Index: doc/v1.html ================================================================== --- doc/v1.html +++ doc/v1.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

-Public API Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::getFileViaHttp" (from "common.tcl")
+Public API Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::getFileViaHttp" (from "common.tcl")

    Required argument "uri"
    Required argument "redirectLimit"
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ parameters used by this package. If the force argument is
non-zero, any existing values will be overwritten and set back
to their default values.

-Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageOut" (from "common.tcl")
+Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageOut" (from "common.tcl")

    Required argument "channel"
    Required argument "string"
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ is the channel where the message should be written. The string
argument is the content of the message to emit. If the channel
argument is an empty string, nothing is written.

-Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageLog" (from "common.tcl")
+Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageLog" (from "common.tcl")

    Required argument "string"

@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ designed to emit a message to the HTTP client log. The string
argument is the content of the message to emit. If the string
argument is an empty string, nothing is written.

-Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageProgress" (from "common.tcl")
+Private Procedure "::Eagle::Tools::Common::pageProgress" (from "common.tcl")

    Required argument "channel"
    Required argument "type"
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ This procedure modifies the version variables used by the package
downloader client so that a specific version will be used. The
versionId argument must consist only of hexadecimal characters.

-Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::resetCookieAndLoginSimple" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::resetCookieAndLoginSimple" (from "pkgd.eagle")

This procedure resets the currently configured login cookie, if
any, and then attempts to login using the configured package
repository server API key -OR- using the public access account.
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ Upon success, it will set the login cookie to the one from the
raw response data. Upon failure, a script error will be raised.
There are no arguments.

-Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::resetCookieAndLogin" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::resetCookieAndLogin" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "userName"
    Required argument "password"
@@ -131,19 +131,19 @@ server user with at least Fossil Check-Out (o) permissions on the
package file server. The password argument must be the plaintext
password that is associated with the specified user name.

-Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::logoutAndResetCookie" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::logoutAndResetCookie" (from "pkgd.eagle")

This procedure attempts to logout using the currently configured
login cookie, if any, and then resets the login cookie. There
are no arguments. This procedure may raise a script error.

-Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::checkForHigherVersion" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::checkForHigherVersion" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "language"
    Required argument "version"
@@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ directory on the package file server and may be an empty string.
The usePgp argument should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature
file needs to be downloaded and verified for the downloaded file.

-Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadFiles" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Public API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadFiles" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "language"
    Required argument "version"
@@ -256,29 +256,29 @@

This procedure verifies the combination of language and version
specified by the caller. The language argument must be one of the
literal strings "eagle", "tcl", or "client". The version argument
-must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the
-language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language
-is "eagle". When the language is "client", the version match the
-major and minor portions of "1.0" and any remaining portions must
-be numeric. The varName argument is the name of a scalar variable
-in the context of the immediate caller that will receive a boolean
-value indicating if the specified language is actually a reference
-to the package downloader client itself.
+must be one of the literal strings "8.4", "8.5", "8.6", or "8.7"
+when the language is "tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the
+language is "eagle". When the language is "client", the version
+match the major and minor portions of "1.0" and any remaining
+portions must be numeric. The varName argument is the name of a
+scalar variable in the context of the immediate caller that will
+receive a boolean value indicating if the specified language is
+actually a reference to the package downloader client itself.

-Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPlatform" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPlatform" (from "pkgd.eagle")

This procedure returns the name of the current platform. There are
no arguments. An empty string will be returned if the name of the
current platform cannot be determined for any reason.

-Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyVersionId" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyVersionId" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "versionId"

@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ This procedure verifies that the specified value is indeed a valid
version identifier. The versionId argument is the value to verify.
This procedure may raise script errors.

-Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyPlatform" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::verifyPlatform" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "platform"
    Required argument "varName"
@@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ that will receive a modified platform name, if applicable. Upon
failure, a script error will be raised. The return value is

-Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::maybeResetCookieAndLoginSimple" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Internal API Procedure "::PackageDownloader::maybeResetCookieAndLoginSimple" (from "pkgd.eagle")

This procedure attempts to login using the configured package
repository server API key -OR- using the public access account,
if not already logged in. Upon success, it will set the login
@@ -516,11 +516,11 @@ There are no arguments. The return value is non-zero if it appears
that CLR applications should be runnable locally; otherwise, the
return value is zero.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPackageFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getPackageFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "uri"
    Optional argument "allowHtml" with default value "false"
@@ -533,19 +533,19 @@ package file server. The uri argument is the fully qualified URI
to request. The allowHtml argument should be non-zero if raw HTML
should be allowed in the response data.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getDownloadVarNamePrefix" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getDownloadVarNamePrefix" (from "pkgd.eagle")

This procedure returns the prefix for fully qualified variable
names that MAY be present in the global namespace. There are
no arguments.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getUniqueTempDirectory" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getUniqueTempDirectory" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Optional argument "prefix" with default value ""

@@ -553,11 +553,11 @@ more files may be saved. The prefix argument is a prefix for the
directory name and it may be an empty string. There is no attempt
to actually create the resulting directory.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::createInterp" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::createInterp" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "varName"

@@ -566,11 +566,11 @@ identified by the varName argument. The created interpreter has a
fully functioning [package] command ensemble; all other commands do
nothing and return nothing. This procedure may raise script errors.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getIfNeededVersions" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::getIfNeededVersions" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "interp"
    Required argument "fileName"
@@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ or for a list of versions. The interp argument is the interp to use
when evaluating the file specified by the fileName argument. This
procedure may raise script errors.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::extractVersionsFromFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::extractVersionsFromFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "fileName"

