Index: doc/v1.html
--- doc/v1.html
+++ doc/v1.html
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Public API Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::getFileViaHttp" (from "common.tcl")
Public API Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::getFileViaHttp" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "uri"
Required argument "redirectLimit"
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
parameters used by this package. If the force argument is
non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and set back
to their default values.
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageOut" (from "common.tcl")
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageOut" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "channel"
Required argument "string"
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
is the channel where the message should be written. The string
argument is the content of the message to emit. If the channel
argument is an empty string, nothing is written.
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageLog" (from "common.tcl")
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageLog" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "string"
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
designed to emit a message to the HTTP client log. The string
argument is the content of the message to emit. If the string
argument is an empty string, nothing is written.
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageProgress" (from "common.tcl")
Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageProgress" (from "common.tcl")
Required argument "channel"
Required argument "type"
@@ -364,10 +364,12 @@
Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::setupDownloadVars" (from "pkgd.eagle")
Required argument "script"
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used by the package downloader client. The script
argument is the fully qualified path and file name for the script
@@ -762,11 +764,11 @@
masked. The script argument must be the fully qualified path
and file name for the primary package repository client script
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getPackageFromRepository" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Public API Procedure "::PackageRepository::getPackageFromRepository" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "version"
@@ -1331,27 +1333,35 @@
file should (normally) modify the "::pkgr_api_keys" variable
in order to add API keys for use with the package repository
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupRepositoryOpenPgpVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupRepositoryOpenPgpVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used to interact with the OpenPGP implementation.
-There are no arguments.
+If the force argument is non-zero, any existing values will be
+overwritten and set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupPackageUnknownVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageRepository::setupPackageUnknownVars" (from "pkgr.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
-parameters used by the package repository client. There are no
+parameters used by the package repository client. If the force
+argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten
+and set back to their default values.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupArgumentData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupArgumentData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "argv"
@@ -1358,20 +1368,20 @@
This procedure initializes the array containing data derived from
the command line arguments, if any. The argv argument should be
the list of command line arguments.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::haveArgumentData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::haveArgumentData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure is used to determine if all the package submission
data is available. There are no arguments. Non-zero is returned
if all the package submission data is available. This procedure
should not raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::submitEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::submitEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
@@ -1380,43 +1390,52 @@
args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
raise script errors.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupWinFormsUserInterface" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupWinFormsUserInterface" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Eagle
and WinForms. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
populate it. There are no arguments.
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupTkUserInterface" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Internal API Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupTkUserInterface" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Tcl
and Tk. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
populate it. There are no arguments.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupUploadVars" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupUploadVars" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
-parameters used by the package uploader client. There are no
+parameters used by the package uploader client. If the force
+argument is non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten
+and set back to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupCheckoutVars" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::setupCheckoutVars" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "force"
This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
parameters used by the package uploader client that require the
-location of the checkout directory. There are no arguments.
+location of the checkout directory. If the force argument is
+non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and set back
+to their default values.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::formatStringMapValue" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::formatStringMapValue" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "value"
@@ -1425,11 +1444,11 @@
value argument is the string value to format. No return value is
reserved to indicate an error. This procedure may not raise any
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::countCommonPathParts" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::countCommonPathParts" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "path1"
Required argument "path2"
@@ -1439,11 +1458,11 @@
count is returned, zero if there are no common path components. The
path1 and path2 arguments are the paths to compare. This procedure
may not raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCommonContainingDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCommonContainingDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "fileNames"
@@ -1452,11 +1471,11 @@
fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
process. This procedure may not raise script errors. If there is
no common containing directory, an empty string is returned.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getRelativeFileNames" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getRelativeFileNames" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "fileNames"
Required argument "maximumLevels"
@@ -1468,11 +1487,11 @@
process. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path depth that
is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise script
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getScriptChunkForFileNames" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getScriptChunkForFileNames" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "fileNames"
Required argument "maximumLevels"
@@ -1484,11 +1503,11 @@
the list variable. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path
depth that is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::createRepositoryScript" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::createRepositoryScript" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "serverId"
Required argument "versionId"
@@ -1519,11 +1538,11 @@
(fully?) qualified file names to be downloaded when the associated
package is being provided. The options argument is reserved for
future use, it should be an empty list.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::createMultipartFormData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::createMultipartFormData" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "boundary"
Required argument "request"
@@ -1534,19 +1553,19 @@
is a boundary value, as specified in section 4.1 of the RFC. The
request argument is the dictionary of name/value pairs to include
in the form body. This procedure may not raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getSubmitUri" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getSubmitUri" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure returns the full URI to use when submitting a new
package to the package repository server. There are no arguments.
