument "emptyOk" with default value "false"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified string value is a
valid package name. The emptyOk argument can be non-zero if the
caller wishes to permit an empty string. This procedure is shared
with the server.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::isValidPackageRequirement" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "requirement"
Required argument "rangeOk"
Optional argument "emptyOk" with default value "false"
This procedure was stolen from the "common.tcl" script used by the
package repository server. It has been modified to support both
native Tcl and Eagle. It should be noted here that TIP #268 syntax
is not supported by Eagle. For native Tcl, the requirement argument
must be a package version or requirement conforming to the TIP #268
syntax. For Eagle, the requirement argument must be a simple dotted
package version, with up to four components, without any 'a' or 'b'.
The emptyOk argument should be non-zero if an empty string should be
considered to be valid by the caller. The rangeOk argument should
be non-zero if the version range syntax is allowed; this argument is
ignored for Eagle because it requires TIP #268 support.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::extractAndVerifyLookupMetadata" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "result"
Required argument "varName"
Required argument "caller"
This procedure attempts to extract the package lookup metadata from
the lookup result. The result argument is the lookup result. The
varName argument is the name of an array variable, in the call frame
of the immediate caller, that should receive the extracted package
lookup metadata. The caller argument must be an empty string -OR-
the literal string "handler".
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::tclMustBeReady" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure, which may only be used from an Eagle script, checks
if a native Tcl library is loaded and ready. If not, a script error
is raised. There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::eagleHasSecurity" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure returns non-zero if the current script is being
evaluated in Eagle with signed-only script security enabled.
There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::processLookupMetadata" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "varName"
This procedure uses the package lookup metadata. If the package
script is properly signed, an attempt will be made to evaluate it
in the target language. If the script was signed using OpenPGP,
then a conforming implementation of the OpenPGP specification (e.g.
gpg2) must be installed locally. If the script was signed using
Harpy then Garuda, Eagle, and Harpy must be installed locally.
This procedure is designed to work for both native Tcl and Eagle
packages. Additionally, it is designed to work when evaluated
using either native Tcl or Eagle; however, it is up to the package
script itself to either add the package or provide the package to
the language(s) supported by that package. The varName argument
is the name of an array variable in the call frame of the
immediate caller, that contains the package lookup metadata. This
procedure may raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::isPackagePresent" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified package appears to
be present. The package argument is the name of the package being
sought, it cannot be an empty string. The version argument must be
a specific version -OR- a package specification that conforms to TIP
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::isPackageAvailable" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified package appears to
be available. The package argument is the name of the package being
sought, it cannot be an empty string. The version argument must be
a specific version -OR- a package specification that conforms to TIP
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::canDownloadPackage" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
This procedure returns non-zero if the specified package can be
downloaded, i.e. because it is not required for the downloading
process itself to be functional, etc. The package argument is
the name of the package to check.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupPackageUnknownHandler" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure performs initial setup of the package repository
client, using the current configuration parameters. There are
no arguments. It may load the Garuda package when evaluated in
native Tcl. It may load a native Tcl library when evaluated in
Eagle. It may install the [package unknown] hook.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::isPackageUnknownHandlerHooked" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure returns non-zero if the [package unknown] handler
has already been hooked by the package repository client. There
are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::hookPackageUnknownHandler" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure attempts to hook the [package unknown] handler. It
will raise a script error if this has already been done. The old
[package unknown] handler is saved and will be used by the new one
as part of the overall package loading process. There are no
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::unhookPackageUnknownHandler" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure attempts to unhook the [package unknown] handler.
