Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle
@@ -20,5 +20,8 @@
package ifneeded Eagle.Package.Repository 1.0 \
[list source [file join $dir pkgr.eagle]]
package ifneeded Eagle.Package.Downloader 1.0 \
[list source [file join $dir pkgd.eagle]]
+package ifneeded Eagle.Package.Uploader 1.0 \
+ [list source [file join $dir pkgu.eagle]]
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.asc
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.asc
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.asc
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: Eagle Package Repository
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.harpy
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.harpy
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.harpy
@@ -19,50 +19,50 @@
Mistachkin Systems
- e1a22fd8-1cd1-4652-b0c9-b340408f1966
+ 2b5d4415-bd4e-4c28-9e40-ca22c349a18d
- 2016-08-23T04:07:23.6465312Z
+ 2016-12-23T23:01:34.3681640Z
- VTCX5PM4xY1rUWOY1UK7m4fOPnDX7tlvznr4+HwiBsdA0X1oUdyIVTUWDR3NhmpB+C0kydA3ZmVJ
- qaecSRvXCdGBWM7NgJ/kLiROwd3hnL/u7VgHwLmQGGrlyAqIksNchnTsm37BG29GEMpb1fOErbFX
- F4kx6OIy1bRjMFOTp1mP2WD2XD+xq1YZayiSdLaI+a4ZoDJZm1TR3Xm/KeLKyUi+DVk4vr65FsvQ
- /aMLCHmMzzoGlCnuHHrUx3Xskm6NPVEDB8aibjGgYaPz3o6KyrORW9bbFhZj1ndcRkD/rHGTJvy0
- TtTeqV2667jtlgbJ+gD4CXF8wXgnJkq0oU8MDO/YMuGQDa7NRUFbjBIzPcIl5cBNc3SEsEof4jBp
- xixgKplXaIwDGs6g0Nsvteo8b+4WoFiqm0ey9eTuIYGcd6FqISZ+L7fisxdQ47lBf/gbKze3w6p/
- w0T/QP4dWeIbiB4oKcjQt5tggyV8ubmocgY53xLY0c+tkGPDyMxSPX4FdJxsmymRlKiwfkpMughi
- 0iQaCNHUx77tuF/Zn8pr1WjSa1xvsQxcuMt3rtAucPRKcgLn+WjOLZQyTTtr4I74LLIIadfYWcWe
- +cZwVumTe53eserwfRNfNfk3q83k+a1K1DHmWH6S+/sO1ZsNayEuH7ISycv9sYaIUFDRq/VYiUVT
- ++Yh9GVdBoOODPUA5uxGojZcd7/MLXHIoLuF46SsrecPDxSc0eHkXK9R4boSqv0qkZHIMRTheZOm
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- Q9uIaHjx3gK+BH/enn2aKT8kkuywMUXVkjFQFnCLePj8lrJq6NqADRoQS7SbtNUIel3rStgGE2Vk
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- PJCnYOheIQ0BvZRdpb5Izk8cCRLMyvGB6QS6hO09fc+f2YRgcZ7Pw1W342oZ1ZYJRM7NsVgKMLBi
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- O1AGnal3yu1NC1QiA8xQUlVliC1dT6OijGJ1V0nOrPB0ekh6j5ej6p/nnm030jPgsEVZAMcH1i4N
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- GymlORpPfBHswWxWlLhAGML0ivIQGNoTdAJMCObdWaOiil9CfWlOOvcWRtcSflacIghgsV7NKG5a
- QeYAMHjiuG4GB06miZL+tRIAg9NAW593+2eZwTweYl+En022nCDdI34pAhzO7jGevfaZsQg=
+ TrIYpTlEiJ3dl9SABhKolt8fON5R/hndELNGUImeXnQzZvcaPTWpxi4S1LUKfKuGZQ2Y/8AA7qBM
+ U1uTj8FB1ThDZO7X6vR6SI6twFbqTcpKOadd+ayK+BLfuSiGXcxRumEZMC1ClJMdIQC0NFx+FFHg
+ trowl2dr8UQfjqw1zBVWRspovBrNVLeQxtcQj+sZxoLE+6aI7VEYTff5Sf3D8LbeyG316uHA2zxJ
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+ nNdOVHGDf8+r9SMXEDtJiF4GeeHmDnTXHuErpc6pPH3A9mS4ibqEz0Xg+Gk2h/0noMJG0T83iysO
+ L/raCBzWZeyhVFk+C2r3SIimhx6OQXoZ9HE6jI6zxr3Jy9mD2fdnspz/Jkr9srO+z0o+HNFKc1Ei
+ WFvYXp2jlYHLrLJr08+KgfEby9rAOuMsuyTzyXagD4vG41mBhauWeLaS3kILL3OYKr4nJ7MSEoJn
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+ bmiRL6IPsinJS9NJ2nd1nvzXoziDATFn/6sJh2Hb8n2ics4VQc83eEIZzNoOTK0xhp0xmaTw1aH2
+ F8MaLroKqbpe1U0+RVnbbpfLAR6GGCfKDi2y+F/HLF3691FNwcy/s1dax6rVzf/rRQpAD1LtBWm6
+ kXnCA/dG1yKbbJ2qmTKQIcrFmJg7tRJrp4k0ygTvuAs6Ly7OIMs85ZnvAxN7RGOyUuhaNdEZJMTw
+ InDxampb4Fk/QeZ3YpUaB2HaclAWwO0pSulUP/fR8MyTO0PGnpBvF/YzT39wIFL3rJVVMUyIwF+X
+ 4XckjQ4SlXxyA97x+cswa2L5uav1AzwGylMcalLfSoGFo6UE5F6kJXcSY2/ZgPP0N6o/O7qfydSv
+ SBjzsT6mddYLpsuoHknQB3QayRfCF2JOvceuQHQbmRyCgCJ2lQy9DOTraYAR+QRbIm0LiyCdw/zz
+ wWnB0sRcsQjtdx65kHg1NVaAE7/jie2WzFI7GJZWmKP8vijX2ahloIWApeQiDmpDw5ZobdPBPuqP
+ ljMgO5CCbRUH+4UQ68D52YsnfNtJ5PJGTKyn4GD6OgJayWuUw0yXLODfXcaM5pSjNS6i5/M5MKEB
+ fJMQNDD6bAODqZk27Iht1fkCZeS+s5+U6UbrwZY7+Ah0J0dUEIUsXpEwd2gVkBvDQ1cxbyaAoAR1
+ tA1UMnGYgqKhRnM+ca3m7zKUqQMY3HhSfRkM1USKcr4VBLU4G8o3I/+obpcuiDB1FTTXSCokuxxL
+ SqXjFfFUvFIAdfe1NKjClInvi2BADERt/RojlSyB1dZFgtDK7clc0KLmE77eYU816/5rB7LADZt/
+ esGqLQm/RfAk5t48eMB9bjUZtmSPFqwiVJ7HuiaNSX5H2739Nz3lV7OvgK1t/JzLx8rzMYkjKiWb
+ G6NmqEYtSE/wfn+squNcJKCT8cJMCz9Yq+7uJ3soAAD1TCDiuVXizNYdoFFsSm3cFmZyNKafjP60
+ H8HPe1RE/buXMLLklNW3Y5zBOsmnHcSVD/Hi3yxFi+T5LL1cR9rC5B2noFY1Hb58z5Cg76NJrt43
+ AHndYv/ynzYbVgGy3cP5JX8+hY6x63oZ6clmEXFlbjOdUm0rgsFaBKbRYnb7JhAUfuhvQBCx64VY
+ 11hh/5IXOAzRXVjN+/7z9qFcliLRrc1lPF2284wtyqRHtnJNJHdOpzA5VQXGJkWD5Xf0FjI3IjYi
+ aukp1gIePSp2++MA+V98XvRf+pea5kdve1dVECBimP7kX8Bw+yPHc6wvCB19vAp7yJ/pUqh3md/H
+ bFIXIF7nXMyHkcILE9FHyB1WK14BOHaherxUJAOp3MQ5jPoqo/ua1njM1e8tnbHoCvMveKXC+Okj
+ I5I/fJiMQdIKH1ksXjNiV0Cut20zTUQ3PZjDlAQJi/Cth2Ej0q78XAFoj6J6e50UrCOxA+XT71PC
+ 2NYQGIq3pysyjr2+dTEwmA5BOu7JDH8/DtK+P0Wza6AVeoZou0OtzqFMb5wgUgYhlhntutiUfFYE
+ MU0z//7fjvrhCbY0furbCczbL3BppxImGlLVuQY4PZ4dL1CdmBdfUjLGSqPf4FL4+H0cdqUNuw8k
+ Zyg9AvpM5kXdF6L6Gknel7YHk5wQlOeCs714cQt6GN4VI0WEjGTjDS82CAhjHvv4zpWbIgBPf4X3
+ BY9HRLHUw1cuENCkVYQTp/Uq/fCRjXjLD5Pn2jl9ehGUcTqgmOTHCQGVwnEVedr0sKq7/KNw3g3k
+ vErJT1Oz4HT0KgEr87AOhcpskXeib37LtxWXSIbjToZFZuv+v9h6L98Yovb1qgzzAFUIEKmi/JUk
+ S4GhDA+/b9Uwiuzd4XVF85A45frD4EsR3WBUCg+avJS7GEhC5Vwf6ublJ9BjGJcyTmVQkHXmwZC3
+ wDXdFDX9rBScwVrVndxlwmzYQPOM2cb/ZuKFrgWjOpIK2lhqSMJuBfwQMhTpo2aIExwq6DYAL9L5
+ LiR5c46nzuwDBVbLZt6EKgDGufyZdYV1T6S/uOyPACkX8OoTRqZ3qhNEAy/xPDmL3ijxaMw=
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.harpy.asc
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.harpy.asc
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.eagle.harpy.asc
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: Eagle Package Repository
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.tcl
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.tcl
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.tcl
@@ -20,5 +20,8 @@
package ifneeded Eagle.Package.Repository 1.0 \
[list source [file join $dir pkgr.eagle]]
package ifneeded Eagle.Package.Downloader 1.0 \
[list source [file join $dir pkgd.eagle]]
+package ifneeded Eagle.Package.Uploader 1.0 \
+ [list source [file join $dir pkgu.eagle]]
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.tcl.asc
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.tcl.asc
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgIndex.tcl.asc
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: Eagle Package Repository
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle
@@ -35,1620 +35,10 @@
\[language\] \[version\] \[platform\] \[fileName1\] ... \[fileNameN\]"
exit 1
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
- # parameters used by the package uploader client. There are no
- # arguments.
- #
- proc setupUploadVars {} {
- #
- # NOTE: This variable must exist and must be the fully qualified path
- # of the directory containing this script.
- #
- variable pkgr_path
- if {![info exists pkgr_path]} then {
- error "required namespace variable 'pkgr_path' does not exist"
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The project code for the Fossil repository. This will be checked
- # prior to staging or committing any files.
- #
- variable projectCode; # DEFAULT: 9ceada8dbb8678898e5b2c05386e73b3ff2c2dec
- if {![info exists projectCode]} then {
- set projectCode 9ceada8dbb8678898e5b2c05386e73b3ff2c2dec
- }
- #
- # NOTE: What is the fully qualified path to the directory containing
- # package client toolset?
- #
- variable scriptDirectory; # DEFAULT:
- if {![info exists scriptDirectory]} then {
- set scriptDirectory $pkgr_path
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to verify that Fossil is
- # available for use.
