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Preliminary documentation for v1 of the Package Client is available [/doc/trunk/doc/v1.html here].

Below is a set of four man-page–style documents covering each core script in the Eagle “package client toolset.” They follow a Tcl SDK–style documentation format, with sections like Name, Synopsis, Description, Commands, Options, Examples, Bugs/Limitations, See Also, and Keywords. Each script—pkgr.eagle, pkgd.eagle, pkgu.eagle, and common.tcl—is documented separately.

1. pkgr.eagle — Package Repository Client


pkgr.eagle — Eagle Package Repository Client


source pkgr.eagle

(Assumes you have placed pkgr.eagle in your script library or added its directory to ::auto_path. This script can be loaded automatically by package require Eagle.Package.Repository.)


The pkgr.eagle script provides a client interface to the remote Eagle package repository. It can:

  1. Hook into Tcl’s or Eagle’s [package unknown] mechanism, so that missing packages are fetched automatically from a remote server.
  2. Download package metadata, scripts, and signatures using either [uri download] (Eagle) or [::http::geturl] (Tcl).
  3. Verify package scripts and certificates (OpenPGP or Harpy).
  4. Offer a fallback for anonymous vs. API-key–based access.

In short, it helps your application load packages on demand from a central repository, with security checks and minimal local overhead.

Primary Features


Below is a summary of the primary commands provided (or influenced) by pkgr.eagle. Most live under the ::PackageRepository namespace.

  1. setupRepositoryServerVars force
    Initializes or resets server URN variables for package lookups (e.g. lookupUrn, submitUrn, etc.).

  2. setupRepositoryUriVars force
    Initializes or resets URI variables (e.g. baseUri, lookupUri, etc.).

  3. setupPackageUnknownVars force
    Sets up defaults (API keys, hooking preferences, verbosity) for the [package unknown] mechanism.

  4. setupPackageUnknownHandler
    Optionally installs the custom [package unknown] handler that automatically fetches missing packages from the repository.

  5. packageUnknownHandler package ?version?
    The actual [package unknown] hook. Called by Tcl/Eagle if a requested package is not found locally. In turn, it attempts getPackageFromRepository.

  6. getPackageFromRepository package version caller
    The central routine that requests metadata from the remote server, verifies the script’s signature, and registers the package.

  7. processLookupMetadata metadataVarName
    Given extracted metadata (script, certificate), verifies and loads them, respecting either “Tcl” or “Eagle” language.

  8. extractAndVerifyLookupMetadata result varName caller
    Parses the raw repository response, checks name/patchLevel/language/script/certificate, and stores them into varName.

  9. probeForOpenPgpInstallation, openPgpMustBeInstalled
    Check for GPG/gnupg presence and appropriate version.

  10. verifyOpenPgpSignature fileName
    Returns a boolean indicating if the specified OpenPGP signature file is valid.

... and many more utility procedures like isEagle, eagleMustBeReady, makeEagleReady, stringIsList, formatResult, etc.



# Basic usage in Eagle:
package require Eagle.Package.Repository

# Automatic hooking:
::PackageRepository::setupPackageUnknownVars false

# Now [package require SomeRemotePackage] will fetch from the remote repo.


  1. Strict security: By default, unknown scripts must have valid signatures (OpenPGP or Harpy). This can fail if gpg is not installed or if the signature is missing/invalid.
  2. Non-automatic: While it can be automatic, you must ensure your environment is configured properly (auto_path, hooking, etc.).
  3. Limited OS checks: Some logic (like IPv6 vs. IPv4 forcing) is partial and may not handle all edge cases.



Packages, Repository, Eagle, Tcl, Download, [package unknown], OpenPGP, Harpy, Signing

2. pkgd.eagle — Package Downloader Client


pkgd.eagle — Eagle Package Downloader Client


source pkgd.eagle

(Often invoked via package require Eagle.Package.Downloader.)


pkgd.eagle focuses on downloading package files from a remote server, optionally persisting them, verifying signatures, and bridging them into Tcl or Eagle interpreters. It also handles some multi-language awareness: e.g., an Eagle script can fetch .tcl packages and vice versa (with the help of Garuda on Tcl or tclMustBeReady in Eagle).

Key Capabilities

  1. Download: Using getPackageFile or downloadFiles with either standard [http] or [uri download].
  2. Signature checks: OpenPGP or Harpy.
  3. Persistent vs. Temporary: Files can be placed in a permanent directory or a temporary one.
  4. Auto-path modifications**: If -useAutoPath is true, newly downloaded directories get appended to the auto-path.


All commands reside in ::PackageDownloader:

  1. downloadFiles language version platform fileNames options
    Downloads a list of files from the package server.

    • -persistent: store them permanently.
    • -usePgp: enable signature verification.
    • -useAutoPath: add directories containing the downloaded files to ::auto_path.
  2. downloadOneFile language version platform fileName localFileName usePgp
    A low-level routine for fetching a single file and verifying if usePgp is set.

  3. resetCookieAndLogin userName password / logoutAndResetCookie
    Handles session cookies for private or public logins to the remote file server.

  4. probeForOpenPgpInstallation, openPgpMustBeInstalled
    Similar to pkgr.eagle, ensures GPG is present.

  5. maybeAddToAutoPath language directory
    Appends a directory to the auto-path for the specified language (Tcl or Eagle) if it’s not already present.

  6. getLookupData, extractAndVerifyLookupMetadata, etc.
    Utility procedures for internal or advanced usage.



package require Eagle.Package.Downloader

# Download a single file in Eagle:
::PackageDownloader::downloadOneFile eagle 1.0 neutral \
    mypkg.eagle /tmp/mypkg.eagle true

# Download multiple, persist, and auto-path them:
::PackageDownloader::downloadFiles tcl 8.6 "" {pkgIndex.tcl README.txt} {
    -persistent true
    -useAutoPath true
    -usePgp true


  1. Cross-language bridging: Relies on Eagle’s [tclMustBeReady] or Tcl’s [eagleMustBeReady].
  2. File collisions: If -allowUpdate is false, existing files cause errors.
  3. Security: Temp directories must be local and not shared with untrusted processes.