It will raise a script error if the [package unknown] handler is
not hooked. The old [package unknown] handler is restored and
the saved [package unknown] handler is cleared. There are no
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::runSavedPackageUnknownHandler" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
The procedure runs the saved [package unknown] handler. Any script
errors are raised to the caller. The package and version arguments
are passed in from the current [package unknown] handler verbatim.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::packageUnknownHandler" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Optional argument "version" with default value ""
This procedure is the [package unknown] handler entry point called
by native Tcl and Eagle. The package argument is the name of the
package being sought, it cannot be an empty string. The version
argument must be a specific version -OR- a package specification
that conforms to TIP #268. This version argument must be optional
here, because Eagle does not add a version argument when one is
not explicitly supplied to the [package require] sub-command.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::maybeReadApiKeysFile" (from "pkgr.eagle")
This procedure evaluates a package repository client API keys
script file, if it has been configured -AND- actually exists.
Any script errors raised are not masked. The evaluated script
file should (normally) modify the "::pkgr_api_keys" variable
in order to add API keys for use with the package repository
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupRepositoryOpenPgpVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used to interact with the OpenPGP implementation.
If the force argument is non-zero, any existing values will be
overwritten and set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupPackageUnknownVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used by the package repository client. If the force
argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten
and set back to their default values.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupArgumentData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "argv"
This procedure initializes the array containing data derived from
the command line arguments, if any. The argv argument should be
the list of command line arguments.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::haveArgumentData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure is used to determine if all the package submission
data is available. There are no arguments. Non-zero is returned
if all the package submission data is available. This procedure
should not raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::submitEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
This procedure is an event handler. It handles the submit button in
both Tk and Eagle. It starts the package submission process. The
args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupWinFormsUserInterface" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Eagle
and WinForms. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
populate it. There are no arguments.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupTkUserInterface" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Tcl
and Tk. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
populate it. There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupUploadVars" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used by the package uploader client. If the force
argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten
and set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupCheckoutVars" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used by the package uploader client that require the
location of the checkout directory. If the force argument is
non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and set back
to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::formatStringMapValue" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "value"
This procedure returns a string value, formatted for use within a
script block being processed by the [string map] command. The
value argument is the string value to format. No return value is
reserved to indicate an error. This procedure may not raise any
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::countCommonPathParts" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "path1"
Required argument "path2"
This procedure counts the common path components for two paths. The
count is returned, zero if there are no common path components. The
path1 and path2 arguments are the paths to compare. This procedure
may not raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCommonContainingDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "fileNames"
This procedure processes a list of (fully?) qualified file names and
tries to determine their common containing directory, if any. The
fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
process. This procedure may not raise script errors. If there is
no common containing directory, an empty string is returned.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getRelativeFileNames" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "fileNames"
Required argument "maximumLevels"
This procedure attempts to process a list of (fully?) qualified file
names and return the corresponding list of relative file names. The
fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
process. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path depth that
is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise script
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getScriptChunkForFileNames" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "fileNames"
Required argument "maximumLevels"
This procedure attempts to create a script chunk that appends the
specified list of file names to a list variable. The fileNames
argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to append to
the list variable. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path
depth that is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::createRepositoryScript" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "serverId"
Required argument "versionId"
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "platform"
Required argument "fileNames"
Required argument "options"
This procedure creates and returns a script block designed for use
with the package repository server in order to download and provide
a package consisting of a set of files. The serverId argument is
the identifier for the specific server to use, if any. The
versionId argument is the identifier for the specific version to use,
if any. The language argument must be the literal string "eagle" or
the literal string "tcl". The version argument must be one of the
literal strings "8.4", "8.5", "8.6", or "8.7" when the language is
"tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is "eagle".
The platform argument must be an empty string -OR- one of the literal
strings "neutral", "win32-arm", "win32-x86", "win64-arm64",
"win64-ia64", or "win64-x64". The fileNames argument is the list of
(fully?) qualified file names to be downloaded when the associated
package is being provided. The options argument is reserved for
future use, it should be an empty list.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::createMultipartFormData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "boundary"
Required argument "request"
This procedure creates textual data that conforms to the content
type "multipart/form-data", per RFC 2388. The boundary argument
is a boundary value, as specified in section 4.1 of the RFC. The
request argument is the dictionary of name/value pairs to include
in the form body. This procedure may not raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getSubmitUri" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure returns the full URI to use when submitting a new
package to the package repository server. There are no arguments.