- #
- variable fossilVersionCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil version
- if {![info exists fossilVersionCommand]} then {
- set fossilVersionCommand {fossil version}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
- # that Fossil is installed.
- #
- variable fossilVersionPattern; # DEFAULT: {^This is fossil version 1\.\d+ }
- if {![info exists fossilVersionPattern]} then {
- set fossilVersionPattern {^This is fossil version 1\.\d+ }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to check for changes prior to
- # staging files using Fossil.
- #
- variable fossilChangesCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil changes ...
- if {![info exists fossilChangesCommand]} then {
- set fossilChangesCommand {fossil changes --chdir {${directory}}}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
- # that the Fossil checkout has no changes staged. Generally, this
- # pattern should only match an empty string.
- #
- variable fossilChangesPattern; # DEFAULT: {^$}
- if {![info exists fossilChangesPattern]} then {
- set fossilChangesPattern {^$}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to check the checkout status
- # prior to staging files using Fossil.
- #
- variable fossilInfoCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil info ...
- if {![info exists fossilInfoCommand]} then {
- set fossilInfoCommand {fossil info --chdir {${directory}}}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to extract
- # the root directory for the Fossil checkout.
- #
- variable fossilInfoLocalRootPattern; # DEFAULT: {^local-root:\s+(.*?)$}
- if {![info exists fossilInfoLocalRootPattern]} then {
- set fossilInfoLocalRootPattern {^local-root:\s+(.*?)$}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
- # that the Fossil checkout belongs to the correct project.
- #
- variable fossilInfoProjectCodePattern; # DEFAULT: {^project-code:\\s+...\$}
- if {![info exists fossilInfoProjectCodePattern]} then {
- set fossilInfoProjectCodePattern [appendArgs \
- {^project-code:\\s+${projectCode}\$}]
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
- # that the Fossil checkout is sitting on the correct branch.
- #
- variable fossilInfoTagsPattern; # DEFAULT: {^tags:\s+trunk(?:,|$)}
- if {![info exists fossilInfoTagsPattern]} then {
- set fossilInfoTagsPattern {^tags:\s+trunk(?:,|$)}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to reset the checkout to the
- # default branch prior to staging files using Fossil.
- #
- variable fossilUpdateCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil update trunk ...
- if {![info exists fossilUpdateCommand]} then {
- set fossilUpdateCommand \
- {fossil update trunk --chdir {${directory}}}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to stage package files using
- # Fossil.
- #
- variable fossilAddCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil add ...
- if {![info exists fossilAddCommand]} then {
- set fossilAddCommand \
- {fossil add --chdir {${directory}} {${fileName}}}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to commit package files using
- # Fossil.
- #
- variable fossilCommitCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil commit ...
- if {![info exists fossilCommitCommand]} then {
- set fossilCommitCommand {fossil commit -m {${comment}}\
- --branch {${branch}} --user anonymous --chdir \
- {${directory}} --no-prompt}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
- # that Fossil committed a set of files.
- #
- variable fossilCommitPattern; # DEFAULT: {^New_Version: ([0-9a-f]{40})$}
- if {![info exists fossilCommitPattern]} then {
- set fossilCommitPattern {^New_Version: ([0-9a-f]{40})$}
- }
- #
- # NOTE: Emit diagnostic messages when a new package is submitted?
- #
- variable verboseMetadataSubmit; # DEFAULT: false
- if {![info exists verboseMetadataSubmit]} then {
- set verboseMetadataSubmit false
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
- # parameters used by the package uploader client that require the
- # location of the checkout directory. There are no arguments.
- #
- proc setupCheckoutVars {} {
- #
- # NOTE: What is the fully qualified path to the root directory of the
- # Fossil checkout containing the package client toolset? This
- # procedure may raise script errors.
- #
- variable checkoutDirectory; # DEFAULT:
- if {![info exists checkoutDirectory]} then {
- set checkoutDirectory [getCheckoutDirectory]
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure returns a string value, formatted for use within a
- # script block being processed by the [string map] command. The
- # value argument is the string value to format. No return value is
- # reserved to indicate an error. This procedure may not raise any
- # script errors.
- #
- proc formatStringMapValue { value } {
- if {[string length $value] == 0} then {
- return \"\"
- }
- set list [list $value]
- if {$value eq $list} then {
- return $value
- } else {
- return $list
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure counts the common path components for two paths. The
- # count is returned, zero if there are no common path components. The
- # path1 and path2 arguments are the paths to compare. This procedure
- # may not raise script errors.
- #
- proc countCommonPathParts { path1 path2 } {
- set parts1 [file split $path1]
- set length1 [llength $parts1]
- set parts2 [file split $path2]
- set length2 [llength $parts2]
- set length [expr {min($length1, $length2)}]
- for {set index 0} {$index < $length} {incr index} {
- set part1 [lindex $parts1 $index]
- set part2 [lindex $parts2 $index]
- if {$part1 ne $part2} then {
- return $index
- }
- }
- return $length
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure processes a list of (fully?) qualified file names and
- # tries to determine their common containing directory, if any. The
- # fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
- # process. This procedure may not raise script errors. If there is
- # no common containing directory, an empty string is returned.
- #
- proc getCommonContainingDirectory { fileNames } {
- set length [llength $fileNames]
- if {$length == 0} then {
- return ""
- }
- set oldFileName [lindex $fileNames 0]
- if {$length == 1} then {
- return [file dirname $oldFileName]
- }
- set minimumCount 0
- for {set index 1} {$index < $length} {incr index} {
- set newFileName [lindex $fileNames $index]
- set newCount [countCommonPathParts $oldFileName $newFileName]
- if {$newCount == 0} then {
- return ""
- }
- if {$minimumCount == 0 || $newCount < $minimumCount} then {
- set oldFileName $newFileName
- set minimumCount $newCount
- }
- }
- if {$minimumCount == 0} then {
- return ""
- }
- incr minimumCount -1
- return [eval file join [lrange [file split $oldFileName] 0 $minimumCount]]
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to process a list of (fully?) qualified file
- # names and return the corresponding list of relative file names. The
- # fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
- # process. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path depth that
- # is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise script
- # errors.
- #
- proc getRelativeFileNames { fileNames maximumLevels } {
- set directory [getCommonContainingDirectory $fileNames]
- set directoryParts [file split $directory]
- set fileNameIndex [expr {[llength $directoryParts] - 1}]
- if {$fileNameIndex < 0} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "invalid containing directory \"" $directory \
- "\": cannot go up one level"]
- }
- set relativeFileNames [list]
- foreach fileName $fileNames {
- set fileNameParts [lrange \
- [file split $fileName] $fileNameIndex end]
- if {$maximumLevels > 0 && \
- [llength $fileNameParts] > $maximumLevels} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "depth for file name \"" $fileName \
- "\" exceeds maximum (" $maximumLevels )]
- }
- set relativeFileName [eval file join $fileNameParts]
- if {[string length $relativeFileName] == 0 || \
- [file pathtype $relativeFileName] ne "relative"} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "bad file name \"" $relativeFileName "\", not relative"]
- }
- lappend relativeFileNames $relativeFileName
- }
- return $relativeFileNames
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to create a script chunk that appends the
- # specified list of file names to a list variable. The fileNames
- # argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to append to
- # the list variable. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path
- # depth that is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise
- # script errors.
- #
- proc getScriptChunkForFileNames { fileNames maximumLevels } {
- set result ""
- set relativeFileNames [getRelativeFileNames $fileNames $maximumLevels]
- foreach relativeFileName $relativeFileNames {
- if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
- append result \n
- }
- append result { lappend fileNames [file join }
- append result [file split $relativeFileName]
- append result \]
- }
- return $result
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure creates and returns a script block designed for use
- # with the package repository server in order to download and provide
- # a package consisting of a set of files. The serverId argument is
- # the identifier for the specific server to use, if any. The
- # versionId argument is the identifier for the specific version to use,
- # if any. The language argument must be the literal string "eagle" or
- # the literal string "tcl". The version argument must be one of the
- # literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the language is "tcl"
- # -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is "eagle". The
- # platform argument must be an empty string -OR- one of the literal
- # strings "neutral", "win32-arm", "win32-x86", "win64-arm64",
- # "win64-ia64", or "win64-x64". The fileNames argument is the list of
- # (fully?) qualified file names to be downloaded when the associated
- # package is being provided. The options argument is reserved for
- # future use, it should be an empty list.
- #
- #
- proc createRepositoryScript {
- serverId versionId language version platform fileNames options } {
- ::PackageDownloader::verifyServerId $serverId
- ::PackageDownloader::verifyVersionId $versionId
- ::PackageDownloader::verifyLanguageAndVersion $language $version isClient
- set prologue ""
- if {[string length $serverId] > 0} then {
- append prologue " ::PackageDownloader::useServerId " $serverId \n
- }
- if {[string length $versionId] > 0} then {
- append prologue " ::PackageDownloader::useVersionId " $versionId \n
- }
- append prologue " "
- return [string trim [string map [list \r\n \n \
- %language% [formatStringMapValue $language] \
- %version% [formatStringMapValue $version] \
- %platform% [formatStringMapValue $platform] \
- %prologue% $prologue %ns% ::PackageDownloader \
- %backslash% \\ %fileNames% \
- [getScriptChunkForFileNames $fileNames 2]] {
-apply [list [list] {
- package require Eagle.Package.Downloader
- set fileNames [list]
- set options [list %backslash%
- -persistent false -usePgp true -useAutoPath true]
- %ns%::downloadFiles %language% %version% %platform% $fileNames $options
- %ns%::logoutAndResetCookie
- }]]
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure creates textual data that conforms to the content
- # type "multipart/form-data", per RFC 2388. The boundary argument
- # is a boundary value, as specified in section 4.1 of the RFC. The
- # request argument is the dictionary of name/value pairs to include
- # in the form body. This procedure may not raise script errors.
- #
- proc createMultipartFormData { boundary request } {
- set result ""
- foreach {name value} $request {
- append result -- $boundary \r\n
- append result "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""
- append result $name \"\r\n\r\n
- append result $value \r\n
- }
- if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
- append result -- $boundary --\r\n
- }
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- return [object create -alias String $result]
- } else {
- return $result
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure returns the full URI to use when submitting a new
- # package to the package repository server. There are no arguments.
- # This procedure may raise script errors.
- #
- proc getSubmitUri {} {
- #
- # NOTE: Fetch the base URI for the package repository server. If it
- # is not available for some reason, just return an empty string
- # to the caller (i.e. as we cannot do anything productive).
- #
- set baseUri [::PackageRepository::getLookupBaseUri]
- if {[string length $baseUri] == 0} then {
- return ""
- }
- #
- # NOTE: Build the HTTP request URI and include the standard query
- # parameters (with constant values) for this request type.
- #
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- return [appendArgs \
- $baseUri ?raw=1&method=submit]
- } else {
- package require http 2.0
- return [appendArgs \
- $baseUri ? [::http::formatQuery raw 1 method submit]]
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to submit the metadata for a new package to
- # the package repository server. Upon success, an empty string will
- # be returned. Upon failure, a script error will be raised. The
- # apiKey argument is the list of API keys to use. The package argument
- # is the name of the package. The patchLevel argument is the specific
- # patch level being submitted. The language argument must be an empty
- # string, "Tcl", or "Eagle". If it is an empty string, the current
- # language will be assumed. The script argument is the script to be
- # evaluated when the package needs to be provided. The certificate
- # argument is the certificate associated with the script, which may be
- # an OpenPGP signature or a Harpy script certificate.