This procedure may raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::submitPackageMetadata" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::submitPackageMetadata" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "apiKey"
Required argument "package"
@@ -1571,86 +1590,86 @@
evaluated when the package needs to be provided. The certificate
argument is the certificate associated with the script, which may be
an OpenPGP signature or a Harpy script certificate.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCheckoutId" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCheckoutId" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to query the identifier of the Fossil
checkout. There are no arguments. An empty string is returned if
the information cannot be determined.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCheckoutDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::getCheckoutDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to query the root directory of the Fossil
checkout. There are no arguments. An empty string is returned if
the information cannot be determined.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::joinPath" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::joinPath" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
This procedure builds a native path using the specified parts and
returns it. All arguments are considered to be parts of the path.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyCheckoutDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyCheckoutDirectory" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the root directory of the
Fossil checkout is present, valid, and is actually a directory.
There are no arguments. Script errors will be raised if any of
the checks fail.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::fossilMustBeInstalled" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::fossilMustBeInstalled" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that an implementation of Fossil
is installed locally. There are no arguments. Script errors are
raised if any problems are found. The return value is undefined.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThereAreNoChanges" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThereAreNoChanges" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
not contain any (stray) changes. There are no arguments. Non-zero
is returned if the verification is successful.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
belong to the correct project. There are no arguments. Non-zero
is returned if the verification is successful.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
belong to the correct branch. There are no arguments. Non-zero
is returned if the verification is successful.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::changeToTheCorrectBranch" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::changeToTheCorrectBranch" (from "pkgu.eagle")
This procedure attempts to change the branch for the checkout
directory. There are no arguments. This procedure may raise
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::stageOnePackageFile" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::stageOnePackageFile" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "targetDirectory"
Required argument "fileName"
@@ -1661,11 +1680,11 @@
to the package platform directory. The fileName argument is the
relative name of the file to be staged. This procedure may raise
script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::stagePackageFiles" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::stagePackageFiles" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "language"
Required argument "version"
@@ -1678,11 +1697,11 @@
This procedure attempts to stage the specified package files using
Fossil. The fileNames argument is a list of (fully?) qualified
local file names to stage.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::commitPackageFiles" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::commitPackageFiles" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "package"
Required argument "patchLevel"
@@ -1698,11 +1717,11 @@
remote package file repository using Fossil. The varName argument
is the name of a scalar variable in the context of the immediate
caller that will receive the resulting Fossil check-in identifier.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::textBoxEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::textBoxEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "varName"
Required argument "sender"
@@ -1717,11 +1736,11 @@
and e arguments are provided by the framework and represent the
control involved in the event and any extra data that may be
necessary to process the event.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::listBoxEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::listBoxEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Required argument "varName"
Optional argument list "args"
@@ -1735,11 +1754,11 @@
containing two elements. The first element is the control involved
in the event. The second element is any extra data that may be
necessary to process the event.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::handleFormClosedEvent" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::handleFormClosedEvent" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
@@ -1748,11 +1767,11 @@
args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
raise script errors.
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::clearEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Private Procedure "::PackageUploader::clearEventHandler" (from "pkgu.eagle")
Optional argument list "args"
Index: doc/v1.html.asc
--- doc/v1.html.asc
+++ doc/v1.html.asc
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: Eagle Package Repository