This procedure may raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::submitPackageMetadata" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "apiKey"
Required argument "package"
Required argument "patchLevel"
Required argument "language"
Required argument "script"
Required argument "certificate"
This procedure attempts to submit the metadata for a new package to
the package repository server. Upon success, an empty string will
be returned. Upon failure, a script error will be raised. The
apiKey argument is the list of API keys to use. The package argument
is the name of the package. The patchLevel argument is the specific
patch level being submitted. The language argument must be an empty
string, "Tcl", or "Eagle". If it is an empty string, the current
language will be assumed. The script argument is the script to be
evaluated when the package needs to be provided. The certificate
argument is the certificate associated with the script, which may be
an OpenPGP signature or a Harpy script certificate.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCheckoutId" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to query the identifier of the Fossil
checkout. There are no arguments. An empty string is returned if
the information cannot be determined.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCheckoutDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to query the root directory of the Fossil
checkout. There are no arguments. An empty string is returned if
the information cannot be determined.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::joinPath" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
This procedure builds a native path using the specified parts and
returns it. All arguments are considered to be parts of the path.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyCheckoutDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the root directory of the
Fossil checkout is present, valid, and is actually a directory.
There are no arguments. Script errors will be raised if any of
the checks fail.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::fossilMustBeInstalled" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that an implementation of Fossil
is installed locally. There are no arguments. Script errors are
raised if any problems are found. The return value is undefined.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThereAreNoChanges" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
not contain any (stray) changes. There are no arguments. Non-zero
is returned if the verification is successful.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
belong to the correct project. There are no arguments. Non-zero
is returned if the verification is successful.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
belong to the correct branch. There are no arguments. Non-zero
is returned if the verification is successful.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::changeToTheCorrectBranch" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to change the branch for the checkout
directory. There are no arguments. This procedure may raise
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::stageOnePackageFile" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "targetDirectory"
Required argument "fileName"
This procedure attempts to stage the specified package file using
Fossil. The targetDirectory argument is the fully qualified path
to the package platform directory. The fileName argument is the
relative name of the file to be staged. This procedure may raise
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::stagePackageFiles" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "platform"
Required argument "fileNames"
This procedure attempts to stage the specified package files using
Fossil. The fileNames argument is a list of (fully?) qualified
local file names to stage.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::commitPackageFiles" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "patchLevel"
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
Required argument "varName"
This procedure attempts to commit the staged package files to the
remote package file repository using Fossil. The varName argument
is the name of a scalar variable in the context of the immediate
caller that will receive the resulting Fossil check-in identifier.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::textBoxEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "varName"
Required argument "sender"
Required argument "e"
This procedure is an event handler. It handles the Changed event
for a text box. It is not used when the user interface was built
with Tk. The varName argument is the name of the scalar variable
that must be updated with the contents of the text box. The sender
and e arguments are provided by the framework and represent the
control involved in the event and any extra data that may be
necessary to process the event.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::listBoxEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "varName"
Optional argument list "args"
This procedure is an event handler. It handles double-clicking the
list box in both Tk and Eagle. The varName argument is the name of
the scalar variable that must be updated with the list of items from
the list box -OR- the list of items from an interactive file picker
dialog. The args argument, which is only used for Eagle, is a list
containing two elements. The first element is the control involved
in the event. The second element is any extra data that may be
necessary to process the event.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::handleFormClosedEvent" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
This procedure is an event handler. It handles the Closed event for
a WinForms form -OR- the WM_DELETE_WINDOW event on a Tk window. The
args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::clearEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
This procedure is an event handler. It handles the clear button in
Tk and Eagle. It is used to clear the package submission data. The
args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
raise script errors.