- #
- #
- proc submitPackageMetadata {
- apiKey package patchLevel language script certificate } {
- variable verboseMetadataSubmit
- #
- # NOTE: Fetch the submission URI for the package repository server. If
- # it is not available for some reason, raise a script error.
- #
- set uri [getSubmitUri]
- if {[string length $uri] == 0} then {
- error ""
- }
- if {[string length $language] == 0} then {
- set language [expr {[isEagle] ? "Eagle" : "Tcl"}]
- }
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set boundary [string map \
- [list + "" / "" = ""] [base64 encode [expr {randstr(50)}]]]
- } else {
- set boundary [::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix]
- }
- set contentType [appendArgs \
- "multipart/form-data; boundary=" $boundary]
- set formData [createMultipartFormData $boundary \
- [list apiKey $apiKey package $package patchLevel \
- $patchLevel language $language script $script \
- certificate $certificate]]
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- if {![object invoke Eagle._Tests.Default \
- TestHasScriptNewWebClientCallback ""]} then {
- set error null
- set code [object invoke Eagle._Tests.Default \
- TestSetScriptNewWebClientCallback "" true true error]
- if {$code ne "Ok"} then {
- error [getStringFromObjectHandle $error]
- }
- }
- set script [object create String {
- if {[methodName ToString] eq "GetWebRequest"} then {
- webRequest ContentType $contentType
- }
- }]
- set data [uri upload \
- -inline -raw -encoding identity -webclientdata \
- $script -data $formData $uri]
- } else {
- set options [list \
- -binary true -type $contentType -query $formData]
- set data [eval ::PackageRepository::getFileViaHttp \
- [list $uri] [list 20] [list stdout] [list \
- [expr {!$verboseMetadataSubmit}]] $options]
- }
- set code [::PackageRepository::getLookupCodeFromData $data]
- set result [::PackageRepository::getLookupResultFromData $data]
- if {[::PackageRepository::isLookupCodeOk $code]} then {
- return $result
- } else {
- error [appendArgs \
- "failed to submit package metadata: " $data]
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to query the root directory of the Fossil
- # checkout. There are no arguments. An empty string is returned if
- # the root directory of the Fossil checkout cannot be determined.
- #
- proc getCheckoutDirectory {} {
- variable fossilInfoCommand
- variable fossilInfoLocalRootPattern
- variable scriptDirectory
- fossilMustBeInstalled
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
- $scriptDirectory]
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
- [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
- } result] == 0} then {
- set result [appendArgs $output $error]
- } else {
- return false
- }
- } else {
- set directory $scriptDirectory
- if {[catch {
- eval exec [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
- } result]} then {
- return false
- }
- }
- if {![info exists result] || ![regexp -line -- \
- $fossilInfoLocalRootPattern $result dummy directory]} then {
- return ""
- }
- return [string trim $directory]
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the root directory of the
- # Fossil checkout is present, valid, and is actually a directory.
- # There are no arguments. Script errors will be raised if any of
- # the checks fail.
- #
- proc verifyCheckoutDirectory {} {
- variable checkoutDirectory
- if {![info exists checkoutDirectory]} then {
- error "checkout directory is missing"
- }
- if {[string length $checkoutDirectory] == 0} then {
- error "checkout directory is invalid"
- }
- if {![file isdir $checkoutDirectory]} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "checkout directory \"" $checkoutDirectory \
- "\" is not really a directory"]
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that an implementation of Fossil
- # is installed locally. There are no arguments. Script errors are
- # raised if any problems are found. The return value is undefined.
- #
- proc fossilMustBeInstalled {} {
- variable fossilVersionCommand
- variable fossilVersionPattern
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
- $fossilVersionCommand
- } result] == 0} then {
- set result [appendArgs $output $error]
- } else {
- error "cannot use Fossil: may not be installed and/or configured"
- }
- } else {
- if {[catch {
- eval exec $fossilVersionCommand
- } result]} then {
- error "cannot use Fossil: may not be installed and/or configured"
- }
- }
- if {![info exists result] || \
- ![regexp -- $fossilVersionPattern $result]} then {
- error "cannot use Fossil: unknown or unsupported version"
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
- # not contain any (stray) changes. There are no arguments. Non-zero
- # is returned if the verification is successful.
- #
- proc verifyThereAreNoChanges {} {
- variable checkoutDirectory
- variable fossilChangesCommand
- variable fossilChangesPattern
- fossilMustBeInstalled
- verifyCheckoutDirectory
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
- $checkoutDirectory]
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
- [subst $fossilChangesCommand]
- } result] == 0} then {
- set result [appendArgs $output $error]
- } else {
- return false
- }
- } else {
- set directory $checkoutDirectory
- if {[catch {
- eval exec [subst $fossilChangesCommand]
- } result]} then {
- return false
- }
- }
- if {![info exists result] || \
- ![regexp -- $fossilChangesPattern $result]} then {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
- # belong to the correct project. There are no arguments. Non-zero
- # is returned if the verification is successful.
- #
- proc verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject {} {
- variable fossilInfoCommand
- variable fossilInfoProjectCodePattern
- variable projectCode
- variable scriptDirectory
- fossilMustBeInstalled
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
- $scriptDirectory]
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
- [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
- } result] == 0} then {
- set result [appendArgs $output $error]
- } else {
- return false
- }
- } else {
- set directory $scriptDirectory
- if {[catch {
- eval exec [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
- } result]} then {
- return false
- }
- }
- if {![info exists result] || ![regexp -line -- \
- [subst $fossilInfoProjectCodePattern] $result]} then {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
- # belong to the correct branch. There are no arguments. Non-zero
- # is returned if the verification is successful.
- #
- proc verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch {} {
- variable fossilInfoCommand
- variable fossilInfoTagsPattern
- variable scriptDirectory
- fossilMustBeInstalled
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
- $scriptDirectory]
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
- [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
- } result] == 0} then {
- set result [appendArgs $output $error]
- } else {
- return false
- }
- } else {
- set directory $scriptDirectory
- if {[catch {
- eval exec [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
- } result]} then {
- return false
- }
- }
- if {![info exists result] || \
- ![regexp -line -- $fossilInfoTagsPattern $result]} then {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to change the branch for the checkout
- # directory. There are no arguments. This procedure may raise
- # script errors.
- #
- proc changeToTheCorrectBranch {} {
- variable checkoutDirectory
- variable fossilUpdateCommand
- fossilMustBeInstalled
- verifyCheckoutDirectory
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
- $checkoutDirectory]
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -success Success [subst $fossilUpdateCommand]
- } error]} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "could not change branch: " $error]
- }
- } else {
- set directory $checkoutDirectory
- if {[catch {
- eval exec [subst $fossilUpdateCommand]
- } error]} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "could not change branch: " $error]
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to stage the specified package file using
- # Fossil. The targetDirectory argument is the fully qualified path
- # to the package platform directory. The fileName argument is the
- # relative name of the file to be staged. This procedure may raise
- # script errors.
- #
- proc stageOnePackageFile { targetDirectory fileName } {
- variable fossilAddCommand
- fossilMustBeInstalled
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
- $targetDirectory]
- set fileName [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument $fileName]
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -success Success [subst $fossilAddCommand]
- } error]} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "could not stage file \"" $fileName "\": " $error]
- }
- } else {
- set directory $targetDirectory
- if {[catch {
- eval exec [subst $fossilAddCommand]
- } error]} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "could not stage file \"" $fileName "\": " $error]
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to stage the specified package files using
- # Fossil. The fileNames argument is a list of (fully?) qualified
- # local file names to stage.
- #
- #
- proc stagePackageFiles { language version platform fileNames } {
- variable checkoutDirectory
- variable fossilAddCommand
- verifyCheckoutDirectory
- if {![verifyThereAreNoChanges]} then {
- error "cannot stage files: there are pending changes"
- }
- if {![verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject]} then {
- error "cannot stage files: wrong project"
- }
- if {![verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch]} then {
- changeToTheCorrectBranch
- if {![verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch]} then {
- error "cannot stage files: still on wrong branch"
- }
- }
- set targetDirectory [file join \
- $checkoutDirectory $language $version $platform]
- set relativeFileNames [getRelativeFileNames $fileNames 2]
- foreach fileName $fileNames relativeFileName $relativeFileNames {
- file mkdir [file join \
- $targetDirectory [file dirname $relativeFileName]]
- set checkoutFileName [file join $targetDirectory $relativeFileName]
- file copy $fileName $checkoutFileName
- if {![::PackageRepository::createOpenPgpSignature \
- $checkoutFileName]} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "could not stage file \"" $fileName \
- "\": OpenPGP signing failed"]
- }
- stageOnePackageFile $targetDirectory $relativeFileName
- stageOnePackageFile $targetDirectory [appendArgs $relativeFileName .asc]
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure attempts to commit the staged package files to the
- # remote package file repository using Fossil. The varName argument
- # is the name of a scalar variable in the context of the immediate
- # caller that will receive the resulting Fossil check-in identifier.
- #
- #
- proc commitPackageFiles { package patchLevel language version varName } {
- variable checkoutDirectory
- variable fossilCommitCommand
- variable fossilCommitPattern
- fossilMustBeInstalled
- verifyCheckoutDirectory
- set branch [appendArgs pkg_ $package _ $patchLevel]
- set comment [appendArgs \
- "Add package " $package " v" $patchLevel " for " $language \
- " v" $version .]
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
- $checkoutDirectory]
- set branch [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument $branch]
- set comment [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument $comment]
- if {[catch {
- eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
- [subst $fossilCommitCommand]
- } result] == 0} then {
- set result [appendArgs $output $error]
- } else {
- return false
- }
- } else {
- set directory $checkoutDirectory
- if {[catch {
- eval exec [subst $fossilCommitCommand]
- } result]} then {
- return false
- }
- }
- if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
- upvar 1 $varName checkin
- }
- if {![info exists result] || \
- ![regexp -line -- $fossilCommitPattern $result dummy checkin]} then {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure initializes the array containing data derived from
- # the command line arguments, if any. The argv argument should be
- # the list of command line arguments.
- #
- proc setupArgumentData { argv } {
- variable argumentData
- if {![info exists argumentData(apiKey)]} then {
- set argumentData(apiKey) ""
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(package)]} then {
- set argumentData(package) ""
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(patchLevel)]} then {
- set argumentData(patchLevel) ""
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(language)]} then {
- set argumentData(language) ""
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(version)]} then {
- set argumentData(version) ""
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(platform)]} then {
- set argumentData(platform) ""
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(fileNames)]} then {
- set argumentData(fileNames) [list]
- }
- if {[llength $argv] >= 1} then {
- set argumentData(apiKey) [lindex $argv 0]
- }
- if {[llength $argv] >= 2} then {
- set argumentData(package) [lindex $argv 1]
- }
- if {[llength $argv] >= 3} then {
- set argumentData(patchLevel) [lindex $argv 2]
- }
- if {[llength $argv] >= 4} then {
- set argumentData(language) [lindex $argv 3]
- }
- if {[llength $argv] >= 5} then {
- set argumentData(version) [lindex $argv 4]
- }
- if {[llength $argv] >= 6} then {
- set argumentData(platform) [lindex $argv 5]
- }
- if {[llength $argv] >= 7} then {
- set argumentData(fileNames) [lrange $argv 6 end]
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure is used to determine if all the package submission
- # data is available. There are no arguments. Non-zero is returned
- # if all the package submission data is available. This procedure
- # should not raise script errors.
