Changes In Branch pkgdSelfUpdate Through [09a7063c6e] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 7e7cba65fa to 09a7063c6e
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20:13 | Refactor and add code to permit the package repository and downloader clients to be self-updated. check-in: 090817ba13 user: mistachkin tags: trunk | |
19:56 | Fix PGP signature checking. check-in: 90d6512a4d user: mistachkin tags: pkgdSelfUpdate | |
19:37 | When downloading for a self-update, overwrite existing files. check-in: 09a7063c6e user: mistachkin tags: pkgdSelfUpdate | |
19:14 | The package downloader client is now working again. check-in: e31d9b486a user: mistachkin tags: pkgdSelfUpdate | |
04:51 | Refactoring work-in-progress on the package downloader client. check-in: 1b8b52e27d user: mistachkin tags: pkgdSelfUpdate | |
02:55 | Move all package client files into a '1.0' sub-directory. check-in: 7e7cba65fa user: mistachkin tags: trunk | |
02:48 | Remove the duplicated 'maybeReadSettingsFile' procedure as it is no longer necessary. check-in: 89022f2b30 user: mistachkin tags: trunk | |
Modified client/1.0/pkgd.eagle from [39534dc0c9] to [a49ff45f93].
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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | # namespace eval ::PackageDownloader { # # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration # parameters used by the package downloader client. There are no # arguments. # | | > > > > > > > > > > | 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 | # namespace eval ::PackageDownloader { # # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration # parameters used by the package downloader client. There are no # arguments. # proc setupDownloadVars { script } { # # NOTE: What is the fully qualified path to the directory containing the # package downloader client? # variable clientDirectory if {![info exists clientDirectory]} then { set clientDirectory [file dirname $script] } # # NOTE: Prevent progress messages from being displayed while downloading # from the repository, etc? By default, this is enabled. # variable quiet; # DEFAULT: true if {![info exists quiet]} then { |
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54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | if {![info exists downloadUri]} then { set downloadUri {${baseUri}?download&ci=trunk&filename=${fileName}} } # # NOTE: The root directory where any persistent packages will be saved. # | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 | if {![info exists downloadUri]} then { set downloadUri {${baseUri}?download&ci=trunk&filename=${fileName}} } # # NOTE: The root directory where any persistent packages will be saved. # variable persistentRootDirectory; # DEFAULT: [getPersistentRootDirectory] if {![info exists persistentRootDirectory]} then { set persistentRootDirectory [getPersistentRootDirectory] } # # NOTE: The root directory where any temporary packages will be written. # variable temporaryRootDirectory; # DEFAULT: [getFileTempDirectory PKGD_TEMP] if {![info exists temporaryRootDirectory]} then { set temporaryRootDirectory \ [::PackageRepository::getFileTempDirectory PKGD_TEMP] } } # # NOTE: This procedure returns the root directory where any packages that # are downloaded should be saved to permanent storage for subsequent # use. There are no arguments. # proc getPersistentRootDirectory {} { # # NOTE: Return a directory parallel to the one containing the library # directory. # return [file join [file dirname [info library]] pkgd] } # # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified file seems to be # an OpenPGP signature file. The fileName argument is the name of # the file to check, which may or may not exist. # proc isPgpSignatureFileName { fileName } { if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then { return false } set extension [file extension $fileName] if {$extension eq ".asc"} then { if {[file exists $fileName]} then { return [::PackageRepository::isPgpSignature [readFile $fileName]] } else { return true } } else { return false } } # # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified file seems to be # a Harpy