Downloader, Eagle, Tcl, Packages, HTTP, GPG, auto-path

3. pkgu.eagle — Package Uploader Client


pkgu.eagle — Eagle Package Uploader Client


source pkgu.eagle

(Often invoked via package require Eagle.Package.Uploader.)


pkgu.eagle manages uploading (staging and committing) new packages into a Fossil-based “package file server” and then submitting metadata to the remote repository. It expects:

Key Capabilities

  1. Stage new package files in the local Fossil checkout (stagePackageFiles).
  2. Commit them with a custom branch name (commitPackageFiles).
  3. Generate a repository script that references those newly committed files.
  4. Submit the script and signature to the remote server (submitPackageMetadata).


Namespace: ::PackageUploader

  1. stagePackageFiles language version platform fileNames

    • Verifies no local pending changes, correct project/branch.
    • Copies the given files into packages/<lang>/<version>/<platform> in the Fossil checkout.
    • Runs fossil add, signs them with OpenPGP/Harpy.
  2. commitPackageFiles package patchLevel language version varName

    • Fossil commit with a message referencing the package name, patch level, language, and local checkout ID.
    • If success, stores the new checkin ID in varName.
  3. createRepositoryScript serverId versionId language version platform fileNames options

    • Produces an inline Eagle script that can be used by the repository client to download these newly staged files.
  4. submitPackageMetadata apiKey package patchLevel language script certificate

    • POSTs a multipart form to the repository’s “submit” endpoint, telling it about the newly available package version.
  5. getCheckoutDirectory, verifyCheckoutDirectory

    • Ensures the local Fossil repo is present and valid.
  6. fossilMustBeInstalled, verifyThereAreNoChanges, verifyThisIsTheCorrectProject, verifyThisIsTheCorrectBranch

    • Housekeeping checks for Fossil usage.



package require Eagle.Package.Uploader

# Stage & commit a new package version:
set files [list /path/to/MyPkg.eagle /path/to/pkgIndex.eagle]
::PackageUploader::stagePackageFiles eagle 1.0 win64-x64 $files
::PackageUploader::commitPackageFiles MyPkg 1.2 Eagle 1.0 checkinId

# Submit the repository script to the remote server:
set script [::PackageUploader::createRepositoryScript "" $checkinId \
    "eagle" "1.0" "win64-x64" $files {}]
set cert [readFile [append $tmpScriptFileName ".asc"]]
::PackageUploader::submitPackageMetadata $apiKey MyPkg 1.2 Eagle $script $cert


  1. Fossil only: Expects a Fossil SCM–based server. No Git, SVN, etc.
  2. Branch merges: By default, this script sets/updates a special branch like pkg_<name>_<version>. Merging that branch back to trunk might need manual steps.
  3. Network and TLS compile options in Eagle must be present.



Uploader, Eagle, Tcl, Fossil, Packages, Signing, OpenPGP, Harpy

4. common.tcl — Common Tools for Native Tcl HTTP/HTTPS


common.tcl — Shared HTTP and logging utilities for native Tcl


source common.tcl

(Often loaded automatically by pkgd.eagle or pkgr.eagle if running in native Tcl mode.)


common.tcl is a script of shared procedures for native Tcl use. It does not load in Eagle. The code checks [package present Eagle] and errors if found. Its main tasks are:

  1. HTTP: Safe HTTP GET, handling redirects, progress indicators, optional forced HTTPS.
  2. TLS fallback**: If tls is present, can forcibly upgrade http:// to https://.
  3. Logging: Utilities like pageLog, pageOut, pageProgress.
  4. Binary I/O: e.g., writeFile, makeBinaryChannel.


Namespace: ::Eagle::Tools::Common (though intended for pure Tcl usage).

  1. getFileViaHttp uri redirectLimit channel quiet ?args?
    • The main procedure for retrieving remote content with [http::geturl].
    • Honors variables like forceSecureUri, mustHaveTls, allowInsecureRedirect.
  2. appendArgs args, writeFile fileName data
    • Minor I/O helpers.
  3. pageOut channel string, pageLog string
    • Logging or progress output to the console/log system.
  4. pageProgress channel type milliseconds
    • Repeatedly writes a small progress character every milliseconds.
  5. setupCommonVariables force
    • Configures defaults (TLS usage, verbosity, timeouts).



package require http
source common.tcl

# Download a file to memory:
set data [::Eagle::Tools::Common::getFileViaHttp \
    "" 5 stdout false -binary true]

# Write it out:
::Eagle::Tools::Common::writeFile "/tmp/file.txt" $data


  1. Only for Native Tcl: Exits if [package present Eagle] succeeds.
  2. tls versions differ across platforms: if tls is buggy or missing, set allowInsecureUri.
  3. No Automatic IPv6: Forces IPv4 for Tcl 8.6 in certain conditions.



HTTP, HTTPS, Tcl, Download, Logging, TLS

Final Note on Usage

Generally: 1. pkgr.eagle is the client that intercepts [package unknown] for auto-download. 2. pkgd.eagle is the lower-level downloader script (explicit). 3. pkgu.eagle is the uploader script for staging/committing with Fossil. 4. common.tcl provides shared HTTP/TLS progress logic (only for native Tcl).

These scripts are designed to work together to manage the complete lifecycle of fetching, verifying, and publishing packages for Eagle or Tcl. Each is documented with best-practice Tcl man-page style sections, as presented here.