- #
- proc haveArgumentData {} {
- variable argumentData
- if {![info exists argumentData(apiKey)]} then {
- return false
- }
- if {[string length $argumentData(apiKey)] == 0} then {
- return false
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(package)]} then {
- return false
- }
- if {[string length $argumentData(package)] == 0} then {
- return false
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(patchLevel)]} then {
- return false
- }
- if {[string length $argumentData(patchLevel)] == 0} then {
- return false
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(language)]} then {
- return false
- }
- if {[string length $argumentData(language)] == 0} then {
- return false
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(version)]} then {
- return false
- }
- if {[string length $argumentData(version)] == 0} then {
- return false
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(platform)]} then {
- return false
- }
- if {[string length $argumentData(platform)] == 0} then {
- return false
- }
- if {![info exists argumentData(fileNames)]} then {
- return false
- }
- if {[llength $argumentData(fileNames)] == 0} then {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the Changed event
- # for a text box. It is not used when the user interface was built
- # with Tk. The varName argument is the name of the scalar variable
- # that must be updated with the contents of the text box. The sender
- # and e arguments are provided by the framework and represent the
- # control involved in the event and any extra data that may be
- # necessary to process the event.
- #
- proc textBoxEventHandler { varName sender e } {
- set $varName [$sender Text]
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles double-clicking the
- # list box in both Tk and Eagle. The varName argument is the name of
- # the scalar variable that must be updated with the list of items from
- # the list box -OR- the list of items from an interactive file picker
- # dialog. The args argument, which is only used for Eagle, is a list
- # containing two elements. The first element is the control involved
- # in the event. The second element is any extra data that may be
- # necessary to process the event.
- #
- proc listBoxEventHandler { varName args } {
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set sender [lindex $args 0]
- set e [lindex $args 1]
- set dialog [object create -alias OpenFileDialog]
- $dialog RestoreDirectory true
- $dialog Multiselect true
- $dialog ShowDialog
- set fileNames [$dialog -create FileNames]
- $sender Items.Clear
- $sender Items.AddRange $fileNames
- set list [object create -alias StringList $fileNames]
- set $varName [$list ToString]
- } else {
- set $varName [tk_getOpenFile -multiple true]
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the Closed event for
- # a WinForms form. It is not used when the user interface was built
- # with Tk. The sender and e arguments are provided by the framework
- # and represent the control involved in the event and any extra data
- # that may be necessary to process the event.
- #
- proc handleFormClosedEvent { sender e } {
- variable forever; set forever 1; # NOTE: Terminate the [vwait].
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the submit button in
- # both Tk and Eagle. It starts the package submission process. The
- # args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
- # procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
- # raise script errors.
- #
- proc submitEventHandler { args } {
- variable argumentData
- set batchMode [lindex $args 0]
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set sender [lindex $args 1]; # NOTE: Disposal.
- set e [lindex $args 2]; # NOTE: Disposal.
- }
- if {[haveArgumentData]} then {
- set apiKey $argumentData(apiKey)
- set package $argumentData(package)
- set patchLevel $argumentData(patchLevel)
- set language $argumentData(language)
- set version $argumentData(version)
- set platform $argumentData(platform)
- set fileNames $argumentData(fileNames)
- ::PackageRepository::probeForOpenPgpInstallation
- ::PackageRepository::openPgpMustBeInstalled
- if {1} then {
- stagePackageFiles \
- [string tolower $language] $version $platform $fileNames
- if {![commitPackageFiles \
- $package $patchLevel [string totitle $language] $version \
- checkin]} then {
- error "failed to commit package files"
- }
- #
- # TODO: Is this the best heuristic here for figuring out that the
- # platform should really be "automatic" in the repository?
- #
- if {$platform eq "neutral" || \
- $platform eq [::PackageDownloader::getPlatform]} then {
- set scriptPlatform ""
- } else {
- set scriptPlatform $platform
- }
- set script [createRepositoryScript \
- "" $checkin [string tolower $language] $version $scriptPlatform \
- $fileNames [list]]
- set scriptFileName [file join \
- [::PackageRepository::getFileTempDirectory PKGR_UPLOAD_TEMP] \
- [appendArgs pkgr_upload_ [::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix]]]
- writeFile $scriptFileName $script
- if {![::PackageRepository::createOpenPgpSignature \
- $scriptFileName]} then {
- error [appendArgs \
- "cannot submit package metadata: OpenPGP signing of \"" \
- $scriptFileName "\" failed"]
- }
- set certificate [readFile [appendArgs $scriptFileName .asc]]
- set result [submitPackageMetadata \
- $apiKey $package $patchLevel [string totitle $language] \
- $script $certificate]
- if {!$batchMode} then {
- set title [appendArgs \
- "Package Uploader Client: " [lindex [info level 0] 0]]
- if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
- set message [appendArgs \
- "Package was submitted successfully: " $result]
- } else {
- set message "Package was submitted successfully."
- }
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- catch {
- object invoke MessageBox Show $message $title
- }
- } else {
- catch {
- tk_messageBox -type ok -message $message -title $title
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- error "cannot initiate package submission: one or more fields missing"
- }
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the clear button in
- # Tk and Eagle. It is used to clear the package submission data. The
- # args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
- # procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
- # raise script errors.
- #
- proc clearEventHandler { args } {
- variable argumentData
- if {[isEagle]} then {
- set sender [lindex $args 0]; # NOTE: Disposal.
- set e [lindex $args 1]; # NOTE: Disposal.
- variable widgets
- $widgets(2) Text ""
- $widgets(4) Text ""
- $widgets(6) Text ""
- $widgets(8) Text ""
- $widgets(10) Text ""
- $widgets(12) Text ""
- $widgets(14) Items.Clear
- } else {
- set argumentData(apiKey) ""
- set argumentData(package) ""
- set argumentData(patchLevel) ""
- set argumentData(language) ""
- set argumentData(version) ""
- set argumentData(platform) ""
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This is done for Tk because it will also clear the on-screen
- # widget itself. For Eagle, this is necessary because there is
- # no "listvariable" option and clearing the on-screen widget has
- # no impact on the underyling list.
- #
- set argumentData(fileNames) [list]
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Eagle
- # and WinForms. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
- # populate it. There are no arguments.
- #
- proc setupWinFormsUserInterface {} {
- variable argumentData
- variable widgets
- object load -import System.Windows.Forms
- set form [object create -alias Form]
- set widgets(0) $form
- $form Text "Package Uploader Client"
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(1) [object create -alias Label]
- $widgets(1) Name lblApiKey
- $widgets(1) Text "API Key"
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(2) [object create -alias TextBox]
- $widgets(2) Name txtApiKey
- $widgets(2) Text $argumentData(apiKey)
- $widgets(2) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
- [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
- ::argumentData(apiKey)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(3) [object create -alias Label]
- $widgets(3) Name lblPackage
- $widgets(3) Text "Package Name"
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(4) [object create -alias TextBox]
- $widgets(4) Name txtPackage
- $widgets(4) Text $argumentData(package)
- $widgets(4) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
- [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
- ::argumentData(package)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(5) [object create -alias Label]
- $widgets(5) Name lblPatchLevel
- $widgets(5) Text "Package Patch Level"
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(6) [object create -alias TextBox]
- $widgets(6) Name txtPatchLevel
- $widgets(6) Text $argumentData(patchLevel)
- $widgets(6) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
- [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
- ::argumentData(patchLevel)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(7) [object create -alias Label]
- $widgets(7) Name lblLanguage
- $widgets(7) Text Language
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(8) [object create -alias TextBox]
- $widgets(8) Name txtLanguage
- $widgets(8) Text $argumentData(language)
- $widgets(8) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
- [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
- ::argumentData(language)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(9) [object create -alias Label]
- $widgets(9) Name lblVersion
- $widgets(9) Text Version
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(10) [object create -alias TextBox]
- $widgets(10) Name txtVersion
- $widgets(10) Text $argumentData(version)
- $widgets(10) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
- [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
- ::argumentData(version)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(11) [object create -alias Label]
- $widgets(11) Name lblPlatform
- $widgets(11) Text Platform
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(12) [object create -alias TextBox]
- $widgets(12) Name txtPlatform
- $widgets(12) Text $argumentData(platform)
- $widgets(12) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
- [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
- ::argumentData(platform)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(13) [object create -alias Label]
- $widgets(13) Name lblFileNames
- $widgets(13) Text Files
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(14) [object create -alias ListBox]
- $widgets(14) Name lstFileNames
- $widgets(14) add_DoubleClick [namespace code \
- [list listBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
- ::argumentData(fileNames)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(15) [object create -alias Button]
- $widgets(15) Name btnSubmit
- $widgets(15) Text Submit
- $widgets(15) add_Click [namespace code [list submitEventHandler false]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(16) [object create -alias Button]
- $widgets(16) Name btnClear
- $widgets(16) Text Clear
- $widgets(16) add_Click [namespace code [list clearEventHandler]]
- ###########################################################################
- set horizontalMargin \
- [expr {([$form Width] - [$form ClientSize.Width]) / 2}]
- set verticalMargin \
- [expr {([$form Height] - [$form ClientSize.Height]) / 2}]
- ###########################################################################
- set top $verticalMargin
- foreach name [lsort -integer [array names widgets]] {
- if {$name eq "0"} then continue
- $widgets($name) Width [expr {
- [$form ClientSize.Width] - ($horizontalMargin * 2)
- }]
- $widgets($name) Left $horizontalMargin
- $widgets($name) Top $top
- $form Controls.Add $widgets($name)
- incr top [$widgets($name) Height]
- incr top $verticalMargin
- }
- $form add_Closed [namespace code [list handleFormClosedEvent]]
- $form MaximizeBox false
- $form AutoSize true
- $form Show
- after 0 [list nop]; # NOTE: Needed for the [vwait].
- }
- #
- # NOTE: This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Tcl
- # and Tk. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
- # populate it. There are no arguments.
- #
- proc setupTkUserInterface {} {
- variable widgets
- package require Tk
- catch {console show}
- catch {wm withdraw .}; set toplevel [toplevel .uploader]
- set widgets(toplevel) $toplevel
- wm title $toplevel "Package Uploader Client"
- wm minsize $toplevel 250 0
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(label,apiKey) [label [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .la_apiKey] -text "API Key"]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(entry,apiKey) [entry [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .e_apiKey] -textvariable [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(apiKey)]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(label,package) [label [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .la_package] -text "Package Name"]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(entry,package) [entry [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .e_package] -textvariable [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(package)]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(label,patchLevel) [label [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .la_patchLevel] -text "Package Patch Level"]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(entry,patchLevel) [entry [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .e_patchLevel] -textvariable [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(patchLevel)]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(label,language) [label [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .la_language] -text Language]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(entry,language) [entry [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .e_language] -textvariable [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(language)]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(label,version) [label [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .la_version] -text Version]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(entry,version) [entry [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .e_version] -textvariable [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(version)]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(label,platform) [label [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .la_platform] -text Platform]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(entry,platform) [entry [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .e_platform] -textvariable [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(platform)]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(label,fileNames) [label [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .la_fileNames] -text Files]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(listbox,fileNames) [listbox [appendArgs \
- $toplevel .li_fileNames] -listvariable [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(fileNames)]]
- bind $widgets(listbox,fileNames) \
- [namespace code [list listBoxEventHandler [appendArgs \
- [namespace current] ::argumentData(fileNames)]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(button,submit) [button \
- [appendArgs $toplevel .b_submit] -text Submit -command \
- [namespace code [list submitEventHandler false]]]
- ###########################################################################
- set widgets(button,clear) [button \
- [appendArgs $toplevel .b_clear] -text Clear -command \
- [namespace code [list clearEventHandler]]]
- ###########################################################################
- pack $widgets(label,apiKey) $widgets(entry,apiKey) \
- $widgets(label,package) $widgets(entry,package) \
- $widgets(label,patchLevel) $widgets(entry,patchLevel) \
- $widgets(label,language) $widgets(entry,language) \
- $widgets(label,version) $widgets(entry,version) \
- $widgets(label,platform) $widgets(entry,platform) \
- $widgets(label,fileNames) $widgets(listbox,fileNames) \
- $widgets(button,submit) $widgets(button,clear) \
- -expand true -fill both
- pack $widgets(button,submit) $widgets(button,clear) \
- -anchor e -expand false -fill none
- }
# NOTE: Figure out the fully qualified path to the current script file.
# If necessary, add it to the auto-path for the interpreter. The
# necessary supporting packages (i.e. the Package Repository and
# other support packages) that are assumed to exist in the same
@@ -1678,40 +68,13 @@
variable autoLoadTcl false
variable autoHook false
- # NOTE: This package requires both the package repository and downloader
- # client packages.