script certificate file. The fileName argument is the name # of the file to check, which may or may not exist. # proc isHarpyCertificateFileName { fileName } { if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then { return false } set extension [file extension $fileName] if {$extension eq ".harpy"} then { if {[file exists $fileName]} then { return [::PackageRepository::isHarpyCertificate [readFile $fileName]] } else { return true } } else { return false } } # # NOTE: This procedure adds a directory to the auto-path of the specified # language (i.e. native Tcl or Eagle). The directory will not be # added if it is already present. The language argument must be the # literal string "eagle" or the literal string "tcl". The directory # argument is the fully qualified path for the directory to add to |
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123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 | } } } else { error "unsupported language, no idea how to modify auto-path" } } # # NOTE: This procedure attempts to download a list of files, optionally # persistening them for subsequent uses by the target language. | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | | < | | > > | > | | | < | < | < < | > > | < | | | < < | < < | | | > > > > > | | > | > > | < < | | > | | < | > | | | | | | | > > > < > | | < < < | < < < | < > > | > | | > | > | 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 | } } } else { error "unsupported language, no idea how to modify auto-path" } } # # NOTE: This procedure downloads a single file from the package file server, # writing its contents to the specified local file name. It can also # verify the PGP signatures. When a PGP signature file is # downloaded, this procedure assumes the corresponding data file was # already downloaded (i.e. since OpenPGP needs both to perform the # signature checks). The language argument must be one of the # literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client". The version argument # must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the # language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language # is either "eagle" or "client". The fileName argument is a file # name relative to the language and version-specific directory on the # package file server. The localFileName argument is the file name # where the downloaded file should be written. The usePgp argument # should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature file needs to be # downloaded and verified for the downloaded file. # proc downloadOneFile { language version fileName localFileName usePgp } { variable baseUri variable downloadUri variable quiet # # NOTE: First, build the full relative file name to download from # the remote package repository. # set fileName [file join $language $version $fileName] set uri [subst $downloadUri] # # NOTE: Then, in one step, download the file from the package file # server and write it to the specified local file. # if {[isEagle]} then { writeFile $localFileName [interp readorgetscriptfile -- "" $uri] } else { writeFile $localFileName \ [::PackageRepository::getFileViaHttp $uri 10 stdout $quiet] } # # NOTE: Is use of OpenPGP for signature verification enabled? Also, # did we just download an OpenPGP signature file? # if {$usePgp && [isPgpSignatureFileName $localFileName]} then { # # NOTE: Attempt to verify the OpenPGP signature. If this fails, # an error is raised. # if {![::PackageRepository::verifyPgpSignature $localFileName]} then { error [appendArgs \ "bad PGP signature \"" $localFileName \"] } } } # # NOTE: This procedure attempts to download a list of files, optionally # persistening them for subsequent uses by the target language. # The language argument must be one of the literal strings "eagle", # "tcl", or "client". The version argument must be one of the # literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the language is "tcl" # -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is either "eagle" # or "client". The fileNames argument must be a well-formed list # of file names to download, each one relative to the language and # version-specific directory on the package