@@ -595,11 +595,11 @@ This procedure attempts to extract a package version information
from the specified file. The fileName argument is the local file
name to read. This procedure may raise script errors.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::guessPackageNameFromFileNames" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::guessPackageNameFromFileNames" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "language"
    Required argument "fileNames"
@@ -612,11 +612,11 @@ must be the list of file names to be downloaded. The package name,
if one can be detected, is returned; otherwise, an empty string will
be returned.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadAllPlatforms" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadAllPlatforms" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "language"
    Required argument "version"
@@ -640,11 +640,11 @@ The fileNames argument is the list of file names to be downloaded.
The usePgp argument should be non-zero when an OpenPGP signature
needs to be verified for the downloaded file.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadOneUriToFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadOneUriToFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "localFileName"
    Required argument "uri"
@@ -660,11 +660,11 @@ The uri argument is the URI to download. The usePgp argument should
be non-zero when the OpenPGP signature file needs to be verified for
the downloaded file. The return value is undefined.

-Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadOneFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")
+Private Procedure "::PackageDownloader::downloadOneFile" (from "pkgd.eagle")

    Required argument "language"
    Required argument "version"
@@ -1573,13 +1573,13 @@ a package consisting of a set of files. The serverId argument is
the identifier for the specific server to use, if any. The
versionId argument is the identifier for the specific version to use,
if any. The language argument must be the literal string "eagle" or
the literal string "tcl". The version argument must be one of the
-literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the language is "tcl"
--OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is "eagle". The
-platform argument must be an empty string -OR- one of the literal
+literal strings "8.4", "8.5", "8.6", or "8.7" when the language is
+"tcl" -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is "eagle".
+The platform argument must be an empty string -OR- one of the literal
strings "neutral", "win32-arm", "win32-x86", "win64-arm64",
"win64-ia64", or "win64-x64". The fileNames argument is the list of
(fully?) qualified file names to be downloaded when the associated
package is being provided. The options argument is reserved for
future use, it should be an empty list.
Index: doc/v1.html.asc ================================================================== --- doc/v1.html.asc +++ doc/v1.html.asc @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- +Version: GnuPG v2 Comment: Eagle Package Repository -iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEw8dROIPu3TrtH+QlUCyWr0ldwtkFAl7tQJkACgkQUCyWr0ld -wtlrTg//f/Flu7RZIXBSInkBTGHTDaDFB3ft8y2Mf0tIHYHqaVRK9kmufKdvd1+V -Bb4FsMTs7tW2bmL0msPK3+NEqs1pIJJdS9xE4zbqVLrNhJ88Wvz/PhLzV+qVtO+r -x7sIkjy4ayvCZxLVET5kLWxKuBcFcw/A9vATg0ZtX9qM6EnDGkkSsMo4lJRaBDN+ -QWbzagOh+E1GMrVAqr7Cnbc6dZ1jjp5ISLG4UQOTio0QBlIUmQlfvzOivsCo9twR -FHxjbDaAmu0eXpFwDktrJtOx1u9ZXyrd9WE3rhTLN6rasyoAdt5iSSgXBXP4XEHe -FLpKJPGqYCIvpEyP3TZKs5+/0tteODaxE6FggMoiT5vkGA0NDwJFopdMzl8ji3D/ -29FvEqosTfU5WTO03xvwSLclj4K/wiOi5dozSlBP89lPtj2IOOgoBtsopby0dyB1 -2cVC9SWPj9ox9tqWFinKTQn6D4pmUtTNftUEk07kiz52tYlNQHt16fNjxU31uVP5 -PYPWktc/mBS7liKvYmuvIx2iVNphnvqQlQtYLTa7FWKkegTENleny483Cwb5Im6q -iODSxLHNBcPqcRt4mWw2D1XqLBZGN5RUL8MLRXBaq1Otc8Qssn9U5SYpwscR/lJR -NgkmGBLBdXgIes7E7ywuWgztChJ8Qg6bVmLrNeNDN4tyWzWM27s= -=IsAT +iQIcBAABCAAGBQJfmOzsAAoJEFAslq9JXcLZujoP/3cq6nPkU+eZ3xL78ps7fAoW +o2JvPup1CQSsYRbu+VubyQee0vt2JJeS8NCzzSI+15L0bPMXypApZ/iHfiyibTv8 +ldCOZy+DiKE6ndFHLabv+vAcqTXsoEzRoP89Z16XW2nVo1xt8H72jLLPyPPyC6Yr +aB9xv4pUQJDw9z8tLxz0qKqOmN+X5D3CFgC52jGrdsj32+6b3vIW2KFzo7IibTLG +RpLwMe7FyZKb9rOa94bBp6SLDR2vmqqtBLrRFDmpR6vYkiPUIiJhGM9GX1r9sH1S +EkgM3cOHywnPOZCIKwFqAFrZ99nskhs7gSXAso6gz+6t0uAKpdHndkVM6cFVs7GK +fiU59/USUsJQaOq9aPm//O2wkTgWU2OYmb/tb0t57fK4Nn7W7YwPM2I6YENlZaQv +YmjCQFc4UcvzVUonnZS6nB7VwLcALBbZQrjyTeFGvHfba8IMF9eS9Zs0fh5IGfnj +nrG5rihkYn7Kzpczv0o2iM08sFzUQfHhJ8BC8jR7Hbo4PH92ViCgoAaSBMhQi243 +z4/Pzbq26HN21Niz6yd1/Eww+VySaYPmZfhwXQXcciw2be3eX4ovz6FTuyuG75LW +qjJSJW2gFfhXJhc5gwMNxgzgWOqaXQDZc0EoFWGDN2+Px1ypnmLuY1vJLewihrfa +mw0jxeFhgDjyXsieDWLC +=YEcJ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----