- #
- package require Eagle.Package.Downloader
- #
- # NOTE: This package requires that support for namespaces, which is an
- # optional feature of Eagle, must be enabled.
- #
- if {[isEagle] && ![namespace enable]} then {
- error "namespaces must be enabled for this package"
- }
- #
- # NOTE: Attempt to read optional settings file now. This may override
- # one or more of the variable setup in the next step.
- #
- ::PackageRepository::maybeReadSettingsFile [info script]
- #
- # NOTE: Setup the variables, within this namespace, used by this script.
- #
- setupUploadVars
- setupCheckoutVars
- #
- # NOTE: Provide the package to the interpreter.
- #
- package provide Eagle.Package.Uploader \
- [expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}]
+ # NOTE: This package requires both the package uploader client package.
+ #
+ package require Eagle.Package.Uploader
# NOTE: Process the command line arguments into their corresponding data
# values, which are contained in an array.
@@ -1737,15 +100,21 @@
# command line, use interactive mode. This will create a graphical
# user interface, using Tk or WinForms. If any of the necessary
# arguments were supplied on the command line, they will be used to
# populate those fields on the graphical user interface.
+ variable guiError
if {[isEagle]} then {
- setupWinFormsUserInterface
+ if {[catch {setupWinFormsUserInterface} guiError]} then {
+ usage $guiError
+ }
} else {
- setupTkUserInterface
+ if {[catch {setupTkUserInterface} guiError]} then {
+ usage $guiError
+ }
- variable forever; vwait forever
+ vwait [appendArgs [namespace current] ::forever]
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.asc
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.asc
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.asc
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: Eagle Package Repository
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy
@@ -19,50 +19,50 @@
Mistachkin Systems
- b6aa3d48-dcff-4c6b-a64c-72c77f5be30d
+ adda0a31-cfd8-463d-bbe4-96f778c6ac28
- 2016-12-23T21:25:37.3613281Z
+ 2016-12-23T23:11:23.5292968Z
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+ eCsp+1UzRaYOeeKSPXQK2MyamqGP0JtHNYPeNBgv1qh+yqxf3aOWkVqfd2Z3fvO0G6XzvnU=
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy.asc
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy.asc
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgr_upload.eagle.harpy.asc
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: Eagle Package Repository
ADDED client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle
@@ -0,0 +1,1694 @@
+# pkgu.eagle --
+# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
+# Package Uploader Client
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin. All rights reserved.
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
+# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: $
+# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
+# support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
+# namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
+namespace eval ::PackageUploader {
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
+ # parameters used by the package uploader client. There are no
+ # arguments.
+ #
+ proc setupUploadVars {} {
+ #
+ # NOTE: This variable must exist and must be the fully qualified path
+ # of the directory containing this script.
+ #
+ variable pkgr_path
+ if {![info exists pkgr_path]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "required namespace variable \"" [namespace current] \
+ "::pkgr_path\" does not exist"]
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The project code for the Fossil repository. This will be checked
+ # prior to staging or committing any files.
+ #
+ variable projectCode; # DEFAULT: 9ceada8dbb8678898e5b2c05386e73b3ff2c2dec
+ if {![info exists projectCode]} then {
+ set projectCode 9ceada8dbb8678898e5b2c05386e73b3ff2c2dec
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: What is the fully qualified path to the directory containing
+ # package client toolset?
+ #
+ variable scriptDirectory; # DEFAULT:
+ if {![info exists scriptDirectory]} then {
+ set scriptDirectory $pkgr_path
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to verify that Fossil is
+ # available for use.
+ #
+ variable fossilVersionCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil version
+ if {![info exists fossilVersionCommand]} then {
+ set fossilVersionCommand {fossil version}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
+ # that Fossil is installed.
+ #
+ variable fossilVersionPattern; # DEFAULT: {^This is fossil version 1\.\d+ }
+ if {![info exists fossilVersionPattern]} then {
+ set fossilVersionPattern {^This is fossil version 1\.\d+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to check for changes prior to
+ # staging files using Fossil.
+ #
+ variable fossilChangesCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil changes ...
+ if {![info exists fossilChangesCommand]} then {
+ set fossilChangesCommand {fossil changes --chdir {${directory}}}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
+ # that the Fossil checkout has no changes staged. Generally, this
+ # pattern should only match an empty string.
+ #
+ variable fossilChangesPattern; # DEFAULT: {^$}
+ if {![info exists fossilChangesPattern]} then {
+ set fossilChangesPattern {^$}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to check the checkout status
+ # prior to staging files using Fossil.
+ #
+ variable fossilInfoCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil info ...
+ if {![info exists fossilInfoCommand]} then {
+ set fossilInfoCommand {fossil info --chdir {${directory}}}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to extract
+ # the root directory for the Fossil checkout.
+ #
+ variable fossilInfoLocalRootPattern; # DEFAULT: {^local-root:\s+(.*?)$}
+ if {![info exists fossilInfoLocalRootPattern]} then {
+ set fossilInfoLocalRootPattern {^local-root:\s+(.*?)$}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
+ # that the Fossil checkout belongs to the correct project.
+ #
+ variable fossilInfoProjectCodePattern; # DEFAULT: {^project-code:\\s+...\$}
+ if {![info exists fossilInfoProjectCodePattern]} then {
+ set fossilInfoProjectCodePattern [appendArgs \
+ {^project-code:\\s+${projectCode}\$}]
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
+ # that the Fossil checkout is sitting on the correct branch.
+ #
+ variable fossilInfoTagsPattern; # DEFAULT: {^tags:\s+trunk(?:,|$)}
+ if {![info exists fossilInfoTagsPattern]} then {
+ set fossilInfoTagsPattern {^tags:\s+trunk(?:,|$)}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to reset the checkout to the
+ # default branch prior to staging files using Fossil.
+ #
+ variable fossilUpdateCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil update trunk ...
+ if {![info exists fossilUpdateCommand]} then {
+ set fossilUpdateCommand \
+ {fossil update trunk --chdir {${directory}}}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to stage package files using
+ # Fossil.
+ #
+ variable fossilAddCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil add ...
+ if {![info exists fossilAddCommand]} then {
+ set fossilAddCommand \
+ {fossil add --chdir {${directory}} {${fileName}}}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The command to use when attempting to commit package files using
+ # Fossil.
+ #
+ variable fossilCommitCommand; # DEFAULT: fossil commit ...
+ if {![info exists fossilCommitCommand]} then {
+ set fossilCommitCommand {fossil commit -m {${comment}}\
+ --branch {${branch}} --user anonymous --chdir \
+ {${directory}} --no-prompt}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: The regular expression pattern used when attempting to verify
+ # that Fossil committed a set of files.
+ #
+ variable fossilCommitPattern; # DEFAULT: {^New_Version: ([0-9a-f]{40})$}
+ if {![info exists fossilCommitPattern]} then {
+ set fossilCommitPattern {^New_Version: ([0-9a-f]{40})$}
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: Emit diagnostic messages when a new package is submitted?
+ #
+ variable verboseMetadataSubmit; # DEFAULT: false
+ if {![info exists verboseMetadataSubmit]} then {
+ set verboseMetadataSubmit false
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure sets up the default values for all configuration
+ # parameters used by the package uploader client that require the
+ # location of the checkout directory. There are no arguments.
+ #
+ proc setupCheckoutVars {} {
+ #
+ # NOTE: What is the fully qualified path to the root directory of the
+ # Fossil checkout containing the package client toolset? This
+ # procedure may raise script errors.
+ #
+ variable checkoutDirectory; # DEFAULT:
+ if {![info exists checkoutDirectory]} then {
+ set checkoutDirectory [getCheckoutDirectory]
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure returns a string value, formatted for use within a
+ # script block being processed by the [string map] command. The
+ # value argument is the string value to format. No return value is
+ # reserved to indicate an error. This procedure may not raise any
+ # script errors.
+ #
+ proc formatStringMapValue { value } {
+ if {[string length $value] == 0} then {
+ return \"\"
+ }
+ set list [list $value]
+ if {$value eq $list} then {
+ return $value
+ } else {
+ return $list
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure counts the common path components for two paths. The
+ # count is returned, zero if there are no common path components. The
+ # path1 and path2 arguments are the paths to compare. This procedure
+ # may not raise script errors.
+ #
+ proc countCommonPathParts { path1 path2 } {
+ set parts1 [file split $path1]
+ set length1 [llength $parts1]
+ set parts2 [file split $path2]
+ set length2 [llength $parts2]
+ set length [expr {min($length1, $length2)}]
+ for {set index 0} {$index < $length} {incr index} {
+ set part1 [lindex $parts1 $index]
+ set part2 [lindex $parts2 $index]
+ if {$part1 ne $part2} then {
+ return $index
+ }
+ }
+ return $length
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure processes a list of (fully?) qualified file names and
+ # tries to determine their common containing directory, if any. The
+ # fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
+ # process. This procedure may not raise script errors. If there is
+ # no common containing directory, an empty string is returned.
+ #
+ proc getCommonContainingDirectory { fileNames } {
+ set length [llength $fileNames]
+ if {$length == 0} then {
+ return ""
+ }
+ set oldFileName [lindex $fileNames 0]
+ if {$length == 1} then {
+ return [file dirname $oldFileName]
+ }
+ set minimumCount 0
+ for {set index 1} {$index < $length} {incr index} {
+ set newFileName [lindex $fileNames $index]
+ set newCount [countCommonPathParts $oldFileName $newFileName]
+ if {$newCount == 0} then {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if {$minimumCount == 0 || $newCount < $minimumCount} then {
+ set oldFileName $newFileName
+ set minimumCount $newCount
+ }
+ }
+ if {$minimumCount == 0} then {
+ return ""
+ }
+ incr minimumCount -1
+ return [eval file join [lrange [file split $oldFileName] 0 $minimumCount]]
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to process a list of (fully?) qualified file
+ # names and return the corresponding list of relative file names. The
+ # fileNames argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to
+ # process. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path depth that
+ # is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise script
+ # errors.