file server. The # persistent argument should be non-zero if the downloaded files # should be saved to permanent storage for subsequent use. The # usePgp argument should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature file # needs to be downloaded and verified for each downloaded file. The # useAutoPath argument should be non-zero to modify the auto-path # to include the temporary or persistent directories containing # the downloaded files. # # <public> proc downloadFiles { language version fileNames persistent usePgp useAutoPath } { variable clientDirectory variable persistentRootDirectory variable temporaryRootDirectory set client false if {[string length $language] == 0 || $language eq "eagle"} then { if {$version ne "1.0"} then { error "unsupported Eagle version" } } elseif {$language eq "tcl"} then { if {$version ne "8.4" && $version ne "8.5" && $version ne "8.6"} then { error "unsupported Tcl version" } } elseif {$language eq "client"} then { if {$version ne "1.0"} then { error "unsupported client version" } set client true } else { error "unsupported language" } set temporaryDirectory [file join $temporaryRootDirectory \ [appendArgs pkgd_ [string trim [pid] -] _ [string trim \ [clock seconds] -]]] if {$client} then { set persistentDirectory $clientDirectory } else { set persistentDirectory $persistentRootDirectory } set downloadedFileNames [list] foreach fileName $fileNames { if {[string length $fileName] == 0 || \ [file pathtype $fileName] ne "relative"} then { error [appendArgs \ "bad file name \"" $fileName "\", not relative"] } set directoryParts [file split [file dirname $fileName]] if {[llength $directoryParts] == 0} then { error [appendArgs \ "bad file name \"" $fileName "\", no directory parts"] } set directory(temporary) [file normalize [eval \ file join [list $temporaryDirectory] $directoryParts]] set directory(persistent) [file normalize [eval \ file join [list $persistentDirectory] $directoryParts]] set fileNameOnly [file tail $fileName] set downloadFileName [file normalize [file join \ $directory(temporary) $fileNameOnly]] if {[file exists $downloadFileName]} then { error [appendArgs \ "temporary file name \"" $downloadFileName \ "\" already exists"] } file mkdir [file dirname $downloadFileName] downloadOneFile $language $version $fileName $downloadFileName $usePgp lappend downloadedFileNames [list \ $fileNameOnly $directory(temporary) $directory(persistent)] if {$usePgp && ![isPgpSignatureFileName $downloadFileName]} then { downloadOneFile $language $version [appendArgs $fileName .asc] \ [appendArgs $downloadFileName .asc] $usePgp lappend downloadedFileNames [list \ [appendArgs $fileNameOnly .asc] $directory(temporary) \ $directory(persistent)] } } set downloadDirectories [list] foreach downloadedFileName $downloadedFileNames { set directory(temporary) [lindex $downloadedFileName 1] if {$persistent} then { set fileNameOnly [lindex $downloadedFileName 0] set directory(persistent) [lindex $downloadedFileName 2] file mkdir $directory(persistent) set command [list file copy] if {$client} then { lappend command -force } lappend command -- lappend command [file join $directory(temporary) $fileNameOnly] lappend command [file join $directory(persistent) $fileNameOnly] eval $command lappend downloadDirectories $directory(persistent) } else { lappend downloadDirectories $directory(temporary) } } set downloadDirectories [lsort -unique $downloadDirectories] if {$useAutoPath} then { foreach downloadDirectory $downloadDirectories { addToAutoPath $language $downloadDirectory |
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277 278 279 280 281 282 283 | # one or more of the variable setup in the next step. # ::PackageRepository::maybeReadSettingsFile [info script] # # NOTE: Setup the variables, within this namespace, used by this script. # | | | 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 | # one or more of the variable setup in the next step. # ::PackageRepository::maybeReadSettingsFile [info script] # # NOTE: Setup the variables, within this namespace, used by this script. # setupDownloadVars [info script] # # NOTE: Provide the package to the interpreter. # package provide Eagle.Package.Downloader \ [expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}] } |
Modified client/1.0/pkgd.eagle.harpy from [d275cf6011] to [f0f033a03d].
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17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE MAY NOT WORK PROPERLY IF THIS FILE IS ALTERED. --> <Certificate xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <Protocol>None</Protocol> <Vendor>Mistachkin Systems</Vendor> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE MAY NOT WORK PROPERLY IF THIS FILE IS ALTERED. --> <Certificate xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <Protocol>None</Protocol> <Vendor>Mistachkin Systems</Vendor> <Id>492aa58d-5e9f-40fd-b909-c8a2a65e7036</Id> <HashAlgorithm>SHA512</HashAlgorithm> <EntityType>Script</EntityType> <TimeStamp>2016-08-19T19:36:49.2881328Z</TimeStamp> <Duration>-1.00:00:00</Duration> <Key>0x2c322765603b5278</Key> <Signature> G1u9v+sER+oO/8hWG7so9m2yZ8upWl+JB6/Dw60K7KnCY1e8Jgm8Y+G2zT8NA+uVQploGAUaGq/f jgE6i29kHY0D0vzcciduULqK5XayNLE5jk7K73xhFpiYT0PW8pjlGmkYR/ka2xD3fYyuO/4PMRVf 3iydSkqX+BEmT7QVsH/lRdViNyDZl4sOKE63wUI7OtCAjqyD47c/wUeYZahFJ3EgIPEvJMj6ERpr Q0thDUaYbtnHcln1imjELHivpZxWfXe7ZMm0tOFEBPnYt8AeP5PzfIgRuXlmpECj94BSzKRycSS/ cw7f0YAKyxfsaqthMq43GBIqqHda5I1+3mc0A5PHrCTj3Hf7mYDelzZqkYUGtbXhuU0PF1G0R4dl +ElPholGd5AnyApmk3cWCAWsrsNzpCChfCW/nqT3z298b8UQO6ddk8hyy0F64eCbD1zQq59v5406 4gVY6NHYGjUNXFU06WG2ASZilwpK6CSLTjLU67ozsgUgHvTbDkPzuzXqxHOhWEbLFSYeC3xvNijK uK0xsbIi64Tyt2/IVRA9bljE5nNT1h+niEkIYm7cGPsApVfVCqrSKok+qvggxmhWvUC3ZfObDazX cB82Ody0GKgtZz8vQd+GLZ3iFUs181vjD8rH+JxRyu/5Covuz4syPvoP2PW4+GeOMoIBVXX3XokW TVbrlqlqLqi+h1GCJIgbFHBIRgVxmFlYPAhqhIv+o17Wo/yKu/Jh2522WmmrP+NI2xDJYsQp88Mg kgSITeEWT2/4P8Kf3Z5ZgXFfNhAxijOddlU6ApmFKDElyWjznmHrSbxdVuwIqNI65XYrOwoEZKvF 0KfXaEqbfcHuokMtz89+D+1g4C3LzDIi11MAifG6XUskpHtfyW9/pJhNW2SLwucaGjUt2jjyEStQ 2++jtLk4xg5L6Emki3nNZXU0uC923U6ZnHzqBKzqmnYlF1REY/mQ/NUlpBG4bcBZkIrG/0+6Qbl0 YUwfr75a+qMkW/68epo8M5xITf0AwzpD5l5mj/twZ4qqdcKtPindLJWJkEZctLXIHT6EXCLe7F9I An61MT0sKO874FfoeoylAIYzGiVr9eextmYa7L91ztb0kJSifjp6RDiQ/QKMDujQB/3JUXCmI6wu rI2UCSZVDR/cFTwVu+RTBDT1NDoIyN0X8ut6RF8jMFzUWSMU3R/KOA6yl9jjzJvGr+tNsQaQ5zhy 03JRl2/FUjNOgc/Q3Hv2Wuzd3Od5WhV2bG1E1OAhT22gsngEV1y76biEVIUF/iGRvQQqDdqqbHZp DPzHuGEJZbTOY8BvXpYbf4qJuTMMK//PLn7SFm3XIVLumiL/9FaaP8P18MADRl1iTofra8w4QA== </Signature> </Certificate> |
Modified client/1.0/pkgr.eagle from [9dc3f0e9e9] to [ece670d676].
︙ | ︙ | |||
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 | }] $value] != -1} then { return true } else { return false } } # # NOTE: This procedure returns a unique temporary file name. A script # error is raised if this task cannot be accomplished. There are # no arguments. # proc getFileTempName {} { if {[isEagle]} then { return [file tempname] } else { | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > < < < < < < < | < < < < | 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 | }] $value] != -1} then { return true } else { return false } } # # NOTE: This procedure returns the fully qualified name of the directory # where temporary files should be written. The envVarName argument # is an optional extra environment variable to check (first). # proc getFileTempDirectory { {envVarName ""} } { global env if {[string length $envVarName] > 0 && \ [info exists env($envVarName)]} then { return $env($envVarName) } elseif {[info exists env(TEMP)]} then { return $env(TEMP) } elseif {[info exists env(TMP)]} then { return $env(TMP) } else { error [appendArgs \ "please set " $envVarName \ " (via environment) to temporary directory"] } } # # NOTE: This procedure returns a unique temporary file name. A script # error is raised if this task cannot be accomplished. There are # no arguments. # proc getFileTempName {} { if {[isEagle]} then { return [file tempname] } else { set directory [getFileTempDirectory PKGR_TEMP] set counter [expr {[pid] ^ int(rand() * 0xFFFF)}] while {1} { set fileNameOnly [format tcl%04X.tmp $counter] set fileName [file join $directory $fileNameOnly] if {![file exists $fileName]} then { |
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Modified client/1.0/pkgr.eagle.harpy from [8c0f96195a] to [041e568d84].