+ #
+ proc getRelativeFileNames { fileNames maximumLevels } {
+ set directory [getCommonContainingDirectory $fileNames]
+ set directoryParts [file split $directory]
+ set fileNameIndex [expr {[llength $directoryParts] - 1}]
+ if {$fileNameIndex < 0} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "invalid containing directory \"" $directory \
+ "\": cannot go up one level"]
+ }
+ set relativeFileNames [list]
+ foreach fileName $fileNames {
+ set fileNameParts [lrange \
+ [file split $fileName] $fileNameIndex end]
+ if {$maximumLevels > 0 && \
+ [llength $fileNameParts] > $maximumLevels} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "depth for file name \"" $fileName \
+ "\" exceeds maximum (" $maximumLevels )]
+ }
+ set relativeFileName [eval file join $fileNameParts]
+ if {[string length $relativeFileName] == 0 || \
+ [file pathtype $relativeFileName] ne "relative"} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "bad file name \"" $relativeFileName "\", not relative"]
+ }
+ lappend relativeFileNames $relativeFileName
+ }
+ return $relativeFileNames
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to create a script chunk that appends the
+ # specified list of file names to a list variable. The fileNames
+ # argument is the list of (fully?) qualified file names to append to
+ # the list variable. The maximumLevels argument is the maximum path
+ # depth that is allowed for all file names. This procedure may raise
+ # script errors.
+ #
+ proc getScriptChunkForFileNames { fileNames maximumLevels } {
+ set result ""
+ set relativeFileNames [getRelativeFileNames $fileNames $maximumLevels]
+ foreach relativeFileName $relativeFileNames {
+ if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
+ append result \n
+ }
+ append result { lappend fileNames [file join }
+ append result [file split $relativeFileName]
+ append result \]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure creates and returns a script block designed for use
+ # with the package repository server in order to download and provide
+ # a package consisting of a set of files. The serverId argument is
+ # the identifier for the specific server to use, if any. The
+ # versionId argument is the identifier for the specific version to use,
+ # if any. The language argument must be the literal string "eagle" or
+ # the literal string "tcl". The version argument must be one of the
+ # literal strings "8.4", "8.5", or "8.6" when the language is "tcl"
+ # -OR- the literal string "1.0" when the language is "eagle". The
+ # platform argument must be an empty string -OR- one of the literal
+ # strings "neutral", "win32-arm", "win32-x86", "win64-arm64",
+ # "win64-ia64", or "win64-x64". The fileNames argument is the list of
+ # (fully?) qualified file names to be downloaded when the associated
+ # package is being provided. The options argument is reserved for
+ # future use, it should be an empty list.
+ #
+ #
+ proc createRepositoryScript {
+ serverId versionId language version platform fileNames options } {
+ ::PackageDownloader::verifyServerId $serverId
+ ::PackageDownloader::verifyVersionId $versionId
+ ::PackageDownloader::verifyLanguageAndVersion $language $version isClient
+ set prologue ""
+ if {[string length $serverId] > 0} then {
+ append prologue " ::PackageDownloader::useServerId " $serverId \n
+ }
+ if {[string length $versionId] > 0} then {
+ append prologue " ::PackageDownloader::useVersionId " $versionId \n
+ }
+ append prologue " "
+ return [string trim [string map [list \r\n \n \
+ %language% [formatStringMapValue $language] \
+ %version% [formatStringMapValue $version] \
+ %platform% [formatStringMapValue $platform] \
+ %prologue% $prologue %ns% ::PackageDownloader \
+ %backslash% \\ %fileNames% \
+ [getScriptChunkForFileNames $fileNames 2]] {
+apply [list [list] {
+ package require Eagle.Package.Downloader
+ set fileNames [list]
+ set options [list %backslash%
+ -persistent false -usePgp true -useAutoPath true]
+ %ns%::downloadFiles %language% %version% %platform% $fileNames $options
+ %ns%::logoutAndResetCookie
+ }]]
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure creates textual data that conforms to the content
+ # type "multipart/form-data", per RFC 2388. The boundary argument
+ # is a boundary value, as specified in section 4.1 of the RFC. The
+ # request argument is the dictionary of name/value pairs to include
+ # in the form body. This procedure may not raise script errors.
+ #
+ proc createMultipartFormData { boundary request } {
+ set result ""
+ foreach {name value} $request {
+ append result -- $boundary \r\n
+ append result "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""
+ append result $name \"\r\n\r\n
+ append result $value \r\n
+ }
+ if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
+ append result -- $boundary --\r\n
+ }
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ return [object create -alias String $result]
+ } else {
+ return $result
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure returns the full URI to use when submitting a new
+ # package to the package repository server. There are no arguments.
+ # This procedure may raise script errors.
+ #
+ proc getSubmitUri {} {
+ #
+ # NOTE: Fetch the base URI for the package repository server. If it
+ # is not available for some reason, just return an empty string
+ # to the caller (i.e. as we cannot do anything productive).
+ #
+ set baseUri [::PackageRepository::getLookupBaseUri]
+ if {[string length $baseUri] == 0} then {
+ return ""
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: Build the HTTP request URI and include the standard query
+ # parameters (with constant values) for this request type.
+ #
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ return [appendArgs \
+ $baseUri ?raw=1&method=submit]
+ } else {
+ package require http 2.0
+ return [appendArgs \
+ $baseUri ? [::http::formatQuery raw 1 method submit]]
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to submit the metadata for a new package to
+ # the package repository server. Upon success, an empty string will
+ # be returned. Upon failure, a script error will be raised. The
+ # apiKey argument is the list of API keys to use. The package argument
+ # is the name of the package. The patchLevel argument is the specific
+ # patch level being submitted. The language argument must be an empty
+ # string, "Tcl", or "Eagle". If it is an empty string, the current
+ # language will be assumed. The script argument is the script to be
+ # evaluated when the package needs to be provided. The certificate
+ # argument is the certificate associated with the script, which may be
+ # an OpenPGP signature or a Harpy script certificate.
+ #
+ #
+ proc submitPackageMetadata {
+ apiKey package patchLevel language script certificate } {
+ variable verboseMetadataSubmit
+ #
+ # NOTE: Fetch the submission URI for the package repository server. If
+ # it is not available for some reason, raise a script error.
+ #
+ set uri [getSubmitUri]
+ if {[string length $uri] == 0} then {
+ error ""
+ }
+ if {[string length $language] == 0} then {
+ set language [expr {[isEagle] ? "Eagle" : "Tcl"}]
+ }
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set boundary [string map \
+ [list + "" / "" = ""] [base64 encode [expr {randstr(50)}]]]
+ } else {
+ set boundary [::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix]
+ }
+ set contentType [appendArgs \
+ "multipart/form-data; boundary=" $boundary]
+ set formData [createMultipartFormData $boundary \
+ [list apiKey $apiKey package $package patchLevel \
+ $patchLevel language $language script $script \
+ certificate $certificate]]
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ if {![object invoke Eagle._Tests.Default \
+ TestHasScriptNewWebClientCallback ""]} then {
+ set error null
+ set code [object invoke Eagle._Tests.Default \
+ TestSetScriptNewWebClientCallback "" true true error]
+ if {$code ne "Ok"} then {
+ error [getStringFromObjectHandle $error]
+ }
+ }
+ set script [object create String {
+ if {[methodName ToString] eq "GetWebRequest"} then {
+ webRequest ContentType $contentType
+ }
+ }]
+ set data [uri upload \
+ -inline -raw -encoding identity -webclientdata \
+ $script -data $formData $uri]
+ } else {
+ set options [list \
+ -binary true -type $contentType -query $formData]
+ set data [eval ::PackageRepository::getFileViaHttp \
+ [list $uri] [list 20] [list stdout] [list \
+ [expr {!$verboseMetadataSubmit}]] $options]
+ }
+ set code [::PackageRepository::getLookupCodeFromData $data]
+ set result [::PackageRepository::getLookupResultFromData $data]
+ if {[::PackageRepository::isLookupCodeOk $code]} then {
+ return $result
+ } else {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "failed to submit package metadata: " $data]
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to query the root directory of the Fossil
+ # checkout. There are no arguments. An empty string is returned if
+ # the root directory of the Fossil checkout cannot be determined.
+ #
+ proc getCheckoutDirectory {} {
+ variable fossilInfoCommand
+ variable fossilInfoLocalRootPattern
+ variable scriptDirectory
+ fossilMustBeInstalled
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
+ $scriptDirectory]
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
+ [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
+ } result] == 0} then {
+ set result [appendArgs $output $error]
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ set directory $scriptDirectory
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
+ } result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists result] || ![regexp -line -- \
+ $fossilInfoLocalRootPattern $result dummy directory]} then {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return [string trim $directory]
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the root directory of the
+ # Fossil checkout is present, valid, and is actually a directory.
+ # There are no arguments. Script errors will be raised if any of
+ # the checks fail.
+ #
+ proc verifyCheckoutDirectory {} {
+ variable checkoutDirectory
+ if {![info exists checkoutDirectory]} then {
+ error "checkout directory is missing"
+ }
+ if {[string length $checkoutDirectory] == 0} then {
+ error "checkout directory is invalid"
+ }
+ if {![file isdir $checkoutDirectory]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "checkout directory \"" $checkoutDirectory \
+ "\" is not really a directory"]
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that an implementation of Fossil
+ # is installed locally. There are no arguments. Script errors are
+ # raised if any problems are found. The return value is undefined.
+ #
+ proc fossilMustBeInstalled {} {
+ variable fossilVersionCommand
+ variable fossilVersionPattern
+ set message [string trim {
+ Cannot use Fossil: it does not appear to be installed.
+ Fossil may be downloaded from ""
+ and then installed by copying the (single) Fossil binary to
+ a directory that lies somewhere along the executable search
+ path.
+ Alternatively, it may be possible to install Fossil via the
+ package management subsystem included with your operating
+ system.
+ }]
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
+ $fossilVersionCommand
+ } result] == 0} then {
+ set result [appendArgs $output $error]
+ } else {
+ error $message
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec $fossilVersionCommand
+ } result]} then {
+ error $message
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists result] || \
+ ![regexp -- $fossilVersionPattern $result]} then {
+ error "cannot use Fossil: unknown or unsupported version"
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
+ # not contain any (stray) changes. There are no arguments. Non-zero
+ # is returned if the verification is successful.
+ #
+ proc verifyThereAreNoChanges {} {
+ variable checkoutDirectory
+ variable fossilChangesCommand
+ variable fossilChangesPattern
+ fossilMustBeInstalled
+ verifyCheckoutDirectory
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
+ $checkoutDirectory]
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
+ [subst $fossilChangesCommand]
+ } result] == 0} then {
+ set result [appendArgs $output $error]
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ set directory $checkoutDirectory
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec [subst $fossilChangesCommand]
+ } result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists result] || \
+ ![regexp -- $fossilChangesPattern $result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
+ # belong to the correct project. There are no arguments. Non-zero
+ # is returned if the verification is successful.
+ #
+ proc verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject {} {
+ variable fossilInfoCommand
+ variable fossilInfoProjectCodePattern
+ variable projectCode
+ variable scriptDirectory
+ fossilMustBeInstalled
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
+ $scriptDirectory]
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
+ [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
+ } result] == 0} then {
+ set result [appendArgs $output $error]
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ set directory $scriptDirectory
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
+ } result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists result] || ![regexp -line -- \
+ [subst $fossilInfoProjectCodePattern] $result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to verify that the checkout directory does
+ # belong to the correct branch. There are no arguments. Non-zero
+ # is returned if the verification is successful.