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17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE MAY NOT WORK PROPERLY IF THIS FILE IS ALTERED. --> <Certificate xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <Protocol>None</Protocol> <Vendor>Mistachkin Systems</Vendor> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE MAY NOT WORK PROPERLY IF THIS FILE IS ALTERED. --> <Certificate xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <Protocol>None</Protocol> <Vendor>Mistachkin Systems</Vendor> <Id>c8d855d3-dc6c-4ff7-b559-6920bdc2c9ef</Id> <HashAlgorithm>SHA512</HashAlgorithm> <EntityType>Script</EntityType> <TimeStamp>2016-08-19T19:13:22.5840312Z</TimeStamp> <Duration>-1.00:00:00</Duration> <Key>0x2c322765603b5278</Key> <Signature> JBC1xWLd8MNtAHcCpSmqGSmJHhqY2uwe0jbBGKS7vFoYEPueeYGUyLgp2ZUxjJj2jhMxAlkUd/zX mLpjzG3YNHCBRxPL1OvkOgn7Oi1bqz9QgJCUimh8vQkq0iGY9lL5GLdmcaBoRwJz1hbFlGhXv5LK TrwqAlJQ1Lzb7VZDgRmQpkjq//0m/4rTczf6uvihdKoV2bJRcrCxh6zTtdbbbfJNPMZy+4elb8I3 xP0EVoI9L1vB/XUGKLPLpD1hI2vDJVoa5RoM2W4FQZyAu7w/gXpno8I1rkhKoiICku9zlMsAfLmR PQm2YNn284KKuCjm/UzNzFQw4TrHH8EJY+utqeQ45ZRhfTk+inSSsnkSqhwxzB1EDkdUL4vcTndI idOw4ElrG32vDRvA2JPiIezKANn0InpXRFpICcTPIyqLXGlu62PDBBdyQWsIH8ZCFVaJUSNbh9yk gzGWBzYcqVqBGOT4YHe/9vdB5uJeqNS7LbGgcC88VPgaG2rnzTmzK6OXCi4dXDFIc7b43XFAeQLy G2OGbzz9HS4OvoWvhX2ZVm3rFgPsVdatWIaYQBEsaHY1GDn0Caf4Xe0zbjsn0s24awumSDfrM2kQ gke7GLCYyNQti7ydQpHH3ac8EBGj8t7SCgiP3K5yMsKkeTQUvPo/Az/90aNuZ9W6JSOxQAVZ7BDB YX5iW15HrWsoR/Uxs+4IUaSB6X/Af2HaJvBGF6EUbqszvehGcd+cFrcU05OQZDQYT2D3rq/ZZYE9 YMQms6GOKxcHDsoSqM5Z8Q9gH5l1+i/YC5r0yQu/KkakxeAztMmVzl4QttojbInyXQXUj7XOreDA 1dpE+k/eyjgh+SveAjltsrc7m020eMKKZUgPJmo47CXsZvqknF6exATQ8NWC3d03PcOVqkCk1oK1 c0QnkH8DddSEUvjLBKTlzUlTVB8Z1GWT/5APOqEgs5BBCvKtLtB7M6PhM9qb+ax5N+mslhEKkMIE F4CAul92Zcl62SIw1J+QZPxC3ZW01OrF8OtEQGMMC2TTISBMqkweGhm/aI+QnoEv6686590bvs6G iTkjvEYodSqZQtSlZIkddWPF7wgqhcO7mtxAR711yQpQywItJYMOmeBVwTykQ75/LAOfaHI6evPo GrxIlt+UfeE57Lb6y/luVdbXNMlovLe4n2XYymD62B/GubjHfj67j/qGPTO8EWVn3gUWwFBXpILn 3cFqVvH3p3HeMGK/5gGbMafi9fGsqqcugpWrH66PLBCn7VHhiKNa20IOxwiWrx3w5VM1s0Otqcug QstW9/mOw1qMLcZh/+mOKhB5XMbF50bapmbZ2SSA+/E3U9j335nekmXIS6OESOVQtbIXb9kqOw== </Signature> </Certificate> |