+ #
+ proc verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch {} {
+ variable fossilInfoCommand
+ variable fossilInfoTagsPattern
+ variable scriptDirectory
+ fossilMustBeInstalled
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
+ $scriptDirectory]
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
+ [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
+ } result] == 0} then {
+ set result [appendArgs $output $error]
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ set directory $scriptDirectory
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec [subst $fossilInfoCommand]
+ } result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists result] || \
+ ![regexp -line -- $fossilInfoTagsPattern $result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to change the branch for the checkout
+ # directory. There are no arguments. This procedure may raise
+ # script errors.
+ #
+ proc changeToTheCorrectBranch {} {
+ variable checkoutDirectory
+ variable fossilUpdateCommand
+ fossilMustBeInstalled
+ verifyCheckoutDirectory
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
+ $checkoutDirectory]
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -success Success [subst $fossilUpdateCommand]
+ } error]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "could not change branch: " $error]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set directory $checkoutDirectory
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec [subst $fossilUpdateCommand]
+ } error]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "could not change branch: " $error]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to stage the specified package file using
+ # Fossil. The targetDirectory argument is the fully qualified path
+ # to the package platform directory. The fileName argument is the
+ # relative name of the file to be staged. This procedure may raise
+ # script errors.
+ #
+ proc stageOnePackageFile { targetDirectory fileName } {
+ variable fossilAddCommand
+ fossilMustBeInstalled
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
+ $targetDirectory]
+ set fileName [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument $fileName]
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -success Success [subst $fossilAddCommand]
+ } error]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "could not stage file \"" $fileName "\": " $error]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set directory $targetDirectory
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec [subst $fossilAddCommand]
+ } error]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "could not stage file \"" $fileName "\": " $error]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to stage the specified package files using
+ # Fossil. The fileNames argument is a list of (fully?) qualified
+ # local file names to stage.
+ #
+ #
+ proc stagePackageFiles { language version platform fileNames } {
+ variable checkoutDirectory
+ variable fossilAddCommand
+ verifyCheckoutDirectory
+ if {![verifyThereAreNoChanges]} then {
+ error "cannot stage files: there are pending changes"
+ }
+ if {![verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject]} then {
+ error "cannot stage files: wrong project"
+ }
+ if {![verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch]} then {
+ changeToTheCorrectBranch
+ if {![verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch]} then {
+ error "cannot stage files: still on wrong branch"
+ }
+ }
+ set targetDirectory [file join \
+ $checkoutDirectory $language $version $platform]
+ set relativeFileNames [getRelativeFileNames $fileNames 2]
+ foreach fileName $fileNames relativeFileName $relativeFileNames {
+ file mkdir [file join \
+ $targetDirectory [file dirname $relativeFileName]]
+ set checkoutFileName [file join $targetDirectory $relativeFileName]
+ file copy $fileName $checkoutFileName
+ if {![::PackageRepository::createOpenPgpSignature \
+ $checkoutFileName]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "could not stage file \"" $fileName \
+ "\": OpenPGP signing failed"]
+ }
+ stageOnePackageFile $targetDirectory $relativeFileName
+ stageOnePackageFile $targetDirectory [appendArgs $relativeFileName .asc]
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure attempts to commit the staged package files to the
+ # remote package file repository using Fossil. The varName argument
+ # is the name of a scalar variable in the context of the immediate
+ # caller that will receive the resulting Fossil check-in identifier.
+ #
+ #
+ proc commitPackageFiles { package patchLevel language version varName } {
+ variable checkoutDirectory
+ variable fossilCommitCommand
+ variable fossilCommitPattern
+ fossilMustBeInstalled
+ verifyCheckoutDirectory
+ set branch [appendArgs pkg_ $package _ $patchLevel]
+ set comment [appendArgs \
+ "Add package " $package " v" $patchLevel " for " $language \
+ " v" $version .]
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set directory [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument \
+ $checkoutDirectory]
+ set branch [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument $branch]
+ set comment [::PackageRepository::formatExecArgument $comment]
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec -nocarriagereturns -stdout output -stderr error \
+ [subst $fossilCommitCommand]
+ } result] == 0} then {
+ set result [appendArgs $output $error]
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ set directory $checkoutDirectory
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec [subst $fossilCommitCommand]
+ } result]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
+ upvar 1 $varName checkin
+ }
+ if {![info exists result] || \
+ ![regexp -line -- $fossilCommitPattern $result dummy checkin]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure initializes the array containing data derived from
+ # the command line arguments, if any. The argv argument should be
+ # the list of command line arguments.
+ #
+ proc setupArgumentData { argv } {
+ variable argumentData
+ if {![info exists argumentData(apiKey)]} then {
+ set argumentData(apiKey) ""
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(package)]} then {
+ set argumentData(package) ""
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(patchLevel)]} then {
+ set argumentData(patchLevel) ""
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(language)]} then {
+ set argumentData(language) ""
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(version)]} then {
+ set argumentData(version) ""
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(platform)]} then {
+ set argumentData(platform) ""
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(fileNames)]} then {
+ set argumentData(fileNames) [list]
+ }
+ if {[llength $argv] >= 1} then {
+ set argumentData(apiKey) [lindex $argv 0]
+ }
+ if {[llength $argv] >= 2} then {
+ set argumentData(package) [lindex $argv 1]
+ }
+ if {[llength $argv] >= 3} then {
+ set argumentData(patchLevel) [lindex $argv 2]
+ }
+ if {[llength $argv] >= 4} then {
+ set argumentData(language) [lindex $argv 3]
+ }
+ if {[llength $argv] >= 5} then {
+ set argumentData(version) [lindex $argv 4]
+ }
+ if {[llength $argv] >= 6} then {
+ set argumentData(platform) [lindex $argv 5]
+ }
+ if {[llength $argv] >= 7} then {
+ set argumentData(fileNames) [lrange $argv 6 end]
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure is used to determine if all the package submission
+ # data is available. There are no arguments. Non-zero is returned
+ # if all the package submission data is available. This procedure
+ # should not raise script errors.
+ #
+ proc haveArgumentData {} {
+ variable argumentData
+ if {![info exists argumentData(apiKey)]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {[string length $argumentData(apiKey)] == 0} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(package)]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {[string length $argumentData(package)] == 0} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(patchLevel)]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {[string length $argumentData(patchLevel)] == 0} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(language)]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {[string length $argumentData(language)] == 0} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(version)]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {[string length $argumentData(version)] == 0} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(platform)]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {[string length $argumentData(platform)] == 0} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {![info exists argumentData(fileNames)]} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ if {[llength $argumentData(fileNames)] == 0} then {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the Changed event
+ # for a text box. It is not used when the user interface was built
+ # with Tk. The varName argument is the name of the scalar variable
+ # that must be updated with the contents of the text box. The sender
+ # and e arguments are provided by the framework and represent the
+ # control involved in the event and any extra data that may be
+ # necessary to process the event.
+ #
+ proc textBoxEventHandler { varName sender e } {
+ set $varName [$sender Text]
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles double-clicking the
+ # list box in both Tk and Eagle. The varName argument is the name of
+ # the scalar variable that must be updated with the list of items from
+ # the list box -OR- the list of items from an interactive file picker
+ # dialog. The args argument, which is only used for Eagle, is a list
+ # containing two elements. The first element is the control involved
+ # in the event. The second element is any extra data that may be
+ # necessary to process the event.
+ #
+ proc listBoxEventHandler { varName args } {
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set sender [lindex $args 0]
+ set e [lindex $args 1]
+ set dialog [object create -alias OpenFileDialog]
+ $dialog RestoreDirectory true
+ $dialog Multiselect true
+ $dialog ShowDialog
+ set fileNames [$dialog -create FileNames]
+ $sender Items.Clear
+ $sender Items.AddRange $fileNames
+ set list [object create -alias StringList $fileNames]
+ set $varName [$list ToString]
+ } else {
+ set $varName [tk_getOpenFile -multiple true]
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the Closed event for
+ # a WinForms form -OR- the WM_DELETE_WINDOW event on a Tk window. The
+ # args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
+ # procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
+ # raise script errors.
+ #
+ proc handleFormClosedEvent { args } {
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set sender [lindex $args 0]; # NOTE: Disposal.
+ set e [lindex $args 1]; # NOTE: Disposal.
+ } else {
+ variable widgets; destroy $widgets(toplevel)
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: Terminate the [vwait].
+ #
+ set [appendArgs [namespace current] ::forever] 1
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the submit button in
+ # both Tk and Eagle. It starts the package submission process. The
+ # args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
+ # procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
+ # raise script errors.
+ #
+ proc submitEventHandler { args } {
+ variable argumentData
+ set batchMode [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set sender [lindex $args 1]; # NOTE: Disposal.
+ set e [lindex $args 2]; # NOTE: Disposal.
+ }
+ if {[haveArgumentData]} then {
+ set apiKey $argumentData(apiKey)
+ set package $argumentData(package)
+ set patchLevel $argumentData(patchLevel)
+ set language $argumentData(language)
+ set version $argumentData(version)
+ set platform $argumentData(platform)
+ set fileNames $argumentData(fileNames)
+ ::PackageRepository::probeForOpenPgpInstallation
+ ::PackageRepository::openPgpMustBeInstalled
+ if {1} then {
+ stagePackageFiles \
+ [string tolower $language] $version $platform $fileNames
+ if {![commitPackageFiles \
+ $package $patchLevel [string totitle $language] $version \
+ checkin]} then {
+ error "failed to commit package files"
+ }
+ #
+ # TODO: Is this the best heuristic here for figuring out that the
+ # platform should really be "automatic" in the repository?
+ #
+ if {$platform eq "neutral" || \
+ $platform eq [::PackageDownloader::getPlatform]} then {
+ set scriptPlatform ""
+ } else {
+ set scriptPlatform $platform
+ }
+ set script [createRepositoryScript \
+ "" $checkin [string tolower $language] $version $scriptPlatform \
+ $fileNames [list]]
+ set scriptFileName [file join \
+ [::PackageRepository::getFileTempDirectory PKGR_UPLOAD_TEMP] \
+ [appendArgs pkgr_upload_ [::PackageRepository::getUniqueSuffix]]]
+ writeFile $scriptFileName $script
+ if {![::PackageRepository::createOpenPgpSignature \
+ $scriptFileName]} then {
+ error [appendArgs \
+ "cannot submit package metadata: OpenPGP signing of \"" \
+ $scriptFileName "\" failed"]
+ }
+ set certificate [readFile [appendArgs $scriptFileName .asc]]
+ set result [submitPackageMetadata \
+ $apiKey $package $patchLevel [string totitle $language] \
+ $script $certificate]
+ if {!$batchMode} then {
+ set title [appendArgs \
+ "Package Uploader Client: " [lindex [info level 0] 0]]
+ if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
+ set message [appendArgs \
+ "Package was submitted successfully: " $result]
+ } else {
+ set message "Package was submitted successfully."
+ }
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ catch {
+ object invoke MessageBox Show $message $title
+ }
+ } else {
+ catch {
+ tk_messageBox -type ok -message $message -title $title
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ error "cannot initiate package submission: one or more fields missing"
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure is an event handler. It handles the clear button in
+ # Tk and Eagle. It is used to clear the package submission data. The
+ # args argument is not really used, it is a placeholder to make this
+ # procedure more portable between Tcl and Eagle. This procedure may
+ # raise script errors.
+ #
+ proc clearEventHandler { args } {
+ variable argumentData
+ if {[isEagle]} then {
+ set sender [lindex $args 0]; # NOTE: Disposal.
+ set e [lindex $args 1]; # NOTE: Disposal.
+ variable widgets
+ $widgets(2) Text ""
+ $widgets(4) Text ""
+ $widgets(6) Text ""
+ $widgets(8) Text ""
+ $widgets(10) Text ""
+ $widgets(12) Text ""
+ $widgets(14) Items.Clear
+ } else {
+ set argumentData(apiKey) ""
+ set argumentData(package) ""
+ set argumentData(patchLevel) ""
+ set argumentData(language) ""
+ set argumentData(version) ""
+ set argumentData(platform) ""
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This is done for Tk because it will also clear the on-screen
+ # widget itself. For Eagle, this is necessary because there is
+ # no "listvariable" option and clearing the on-screen widget has
+ # no impact on the underyling list.
+ #
+ set argumentData(fileNames) [list]
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Eagle
+ # and WinForms. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
+ # populate it. There are no arguments.
+ #
+ proc setupWinFormsUserInterface {} {
+ variable argumentData
+ variable widgets
+ object load -import System.Windows.Forms
+ set form [object create -alias Form]
+ set widgets(0) $form
+ $form Text "Package Uploader Client"
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(1) [object create -alias Label]
+ $widgets(1) Name lblApiKey
+ $widgets(1) Text "API Key"
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(2) [object create -alias TextBox]
+ $widgets(2) Name txtApiKey
+ $widgets(2) Text $argumentData(apiKey)
+ $widgets(2) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
+ [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
+ ::argumentData(apiKey)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(3) [object create -alias Label]
+ $widgets(3) Name lblPackage
+ $widgets(3) Text "Package Name"
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(4) [object create -alias TextBox]
+ $widgets(4) Name txtPackage
+ $widgets(4) Text $argumentData(package)
+ $widgets(4) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
+ [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
+ ::argumentData(package)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(5) [object create -alias Label]
+ $widgets(5) Name lblPatchLevel
+ $widgets(5) Text "Package Patch Level"
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(6) [object create -alias TextBox]
+ $widgets(6) Name txtPatchLevel
+ $widgets(6) Text $argumentData(patchLevel)
+ $widgets(6) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
+ [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
+ ::argumentData(patchLevel)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(7) [object create -alias Label]
+ $widgets(7) Name lblLanguage
+ $widgets(7) Text Language
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(8) [object create -alias TextBox]
+ $widgets(8) Name txtLanguage
+ $widgets(8) Text $argumentData(language)
+ $widgets(8) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
+ [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
+ ::argumentData(language)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(9) [object create -alias Label]
+ $widgets(9) Name lblVersion
+ $widgets(9) Text Version
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(10) [object create -alias TextBox]
+ $widgets(10) Name txtVersion
+ $widgets(10) Text $argumentData(version)
+ $widgets(10) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
+ [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
+ ::argumentData(version)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(11) [object create -alias Label]
+ $widgets(11) Name lblPlatform
+ $widgets(11) Text Platform
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(12) [object create -alias TextBox]
+ $widgets(12) Name txtPlatform
+ $widgets(12) Text $argumentData(platform)
+ $widgets(12) add_TextChanged [namespace code \
+ [list textBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
+ ::argumentData(platform)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(13) [object create -alias Label]
+ $widgets(13) Name lblFileNames
+ $widgets(13) Text Files
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(14) [object create -alias ListBox]
+ $widgets(14) Name lstFileNames
+ $widgets(14) add_DoubleClick [namespace code \
+ [list listBoxEventHandler [appendArgs [namespace current] \
+ ::argumentData(fileNames)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(15) [object create -alias Button]
+ $widgets(15) Name btnSubmit
+ $widgets(15) Text Submit
+ $widgets(15) add_Click [namespace code [list submitEventHandler false]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(16) [object create -alias Button]
+ $widgets(16) Name btnClear
+ $widgets(16) Text Clear
+ $widgets(16) add_Click [namespace code [list clearEventHandler]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set horizontalMargin \
+ [expr {([$form Width] - [$form ClientSize.Width]) / 2}]
+ set verticalMargin \
+ [expr {([$form Height] - [$form ClientSize.Height]) / 2}]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set top $verticalMargin
+ foreach name [lsort -integer [array names widgets]] {
+ if {$name eq "0"} then continue
+ $widgets($name) Width [expr {
+ [$form ClientSize.Width] - ($horizontalMargin * 2)
+ }]
+ $widgets($name) Left $horizontalMargin
+ $widgets($name) Top $top
+ $form Controls.Add $widgets($name)
+ incr top [$widgets($name) Height]
+ incr top $verticalMargin
+ }
+ $form add_Closed [namespace code [list handleFormClosedEvent]]
+ $form MaximizeBox false
+ $form AutoSize true
+ $form Show
+ after 0 [list nop]; # NOTE: Needed for the [vwait].
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This procedure creates the user interface for this tool using Tcl
+ # and Tk. The existing argument data, if any, will be used to
+ # populate it. There are no arguments.
+ #
+ proc setupTkUserInterface {} {
+ variable widgets
+ package require Tk
+ catch {console show}
+ catch {wm withdraw .}; set toplevel [toplevel .uploader]
+ set widgets(toplevel) $toplevel
+ wm title $toplevel "Package Uploader Client"
+ wm minsize $toplevel 250 0
+ wm protocol $toplevel WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
+ [namespace code [list handleFormClosedEvent]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(label,apiKey) [label [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .la_apiKey] -text "API Key"]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(entry,apiKey) [entry [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .e_apiKey] -textvariable [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(apiKey)]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(label,package) [label [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .la_package] -text "Package Name"]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(entry,package) [entry [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .e_package] -textvariable [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(package)]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(label,patchLevel) [label [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .la_patchLevel] -text "Package Patch Level"]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(entry,patchLevel) [entry [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .e_patchLevel] -textvariable [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(patchLevel)]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(label,language) [label [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .la_language] -text Language]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(entry,language) [entry [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .e_language] -textvariable [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(language)]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(label,version) [label [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .la_version] -text Version]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(entry,version) [entry [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .e_version] -textvariable [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(version)]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(label,platform) [label [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .la_platform] -text Platform]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(entry,platform) [entry [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .e_platform] -textvariable [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(platform)]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(label,fileNames) [label [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .la_fileNames] -text Files]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(listbox,fileNames) [listbox [appendArgs \
+ $toplevel .li_fileNames] -listvariable [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(fileNames)]]
+ bind $widgets(listbox,fileNames) \
+ [namespace code [list listBoxEventHandler [appendArgs \
+ [namespace current] ::argumentData(fileNames)]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(button,submit) [button \
+ [appendArgs $toplevel .b_submit] -text Submit -command \
+ [namespace code [list submitEventHandler false]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ set widgets(button,clear) [button \
+ [appendArgs $toplevel .b_clear] -text Clear -command \
+ [namespace code [list clearEventHandler]]]
+ ###########################################################################
+ pack $widgets(label,apiKey) $widgets(entry,apiKey) \
+ $widgets(label,package) $widgets(entry,package) \
+ $widgets(label,patchLevel) $widgets(entry,patchLevel) \
+ $widgets(label,language) $widgets(entry,language) \
+ $widgets(label,version) $widgets(entry,version) \
+ $widgets(label,platform) $widgets(entry,platform) \
+ $widgets(label,fileNames) $widgets(listbox,fileNames) \
+ $widgets(button,submit) $widgets(button,clear) \
+ -expand true -fill both
+ pack $widgets(button,submit) $widgets(button,clear) \
+ -anchor e -expand false -fill none
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: This package requires both the package repository and downloader
+ # client packages.
+ #
+ package require Eagle.Package.Repository
+ package require Eagle.Package.Downloader
+ #
+ # NOTE: This package requires that support for namespaces, which is an
+ # optional feature of Eagle, must be enabled.
+ #
+ if {[isEagle] && ![namespace enable]} then {
+ error "namespaces must be enabled for this package"
+ }
+ #
+ # NOTE: Attempt to read optional settings file now. This may override
+ # one or more of the variable setup in the next step.
+ #
+ ::PackageRepository::maybeReadSettingsFile [info script]
+ #
+ # NOTE: Setup the variables, within this namespace, used by this package.
+ #
+ setupUploadVars
+ setupCheckoutVars
+ #
+ # NOTE: Provide the package to the interpreter.
+ #
+ package provide Eagle.Package.Uploader \
+ [expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}]
ADDED client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.asc
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.asc
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.asc
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Version: GnuPG v2
+Comment: Eagle Package Repository
ADDED client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ None
+ Mistachkin Systems
+ 0a536d27-985f-4b13-875f-b70633697684
+ SHA512
+ Script
+ 2016-12-23T23:11:47.9423828Z
+ -1.00:00:00
+ 0x9559f6017247e3e2
+ KbvBpmGJPrvnN25tiRm2EYFA2+oqYIh3y37gwDNcoEYUAq/m+AQ7R208j3EJa7XVkmDAhkM71gyq
+ I+K+BkUdKm9jiTZFw1zqLUHQa81COPGQuNO5KUkYRNwFKjowE+bOKqpfVXl30kJgkwk/GMl/73n3
+ rIpJj5KhcCAojjuZHukBJgRb8c14ZrrakyjcbtsjNlQBEZlbBE05KK+S3SWz7chG6vHflN5r/K8y
+ 2Oqdnjisa0lEGUm42ZjocDAKaiIPYP4WnveyzFYY8wHrDLWU4a6qOLYHuW77FYZpEJe9kpi024Sa
+ QYeya20rftZtSeNfUIyi/OXgc0y/073goQLhOh0/+iquPNGeHPOet9h0sHAQ8FZBNTUgvy5vYXZJ
+ 9fiua1mY9JkFAwbu8Rnny8PN6yfJ1ThfLpJcoLWMvCb66Th8jfrY388QA3JAMb0fMG9GUQYYCinX
+ E2Sub9YZBxN7lDR2pSM1Poa6Z6E1J4zlhGKYkgsJCMYN94700Z08o8YY2RwnNllrEwEyhONjhBIE
+ 3lvjtDlzQtk9Q4n04z9odbFno6RFKzzpHnHRNgVMpSf4JFQBDtgAN7zLgkmkw9COlofRIY4eBzyZ
+ DchOeWlLgfBVlT6BXulJ/XODm3SWCHdPWGutVXxH9qZ/gQmdsOEvbfUr2BOIJYlW2yRDZtr0dLm4
+ rU5tBTTs0xF45sIhVPpKyGyZ2Ve3RFAej8k/ECGVUbbUspcy1Sfy8cHrRmi+AvZl1oX3tiv5SLzT
+ qW60m959cVVcj3XWHs8Y3QReuk9gE46PjfuEkTLOJDMPU+fYrFOLO8ttmo0AVjTozGu4d2EEGmRZ
+ LfWgx/NPmWVz+W65vXNQ1cMc5jg8sy3uPBKO4brxiYl0jAUCEHIuNxyyEVb/478+kRzXfAX1Q7Im
+ BEIX5+PScn+oNNC+lrgw6PiUDAC0PEcQ6Ds/GbQDKb7CcRWoZr6dBUiJMBZoVcOc12qfoXCXw1nt
+ jHcVceAJ1diMjV9qvym6rC2/53BEiThpHnujhWYuCDaVSsNqBzhWzKl0rVX9JN0vST+RZ0Ch6plt
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ADDED client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy.asc
Index: client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy.asc
--- client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy.asc
+++ client/1.0/neutral/pkgu.eagle.harpy.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Version: GnuPG v2
+Comment: Eagle Package Repository